North Santa Monica Mountains Project rejected by County
On March 27th, 2007 the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors roundly rejected attempts to pave over sensitive streams and endangered plants. Triangle Ranch had threatened to destroy imperiled plants, heritage oaks, and important wildlife linkages.
Your voice made a difference! Center members and biodiversity activists generated more than 735 emails to the LA Board of Supervisors. Several speakers emphasized the importance of maintaining conservation protection. With your support, the Supervisors voted to deny the Triangle Ranch project as proposed and keep strong protections for sensitive ecosystems in the Santa Monica Mountains.
The Center for Biological Diversity will continue to work for wildlife protections in southern California by fighting projects that destroy wildlife and advocating for stronger conservation. Now more than ever, we will focus on oversight of the irresponsible sprawl encroaching on our urban wildlands to protect wildlife for future generations of Californians. With your help we can continue to make a difference.
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The Center for Biological Diversity is a national nonprofit conservation organization with more than 35,000 members dedicated to the protection of endangered species and habitat. www.biologicaldiversity.org
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