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Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Poll Shows Public Loves Oak-Covered Clover Valley


Rocklin Poll: No To Clover Valley Project

The City of Rocklin, Placer County has released the final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Clover Valley project, setting the stage for the most rancorous Sierra foothills oak woodlands confrontation since Bickford Ranch in 2001.

Clover Valley is a steep-sloped, two-mile long valley located in Rocklin. For a decade developers have proposed a new urban vision for the 622 acres of oak-covered hillsides, with the latest subdivision incarnation proposing the removal of at least 7,400 old growth blue, black, interior live and valley oaks.

Local and regional organizations like Save Clover Valley, Clover Valley Foundation, United Auburn Indian Community, Sierra Club Motherlode Chapter, Placer Land Trust and others, have an alternative vision: Protecting and preserving in perpetuity one of the last spectacular landscapes in western Placer County by conserving scenic values and wildlife habitat in the area between the cities of Loomis, Rocklin, Lincoln and the rest of Placer County.

A recent survey conducted by Sacramento based polling service Capitol Campaigns and partners Viewpoint USA of Madison, Connecticut found that Rocklin voters would support a referendum to stop development of Clover Valley.

About 400 registered Rocklin voters were asked in May if they would support stopping development of the 622 acre project site. Sixty four percent of those polled said they would definitely or probably support the referendum, while 14 percent were undecided.

Capitol Campaigns owner and chief consultant Bryan DeBlonk said those most likely to support a referendum to block development were long time residents of Rocklin, those 65 years of age or older and frequent voters.

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