NEW PARKS: 1/1/2000 TO 9/30/2011
mattole wcb 2003-05.JPG—HUMB AND MENDO, 450 acres
acquired 120 acres
transferred more than 500 acres to public agencies
protected more than 1,100 acres of redwood forestlands valued at $8 million and transferred 831 acres to state or national
parks, reserves and federal wilderness
parks, reserves and federal wilderness
298 acres at mouth of Klamath River
46 acres within Humboldt Redwoods State Park
160 acres next to King Range
160 acres transferred to Montgomery Woods State Natural Reserve
20 acre CE at Soda Springs in Sonoma County
1431 acre CE in Trinity County—Grizzly Mtn Ranch
12,000 acres transferred to community forest in Trinity Co
160 acres in Trinity Alps—in Trinity County
big river wcb 2002-02.jpg, 7337 acres fee, (Now Mendocino Headlands state park)
7334 acres
by CC, SP and WCB-- 12-5-2001, bought from Hawthorne
Timber--$$6,500,000 to the Mendocino Land Trust, including a $1,000,000
grant to the Conservancy from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to
acquire the 7,300-acre Big River property in Mendocino County.
-2001--$1,532,500 to the Mendocino Land Trust toward acquisition of the
Big River Property in Mendocino County.
9-2002 – A coalition of state, federal and private interests joined forces to acquire 7,334 acres of land along the Big River in Mendocino County – encompassing the longest undeveloped, unprotected estuary in Northern California – to become the newest addition to the California State Park System. The acquisition by State Parks was officially recognized at a dedication ceremony Saturday, Sept. 28, at Big River Beach, east of the Big River Bridge immediately south of the village of Mendocino. The $25.6-million acquisition was accomplished with about $16.1 million in state funds, including money from Proposition 12, the parks bond act approved by voters in 2000; about $7.3 million in private donations secured by Mendocino Land Trust, Inc., a local non-profit organization; and about $2.2 million in federal funds, including $1 million in transportation funds administered by the California Department of Transportation. The seller was the Hawthorne Timber Company.
Big river map:
The California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) will hold a hearing to hear comments on its proposal to acquire up to ± 7,400 acres of land in the Big River drainage of Mendocino County. DPR intends to add the land to the State Park System. This acquisition would place the entire 8.3-mile tidal reach of Big River and the forested area around it within public ownership. To the north the property borders on Jackson State Forest, Mendocino Woodlands State Park, and private lands, to the east by lands of Hawthorne Timber Company, to the south by private lands along Comptche-Ukiah Road, and to the west by Mendocino Headlands State Park. Second-growth redwood forest covers most of the upland property, with some wetlands and pockets of hardwoods interspersed. The 8.3-mile long estuary of Big River is scenically and biologically outstanding, and it provides recreation opportunities for hikers, mountain bikers, paddleboaters, wildlife watchers and others. Despite heavy logging, the Big River system supports spawning runs of coho salmon and/or steelhead throughout its basin. Juvenile fish use the extensive estuary as crucial rearing habitat, and a higher-than-average return rate of spawning adult fish in the Big River system has been the result. No one resides on the property, but there is a working aggregate quarry along the river that can be seen from the Highway 1 bridge. Operators of the quarry will cease operation by close of escrow and begin reclaiming the property under conditions of their permits. Two local private land trusts, Trust for Wildland Communities and Mendocino Land Trust, have taken the lead on acquiring the property and have raised substantial funds from private sources. Public agencies including the Coastal Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Board, DPR, and others will also contribute major sums. The Hawthorne Timber Company, a division of Campbell Timberland Management, currently owns the property. Parks Comission Minutes 10-12-2002 --Acquisitions – Several new acquisitions were made possible by Proposition 12 and Proposition 40 bond funds. State Parks recently completed an acquisition of more than 7,000 acres at Big River in Mendocino County. These 7,000 acres encompass the largest undeveloped, unprotected estuary in Northern California. This was a $25.6 million purchase made possible with funds from a variety of sources, including private monies and funds from other departments, and $1 million in federal funds.
9-2002 – A coalition of state, federal and private interests joined forces to acquire 7,334 acres of land along the Big River in Mendocino County – encompassing the longest undeveloped, unprotected estuary in Northern California – to become the newest addition to the California State Park System. The acquisition by State Parks was officially recognized at a dedication ceremony Saturday, Sept. 28, at Big River Beach, east of the Big River Bridge immediately south of the village of Mendocino. The $25.6-million acquisition was accomplished with about $16.1 million in state funds, including money from Proposition 12, the parks bond act approved by voters in 2000; about $7.3 million in private donations secured by Mendocino Land Trust, Inc., a local non-profit organization; and about $2.2 million in federal funds, including $1 million in transportation funds administered by the California Department of Transportation. The seller was the Hawthorne Timber Company.
Big river map:
The California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) will hold a hearing to hear comments on its proposal to acquire up to ± 7,400 acres of land in the Big River drainage of Mendocino County. DPR intends to add the land to the State Park System. This acquisition would place the entire 8.3-mile tidal reach of Big River and the forested area around it within public ownership. To the north the property borders on Jackson State Forest, Mendocino Woodlands State Park, and private lands, to the east by lands of Hawthorne Timber Company, to the south by private lands along Comptche-Ukiah Road, and to the west by Mendocino Headlands State Park. Second-growth redwood forest covers most of the upland property, with some wetlands and pockets of hardwoods interspersed. The 8.3-mile long estuary of Big River is scenically and biologically outstanding, and it provides recreation opportunities for hikers, mountain bikers, paddleboaters, wildlife watchers and others. Despite heavy logging, the Big River system supports spawning runs of coho salmon and/or steelhead throughout its basin. Juvenile fish use the extensive estuary as crucial rearing habitat, and a higher-than-average return rate of spawning adult fish in the Big River system has been the result. No one resides on the property, but there is a working aggregate quarry along the river that can be seen from the Highway 1 bridge. Operators of the quarry will cease operation by close of escrow and begin reclaiming the property under conditions of their permits. Two local private land trusts, Trust for Wildland Communities and Mendocino Land Trust, have taken the lead on acquiring the property and have raised substantial funds from private sources. Public agencies including the Coastal Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Board, DPR, and others will also contribute major sums. The Hawthorne Timber Company, a division of Campbell Timberland Management, currently owns the property. Parks Comission Minutes 10-12-2002 --Acquisitions – Several new acquisitions were made possible by Proposition 12 and Proposition 40 bond funds. State Parks recently completed an acquisition of more than 7,000 acres at Big River in Mendocino County. These 7,000 acres encompass the largest undeveloped, unprotected estuary in Northern California. This was a $25.6 million purchase made possible with funds from a variety of sources, including private monies and funds from other departments, and $1 million in federal funds.
big river wcb 2006-08.jpg, 16,000 acres fee, to be owned by the Conservation Fund
16,000 acres
by CC and WCB-2006, bought from Hawthorne Timber• contributed $7¼
million toward The Conservation Fund’s purchase of two forested
properties totaling more than 16,000 acres in the watersheds of Big
River and Salmon Creek. TCF will manage the properties as working
forests but will harvest timber at sustainable levels for improved
forest structure, water quality, and wildlife habitat. (June 29) 6-29-06
Big River and Salmon Creek, Mendocino County
eel river peninsula wcb 2011-06.jpg, 8544 acres CE, near Willits
gualala river-wcb 2011-02.jpg, 13,913 acres CE
longview-garcia river wcb 2004-08.jpg, 23,780 acres, to be owned by the Conservation Fund
23,780 acres
by CC and WCB, bought from Coastal Timberlands--2003--A $10 million
award from the Conservancy provided a huge boost to The Conservation
Fund's purchase of over 23,500 acres of forested land in the Garcia
River watershed . TCF will manage the property to protect important
habitat for salmon and steelhead trout and provide an innovative
demonstration project for sustainable forestry in the North Coast.
12-11-2003-- Coastal Forestlands, Ltd. properties in the Garcia River
mattole wcb 2003-11.jpg, 965 acres fee
montgomery woods wcb 2005-11.JPG, 1116 acres
acres by CC and WCB-2005-provided $500,000 to Save-the-Redwoods League
to acquire and transfer to California State Parks 1,240 acres for
expansion of Montgomery Woods State Reserve and to provide watershed
protection and restoration opportunities for two salmon-bearing
tributaries of the South Fork Big River. 10-27-05 Montgomery Woods
State Reserve
montgomery woods wcb 2008-02.jpg, 160 acres fee
--160 acres by WCB 2-20-2008: Montgomery Woods, Expansion 1, $255,000, Mendocino County, ten miles northwest of Ukiah.
ridgewood ranch wcb 5-25-06.JPG, 1700 acres CE
stornetta ranch wcb 2003-08.jpg, 1201 acres fee and 560 acres CE
acres and 560 acre conservation easement by CC and WCB-6-4-2003--The
Conservancy contributed $4.5 million to the federal Bureau of Land
Management's efforts to acquire fee and conservation-easement interests
in over 1,700 acres of the Stornetta Brothers Coastal Ranch adjacent to
Manchester State Park. The acquisition will protect the natural
environment and prime farmland, preserve the scenic corridor along State
Highway 1, and expand public access opportunities. The owner will
retain a portion of the ranch and have use of almost 600 acres protected
by a conservation easement, allowing the ranch's continued operation.
usal forest wcb 2011-07.jpg, 45,576 acres CE, land is owned by the Redwood Forest Foundaion
acre Usal forest: Redwood Forests Foundation Now Owns 50,000 Acres in
Mendocino County Between Coast and 101 Freeway; Bought from Timber
Company with Help from Bank of America
426 acres—Noyo River
957 acres at Shady Dell (Usal Forest portion)
125 acres by CC-2006• provided $30,000 to
the Sonoma Land Trust for pre-acquisition planning, including a beach
access and trail study, for the Cuffey's Cove Property just north of
Elk. The 125-acre property contains four miles of coastline, several
sandy beaches, the site of a former logging town, and a potential route
for the Coastal Trail. (November 9)
35 acres by CC-2005• provided Fort Bragg
with $4.2 million to acquire 35 acres of waterfront headlands on the
former Georgia-Pacific mill site. The Conservancy has been working with
the City on plans for restoration and reuse of the site, which G-P
closed in 2002. The site is located in the heart of the City and
contains about one-third of its total area and nearly all of its coastal
waterfront. 5-18-05 disburse up to $4,165,000 to the City of Fort Bragg
-2005• provided $140,000 for construction
of a beach stairway and other access improvements at the Westport
Headlands, about 25 miles north of Fort Bragg. The Conservancy had
earlier granted the Westport Village Society over $700,000 for the
property’s purchase.
2 acres by CC-2004--provided $250,000 for a
two-acre addition to the Hearn Gulch Headlands south of Point Arena.
The addition will greatly assist public access to the neighboring beach
and headlands purchased by the Redwood Coast Land Conservancy in 2001.
6-30-04 Hearn Gulch Headlands
-2003--The Conservancy provided over
$800,000 to the Mendocino County Resource Conservation District for
projects in the watershed of the Navarro River designed to improve
habitat for salmon and steelhead trout, replace invasive plants with
native species, and involve private landowners in efforts to restore the
river’s habitat.
38 acres by CC-9-28- and
10-31-2002--Disbursement of $325,000 in Conservancy funds and $2,500,000
in Caltrans funds to California State Parks for acquisition of
approximately 38 acres known as Glass Beach in the City of Fort Bragg,
Mendocino County.
by CC 6-27-2002--$20,000 to the Pacific
Forest Trust for an appraisal of a proposed conservation easement on the
McMullin Trust property, Mendocino County.
by CC 10-25-2001--$ $274,000 to the City of
Fort Bragg for acquisition of two public access easements appurtenant
to the City's South Noyo Bluffs property in Mendocino County for public
access and open space.
83 acres by CC 10-25-2001-- approval of the
Albion Headlands Conceptual Enhancement Plan, and authorization to
disburse up to $5,211,000 to the Trust For Public Land to acquire the
83-acre Albion Headlands property in Mendocino County.
6.5 acres by CC-8-2-2001--$180,000 to the
Coastal Land Trust for the acquisition of approximately 6.5 acres
adjacent to Seaside Beach in Mendocino County. 2-19-04 Seaside Beach
and Meadow
15,5 acres by CC-6-25-2001--$$432,000 in
Conservancy funds, along with $1,031,000 in Caltrans TEA funds, to the
City of Fort Bragg for acquisition of approximately 15.5 acres known as
the Noyo Bluffs in Mendocino County, for public access and recreation.
3.5 acres by CC- 6-25-2001--$$320,000 to
the Redwood Coast Land Conservancy for acquisition of approximately
three and one-half acres known as the Hearn Gulch Beach and Headlands in
Mendocino County for public access, recreation, and open space and
scenic protection purposes, and for initial planning and management
tasks. In conjunction with this award, the Conservancy authorized
acceptance of federal Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA)
Program grant funds.
-2001--The Conservancy authorized transfer
of its possession and control of the Point Cabrillo Light Station on the
Mendocino County coast to the California Department of Parks and
Recreation pursuant to a Property Disposition Plan, Memorandum of
Understanding and Public Use Guidelines previously approved by the
4 acres by CC-4-26-2001--$$550,000 to the
City of Fort Bragg to acquire the four-acre South Noyo Bluffs property
near Fort Bragg, Mendocino County, and to develop a management plan for
this and the adjacent 19-acre property.
71 acres by CC 5/25 & 8/2/2000-- $1.5 million for the Caspar Headlands near Fort Bragg,
9 acres by CC 5-25-2000-- disburse up to
$727,700 to the Westport Village Society for acquisition and initial
management of approximately nine acres known as the Westport Headlands,
Mendocino County.
Consideration and possible Conservancy approval of the Sinkyone
Wilderness State Park Road Restoration negative declaration, and
authorization to disburse up to $655,000 to the Mendocino County
Resources Conservation District to complete the decommissioning of 44
miles of abandoned roads in the Sinkyone Wilderness State Park.
2-19-04 Authorization to expand the scope
of Conservancy-funded enhancement activities in the Mattole River
watershed, in southern Humboldt and northern Mendocino Counties, to
include implementation of upslope habitat-improvement projects.
64 acres of coastal dunes at Mackerricher State Park by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
5.6 acres, at Hare Beach in Fort Bragg
640 acres on the north flank of Leech Lake Mountain in the inner coastal range and the Eel River Watershed
200 acres in Mendocino co.
163 acres in Mendocino co
401 acres bought by SRL, and managed by the Coastal Land Trust
92 acres at Fort Bragg
5832 acre Spy Rock ranch
464-acre Smith Tract portion of the Ten Mile Ranch
12 acres Fort Bragg
74 access easements in Mendo
8 acres added to Jug Handle state reserve; 45 acres added to McKerricher SP; and 210 acres added to Sinkyone Wilderness SP
arcata wcb 2011-09.jpg, 114 acres fee
six rivers-sunnybrae wcb 2006-08.JPG, 175 acres
acres by CC and WCB-2006• provided $358,000 to the City of Arcata for
its acquisition of the 175-acre Sunny Brae property on the City’s
southeast border. The forested land contains spawning habitat for coho
salmon and steelhead and cutthroat trout and offers sites for hiking
trails and other recreational opportunities. (March 2) 3-2-06 Sunny Brae
68 acres by CC-2006• provided $921,000 to
the City of Arcata for its purchase of 68 acres and restoration of 82
acres of the Arcata Baylands. The funding supports the City’s long-term
efforts to protect and restore natural lands on the northern shores of
Humboldt Bay. The Conservancy’s funding was available from a U.S. Fish
& Wildlife Service National Coastal Wetlands Conservation grant.
(June 29) 6-29-06 Arcata Baylands, Humboldt County.
92 acres by CC-2006• granted $525,000 to
the Friends of the Dunes Land Trust and $300,000 to the Manila Community
Services District to acquire two properties totaling 92 acres on the
North Spit of Humboldt Bay. The oceanfront properties contain a variety
of natural habitats and offer opportunities for new public trails.
Friends of the Dunes plans to convert an existing residence to a
visitors center on one of the properties. (June 29)
54 acres by CC-2005• provided $255,000 to
the Northcoast Regional Land Trust for its purchase of the 54-acre
Freshwater Farms property between Eureka and Arcata. The Land Trust will
restore most of the seasonally flooded property to tidal wetlands for
the benefit of salmon, steelhead, and cutthroat trout. 1-27-05
Freshwater Farms
6 acres by CC and WCB-2005• contributed
$500,000 toward the Bureau of Land Management’s acquisition of the
six-acre Lighthouse Ranch at the south end of Humboldt Bay. The purchase
protected a highly scenic property and provides a central hub for
visitor services and management of more than 9,000 acres of public lands
in the area. 3-10-05 Lighthouse Ranch
humb bay wcb 2005-02.JPG, 6 acres fee
322 acres by CC and WCB-2004--provided the
City of Arcata with $750,000 for its purchase of the 322-acre Bayview
Ranch in the Jacoby Creek/Gannon Slough Enhancement Area on Humboldt
Bay. The city and its partners will improve the property’s habitat for
fish and other wildlife, while allowing livestock grazing to continue on
a portion of the property. 6-30-04 Bayview Ranch
jacoby wcb 2004-08.jpg, 322 acres fee
206 acres by CC- 4-25-2002--The Conservancy
authorized acceptance of $399,000 from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife
Service and disbursement of $841,000 to the Center for Natural Lands
Management for acquisition of the 206-acre Buggy Club Properties on
Humboldt Bay’s North Spit, for the purposes of restoration and public
74 acres by CC-2-22-2001--$$657,500 to the
McKinleyville Land Trust for acquisition and initial management of
approximately 74 acres known as the Hiller West Property on the North
Spit in Humboldt County.
173 acres by CC-1-27-05 Consideration and
possible Conservancy authorization to disburse funds to the Friends of
the Dunes Land Trust for the acquisition of interests in the 173-acre
Poovey property on the North Spit of Humboldt Bay, and up to $15,000 to
prepare a management plan for public access on the property.
38 acres by CC-6-29-06 Consideration and
possible Conservancy authorization to disburse an amount up to $525,000
to the Friends of the Dunes Land Trust to conduct pre-acquisition
activities and to acquire a portion of the Stamps property on the North
Spit of Humboldt Bay
54 acres by CC-6-29-06 Consideration and
possible Conservancy authorization to disburse up to $300,000 to the
Manila Community Services District to acquire the Celestre property on
the North Spit of Humboldt Bay.
53 acres by WCB 5-22-2008:. Humboldt Bay
Coastal Reserve, Expansions 2 and 3, $495,000, located west of State
Highway 255, southwest of Arcata, in Humboldt County.
humboldt bay wcb 2008-05.jpg, exp 2-3, 53 acres fee
120 acres by WCB 5-22-2008 at Jacoby Creek
Forest, Expansion 4, $509,000, a grant to the City of Arcata for land
approximately seven miles southeast of the City of Arcata, in Humboldt
jacoby wcb 2008-05.jpg, exp 4, 120 acres fee
40 acres—Eureka
16.3 acres-Arcata comm. Forest
some type of CE for McKay tract in Humboldt co—7500 acres
36 acres—Elk river
15 acres at Humboldt Bay,
600-acre South Spit—Humboldt Bay
15 ac OTD in Eureka
eureka slough wcb 2005-02.JPG, transfer 4 acres from DFG to USFWS
jacoby wcb 2002-11.jpg, exp 1 & 5, 285.7 and 150 acres fee
jacoby wcb 2001-11.jpg, 10 acres CE
jacoby wcb 2002-02.jpg, exp 3-4, 25 and 49 acres fee
jacoby wcb 2003-02.jpg, exp 2, 65 acres fee
jacoby wcb 2004-02.JPG, exp 3, 20 acres fee
humb bay wcb 2001-11.jpg, 598 acres fee
humb bay wcb 2007-02.jpg, 27.3 acres fee
humb bay wcb 2007-05.jpg, 38 acres fee
humb bay wcb 2007-08.jpg, exp 1, 23 acres fee
humboldt cnc wcb 2009-05.jpg, nature center construction
humboldt cnc wcb 2009-11.jpg
mad river wcb 2007-02.jpg, 40 acres fee
1500 acre conservation easement by CC-2006•
provided the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection with
$1 million toward its purchase of a conservation easement on the
1,500-acre Valley View Ranch in Petrolia on the north fork of the
Mattole River. The easement will allow grazing and timber production to
continue on the property, subject to restrictions that will protect
wildlife habitat and allow for sustainable timber harvests. 11-9-2006
Valley View Ranch.
Valley View CE in Petrolia
valley view wcb 2008-02.jpg, 1532 acres CE
319 acres by CC-4-25-2002--$1,231,250 to
the Northcoast Regional Land Trust to acquire 319 acres of forested
land, the 3Vs Vista Ridge Grove Corridor property, along Baker Creek in
the Mattole River watershed on the Humboldt/Mendocino county border
225 acres by CC-4-26-2001--$1,008,000 to
The Conservation Fund to acquire the 225-acre Lost Coast Ranch on the
Humboldt County Coast.
180 acres by CC and WCB-12-5-2001--$962,000
to The Conservation Fund to acquire the180-acre Barri Ranch on the Lost
Coast Headlands in Humboldt County.
lost coast headlands wcb 2002-02.jpg, 183 acres fee
mattole wcb 2001-11.jpg, exp 10, 40 acres fee
redwoods to the sea wcb 2005-11.JPG-- Save
the Redwoods League trades 1200 acres purchased with state $$ to
Stansberry, who gives 1200 acres to SRL and puts CE on 4000 acres of his
444 acres by CC and WCB-5-24-07
Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $250,000 to
the Western Rivers Conservancy to acquire the Ambrosini Dairy Property
(Riverside Ranch) along the Salt River and Eel River Estuary in Humboldt
County. CC-2007• provided $300,000 to Humboldt County to prepare an
enhancement plan for the watershed of the Salt River, a tributary to
the Eel River Estuary. Primary goals of the plan are to reduce erosion
in the river’s upper watershed, reduce and better manage flooding in the
estuary, and improve habitat for trout and salmon throughout the
watershed. The plan will consider strategic use of the 450-acre
Riverside Ranch, located within the estuary and planned for purchase by
the Department of Fish and Game.
eel river wcb 2007-05.jpg, 443 acres fee
1280 acre conservation easement by CC and
WCB-2005• provided $1 million for the California Department of Forestry
and Fire Protection’s acquisition of a conservation easement on the
1,280-acre Price Creek Ranch west of Rio Dell. The easement will protect
the property’s natural habitats while allowing sustainable grazing and
timber harvesting. Price Creek Ranch Price Creek Ranch Price Creek Ranch GREAT MAPS
price creek wcb 5-25-06.JPG, 1280 acres CE
3640 acre conservation easement by CC and
WCB-6-27-2002--$1,151,750 to The Pacific Forest Trust to help acquire a
conservation easement on the 3,640-acre Howe Creek Ranch, in the Eel
River Watershed, Humboldt County.
howe creek wcb 2002-05.jpg, 3640 acres CE
2 ½ miles of beachfront at Eel River
grizzly creek wcb 2003-09.jpg, 691 acres fee, in Eel river watershed
six rivers-Iaqua wcb 2006-02.jpg, 4747 acres CE, in Eel river watershed
108 acres by CC--2004--contributed $627,000
for the Northcoast Regional Land Trust’s purchase of the 108-acre
McNamara Ranch in Orick. The purchase will protect and allow for the
improvement of wildlife habitat along lower Redwood Creek while
preserving grazing land that will be leased to local farmers. -6-30-04
McNamara Ranch
39 acres by CC-7-16-07 Consideration and
possible Conservancy authorization to disburse an amount not to exceed
$275,000 to the Save-the-Redwoods League for acquisition of the 39-acre
Broussard property adjacent to Freshwater Lagoon in Humboldt County
95 acres by SP--2-2002-Map of Barnum trust sale to Humboldt redwoods state park:
160 acres by SP--Map of Humboldt lagoons state park additions:
5-12-06 parks comm.—Possible Big Lagoon
Casino Compact – The Director called the Commission’s attention to
photos of the Big Lagoon area they had before them. She described the
property’s location in northern Humboldt County, the area’s vast natural
resources and pristine condition, and the extensive investment that had
already been made to establish public ownership of land in this area.
The Director then explained that a casino development had been proposed
by a federally-recognized Indian tribe that owns a 20-acre parcel within
the area. Director Coleman noted that the local Indian tribe had for
some time wished to construct a casino on the Big Lagoon site, but that
they had faced strong opposition from the State of California. The
Director explained that this opposition eventually led to a court of law
and the conclusion that the state had no legal right to oppose the
project. She further explained that during the Davis administration a
compact had been developed that would allow the Big Lagoon tribe to
instead construct a casino in Barstow, California, where there is no
federally-recognized tribe, in conjunction with another compact that had
been developed for a second tribe that also wished to build a casino
but had no practical location for doing so. Director Coleman noted that
the Schwarzenegger administration had continued to develop and support
these compacts, which must be ratified by the legislature prior to
adoption and implementation. Director Coleman noted that state Senator
Wesley Chesbro had introduced legislation to ratify the compacts. She
added that the compacts represented a creative solution on the part of
both the Schwarzenegger and Davis administrations, and that the effort
to adopt the compacts deserved the commissioners’ support. Commissioner
Cotchett asked about the current status of the proposed legislation.
Director Coleman replied that sufficient votes to the support the bill
did not necessarily exist in the Senate, and that the bill had therefore
been amended in the Assembly in the hope of gaining support there.
Commissioner Cotchett asked if the Big Lagoon tribe would retain rights
to the property at Big Lagoon if a casino was built elsewhere. The
Director explained that the compact contained an agreement by the tribe
to relinquish future development rights at Big Lagoon, though they would
retain the existing residences on the site. She added that the tribe
has a legal right to construct a hotel and a Class 2 casino on the Big
Lagoon site, but that the tribe’s expressed preference is to develop a
hotel and a Class 3 casino elsewhere.
39 acres at Freshwater Lagoon,
77 acres in Orick
167 acres added to Benbow Lake SRA; 36.5
acres added to Grizzly Creek Redwoods SP; 215 acres added to Humboldt
Redwoods SP; 1165 acres added to John DeWitt Redwoods SP; 51 acres added
to Richardson Grove SP; 281 acres added to Humboldt Lagoons SP
(possible overlap with above); 12 acres added to Patrick's Point SP;
5/5/2003--State Parks Completes Acquisition Of Redway Parcel in Humboldt County
California State Parks today announced its acquisition of a heavily-wooded, 581-acre parcel overlooking the community of Redway and the south fork of the Eel River. Purchase of the parcel from the Pacific Lumber Company (PALCO) adds to State Parks’ existing forested holdings in the area, as well as addresses efforts by local residents to preserve the property. The property is adjacent to State Parks’ John B. Dewitt Redwoods State Reserve, and contains stands of Douglas fir and redwood, including some old growth redwood. The new land will be managed in the same manner as surrounding state property. Steve Horvitz, Eel River Sector Superintendent will have management responsibility. The acquisition was made with the assistance of the Save-the-Redwoods League. The purchase price was $2.5 million, paid for with Proposition 40 parks bond funds. Escrow was closed on the property Thursday.
California State Parks today announced its acquisition of a heavily-wooded, 581-acre parcel overlooking the community of Redway and the south fork of the Eel River. Purchase of the parcel from the Pacific Lumber Company (PALCO) adds to State Parks’ existing forested holdings in the area, as well as addresses efforts by local residents to preserve the property. The property is adjacent to State Parks’ John B. Dewitt Redwoods State Reserve, and contains stands of Douglas fir and redwood, including some old growth redwood. The new land will be managed in the same manner as surrounding state property. Steve Horvitz, Eel River Sector Superintendent will have management responsibility. The acquisition was made with the assistance of the Save-the-Redwoods League. The purchase price was $2.5 million, paid for with Proposition 40 parks bond funds. Escrow was closed on the property Thursday.
4500 acres upstream of Redwood National
Park bought by BLM in 2006: Last year another major part of the Lacks
Creek drainage was bought by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management with
help from private conservation groups. In a $5.5 million deal including
$2.5 million from the Save-the-Redwoods League and money from the
Resource Legacy Foundation Fund, 4,500 acres was procured from the
Barnum Timber Co., Eel River Sawmills and landowner Veena Menda.
2903 acre conservation easement at Charles Mountain Ranch in southeast Humboldt county
charles mtn wcb 2011-02.jpg, 2903 acres CE
3268 acres in Humboldt County-Chalk Mtn Ranch near Fortuna
chalk mountain wcb 2009-11.jpg, 3268 acres CE
--3200 acre Chalk Mountain Ranch in Bridgeville granted a forest conservation easement to Cal Fire
5538 acres bought in the Redwoods Park to
the Sea corridor in the Mattole watershed, Jacoby Creek/Gannon Slough,
Grizzly Creek, Humboldt Bay, Mad River, Eel River, plus another 4757
acres preserved as conservation easements at Carrington/Iaqua Ranch and
Jacoby Creek/Gannon Slough
lake earl wcb 2003-11.JPG, 387 acres fee
lake earl wcb 2002-05.jpg, exp 23, 24.13 acres fee
lake earl wcb 2002-02.jpg, , exp 24-26, 3 acres fee
lake earl wcb 2003-02.jpg, exp 27, 44 acres fee
lake earl wcb 2003-08.jpg, exp 28-30, 20 acres fee
lake earl wcb 2004-02.JPG, exp 31, 5 acres fee
lake earl wcb 2004-05.JPG, exp 32, 13 acres fee
lake earl wcb 2004-11.jpg, funding addition
lake earl wcb 2005-11.JPG, up to 250 acres fee
lake earl wcb 2006-05.JPG, exp 34, 28 acres fee and 8.5 acres CE
lake earl wcb 2006-08.JPG, exp 35, 0.49 acres fee
-827 acres plus an 8.5 acre conservation easement at Lake Earl bought by the WCB
-2004--CC contributed $353,000 toward
resolving development conflicts of the Pacific Shores subdivision near
Lake Earl. The subdivision, consisting largely of dunes and wetlands,
contains over 1,500 undeveloped lots sold in the 1960s. The
Conservancy’s funding is being used to identify and negotiate with
owners for possible purchase and retirement of the lots, and follows a
$150,000 Conservancy grant awarded in 2003.
6-4-2003--The Conservancy contributed
$150,000 to resolving development conflicts of the Pacific Shores
subdivision near Lake Earl. Pacific Shores is a 1,535-lot subdivision,
consisting largely of dunes and wetlands, which was subdivided and sold
to individual buyers in the 1960s but never developed. The Conservancy’s
funding is being used to identify and negotiate with lot owners for
possible purchase and retirement of the lots.
by CC 6-27- 2002--$1,000,000 to the
Wildlife Conservation Board to assist with the acquisition of Lake Earl
properties in Del Norte County.
5-27-04 Authorization to disburse up to
$353,400 to the Smith River Alliance to undertake Phase II of the
feasibility analysis and preacquisition activities for the Pacific
Shores subdivision, Del Norte County.
1.2 acres by CC---2005• provided $893,000
to Crescent City to purchase a 1.2-acre property and build the Harbor
Trail North Segment of the Crescent City Coastal Trail. The Harbor Trail
is designed to showcase the Crescent City waterfront and to make it
easier for residents and visitors to walk or bike through the City’s
harbor area. 1-27-05 Crescent City Coastal Trail, Harbor Trail North
Segment, including acquisition of the 1.16-acre Endert Property in
Crescent City, California.
339 acres by CC and WCB-2005• provided the
County with $340,000 for improvements to public access and enhancement
of natural resources at Point St. George just north of Crescent City.
The Conservancy helped the County purchase the 339-acre property in 2002
and has since been working to develop public access, improve wildlife
habitat, and protect archaeological resources on the property.
4-25-2002--$1,500,000 to Del Norte County to help acquire the 339-acre
Point St. George property and to prepare a property management plan.
--point st george wcb 2002-08.jpg, 339 acres fee
9.5 acres by CC 9-2007: disburse up to
$20,000 to the City of Crescent City to complete the Battery Point and
Brown Property Feasibility Study for potential acquisition, restoration
and public access on 9.5-acres of property on the waterfront in Crescent
City, Del Norte County.
25,500 acres by CC, SP and WCB-9-25-2001 CC
provided $5,000,000 to Save-the-Redwoods League to assist with the
acquisition of the Mill Creek/Stimson property in Del Norte County for
the purposes of preserving coastal habitat and providing public access.
Mill Creek property will be one of the most significant new additions
to the State Park System. With this acquisition, the entire Mill Creek
watershed will be protected within state and national park boundaries,
connecting the Pacific Coast with the interior Klamath- Siskiyou ranges
in a wide band of diverse, protected natural communities. Its streams
provide many miles of excellent spawning and nursery habitat for
chinook, chum and coho salmon, steelhead, and coastal cutthroat trout.
Protecting and restoring them may be critical to the recovery of coho
salmon from the Northern California and Southern Oregon coasts.
Protecting Mill Creek’s forests has been a goal of Save-the-Redwoods
League since the early 1930s, when the basin contained extensive forests
of virgin redwood and Douglas fir. Although few of the big trees remain
today, the forest ecosystem will be restored under California State
Parks management. Under California State Parks management, the public
will finally have access to the 25,000 acres of the Mill Creek Property.
The public will have an opportunity to help plan the development of its
future access ways and recreation facilities within the next few years.
In addition to the Mill Creek property, the hearing will also cover an
adjacent 546-acre Save the Redwoods League property called Rellim Ridge.
The Rellim ridge property will be the front door to the Mill Creek
Basin park. Map of parcels:
15 acre Rock Creek Ranch on the south fork of the Smith River bought by WCB.
rock creek wcb 2002-02.jpg, 15 acres fee
650 and 298 acres CE’s by the Save the Redwoods League
Siskiyou Land conservancy--80 acres at north fork of Smith River and 148 acres CE on Smith River south fork
160 Acres CE—at Weatherell Dairy in Fort Dick—planning only, so far



Friends of the Eel River, Humboldt, Mendocino and some of Lake County. Mission is to restore the Eel River and all her tributaries to a natural state of abundance, wild and free. Our immediate goal is to remove two antiquated dams that block hundreds of miles of prime spawning grounds. Publishes thrice-yearly Eel River Reporter; for current issue: for back issues: Del Norte and Humboldt Counties Environmental Protection Information Center, concerned with Humboldt County and the 4 National Forests between the north coast and the Sacramento River Valley; formed by community activists more than 29 years ago, and works to protect and restore ancient forests, watersheds, coastal estuaries, and native species throughout Northwest California. EPIC uses an integrated, science-based approach, combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation. Sierra Club Redwood Chapter of the Trinity River, Trinity and Humboldt Counties
Much of the flow of the Trinity River has been diverted into the Central Valley Project for the benefit of corporate farms in Fresno County. The Friends are pursuing legal, administrative and public education campaigns that will protect and restore the Trinity River, its tributaries and watershed. For a detailed history, click here: Redwood Forest Foundation Save-the-Redwoods League
The League has helped preserve 165,000 acres of ancient redwoods since 1918, on the far north coast, in the Big Sur and Santa Cruz areas, and within Sequoia National Park in the Sierra Nevadas. For history of the Redwood Parks, click here: Headwaters Environmental Center, Klamath and Siskiyou region Trees Foundation,
Working for the conservation and restoration of the ecological integrity of forest ecosystems by assisting, supporting and promoting Affiliate organizations in the North Coastal California.
Center for Environmental Economic Development based in Humboldt County, site has report on Eel River: Siskiyou and Modoc Counties and South Oregon
We work primarily in Klamath Falls and the Middle Klamath region, including the Salmon River. Increasingly, however, our river work brings us to other parts of the Klamath Basin and beyond. Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center
formed in 1997 as federal agencies ramped up logging in the Pacific Northwest. KS Wild fights for permanent protection of the incomparable ecological riches of southwest Oregon and northwest California, with a particular focus on the Rogue River, Siskiyou and Klamath National Forests, and the Medford and Coos Bay Districts of the Bureau of Land Management.
Legacy: the Landscape Connection, creates digital maps of northern California Campaign for Old Growth, working to strengthen California’s forestry laws Siskiyou Project, Del Norte and Siskiyou Counties and south Oregon
Based near the rural community of Cave Junction with an office in Portland, our primary purpose is to gain permanent protection for the Siskiyou Wild Rivers area which is owned by the federal government. For map of region: North Coast Regional Land Trust, Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity Counties. Since our incorporation in 2000, NRLT has protected over 6,000 acres of ranch and timberlands with conservation easements; 320 acres of salmon-spawning tributaries in the Mattole River watershed; acquired a 54 acre property now managed for sustainable agriculture, wildlife, wetlands protection, recreation and education; and is currently assisting private landowners in placing conservation easements on over 17,000 acres of working ranches in Humboldt County as part of a landscape-scale protection effort we call "Six Rivers to the Sea."
For map of public and private timberlands: big file, small file:
Pacific Forest Trust:
Sanctuary Forest Inc.
Since 1987, Sanctuary Forest has met the challenges involved in protecting and conserving over 10,000 acres of forests and streams, including 1200 acres of old growth forest (total of 4400 acres of land acquired for conservation and 6075 acres of conservation easements on private land). For a map of preserved lands, click here:
helped kill a plan in 2003 to export Humboldt County water to Southern California
launched in October 2004 with a mission "to safeguard our coastal resources for the health, enjoyment, and economic strength of the Humboldt Bay community through education, scientific research, and enforcement of laws to fight pollution."
Anti-Maxxam-Pacific Lumber websites:,, Southern Alliance of Coastal Redwood Earth Defenders,
Trails Trust of Humboldt Bay,
formed to promote and encourage the development of multiuse trails in the Humboldt Bay region
Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters Forest,
As the rapid destruction of the redwood forest in Humboldt County accelerated after the Maxxam takeover of Pacific Lumber in 1985, it became apparent that greater outreach was needed for forest defense. In 1993, the Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters (BACH) was formed to educate, activate, and mobilize people in the San Francisco Bay Area. BACH was established as a volunteer-driven grassroots project under the sponsorship of the Ecology Center in Berkeley.
Jackson Forest Restoration Campaign,
Jackson State Forest is a public treasure -- 50,000 acres of beautiful redwood forest located within a few hours drive of San Francisco. The state has been massively logging this public forest, owned by you and me. The profits subsidize the private timber industry.
The public forest should not be used for the benefit of the timber industry.
Our goal is to restore the forest to old growth for recreation, habitat, and education.
Mendocino Environmental Center,
The MEC is a resource center which offers support to grassroots community groups and empowers individuals to work for positive change.
For archive of newsletters, click here:
Caspars Comunity,
For map of lands community is working to buy, click here:
since 1976, has conserved, in perpetuity, over 9,300 acres of significant lands throughout Mendocino County. For map of preserves, click here:
Albion River Watershed Protection Association / Friends of Salmon Creek,
Albion Nation,
Concerned with sustainable forestry and the health of the Albion and Salmon Creek watersheds; dialoguing with Mendocino Redwood Co to reduce their annual timber take to 20mbf from their current annual 46mbf; hopefully, to facilitate survival of the Coho salmon and recovery of our riverine forests. We are also engaged with Hawthorne Timber Company towards sustainable logging practice in the Salmon Creek watershed.
Redwood Coast Watersheds Alliance,
an alliance of citizen organizations on ridges, valleys and waterways of the Mendocino Coast.
RCWA was originally formed to bring together a small community threatened with excessive logging by Louisiana Pacific Corporation, which sold their timberlands to Mendocino Redwood Co., owned by the same owners as The Gap/Banana Republic and Old Navy clothing stores.
Environmental Center of Sonoma County,
WHAT IS THE CENTER? With the aim of pooling resources to protect and enhance the our environment, a federation of local groups formed the Sonoma County Conservation Council in 1984. Eventually SCCC became incorporated as a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit. The Environmental Center of Sonoma County is a project of the SCCC. It is operated jointly with the Sierra Club Redwood Chapter, Sonoma Group, mainly by volunteers.
Sonoma Land Trust,
Since 1976, Sonoma Land Trust has protected more than 17,000 acres of beautiful, productive and environmentally significant land in and around Sonoma County.
For map of preserved lands, click here:
What Have We Done For You Lately?Since 1990, when the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District was created, 135 projects have been completed. Those projects encompass 65,410 acres, well over twice the size of the City of Santa Rosa,
that have been protected throughout the County by conservation easement
or fee title purchases. We’ve spent $168.7 million but at time of
purchase those properties were worth $221.6 million, saving the citizens $52.9 million. Let's look at some of the details of what has been accomplished on the public's behalf:
Occidental Arts and Ecology Center,
founded in 1994 by a group of biologists, horticulturists, educators, activists, and artists seeking innovative and practical approaches to the pressing environmental and economic crises of our day. Much of the Center’s work addresses the challenges of creating democratic communities that are ecologically, economically and culturally sustainable in an increasingly privatized and corporatized economy and culture. The Center is located in western Sonoma County on 80 acres that encompasses wildlands of meadows and mixed oak, fir and redwood forests.
Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation,
works to preserve, restore and enhance the Laguna de Santa Rosa, the largest tributary of the Russian River and Sonoma County's richest wildlife area, and to inspire greater public appreciation and enjoyment of the Laguna's treasures.
For maps of the watershed and preserved lands:
Old Growth Again,
We handcraft fine outdoor furniture to fund our 580-acre forest restoration project in Annapolis, CA
Forest Unlimited,
Works to protect, enhance, and restore the forests and watersheds of Sonoma County. Forest Unlimited educates the public about logging plan review, forestry law, and regulation.
formed in 1998, is a grassroots social change movement that grew out of public criticisms of the lack of protection of Northern California forests and their swift conversions to industrial vineyards. During its existence, the Town Hall Coalition has brought people together to identify solutions to the critical problems of protecting public health and safety, stopping the destruction of our watersheds and wildlife habitat, protecting water quality and quantity, encouraging responsible land use and sustainable planning, and promoting participatory democracy.
promotes education, preservation and restoration of the natural and cultural resources of Russian River area state parks in partnership with the California Department of Parks and Recreation through interpretation and public stewardship.
Russian River Watershed Council,
to protect, restore, and enhance the biological health of the Russian River and its watershed through a community-based process, which facilitates communication and collaboration among all interested parties. Also see for more information
Friends of the Gualala River, Sonoma County,
Works to save redwood forests, curb vineyard expansions into forests, stop water export schemes to urban areas and to expand the Gualala River park
For map, click here:
Gualala River Information Network,
Dedicated to promoting sustainable forestry in Mendocino and Sonoma counties
Gualala River Watershed Council,
a forum for landowners, resource managers, public agencies and interested citizens to communicate about the ecology and land use within the Gualala river watershed.
Redwood Coast Land Conservancy,
works to preserve for future generations the natural environment and sustainable land use of coastal watersheds from the Navarro to the Russian Rivers, to provide public access to scenic land, and to educate the public regarding the value of our natural heritage. In 2002 when an Alaska-based company attempted to obtain a water extraction permit to export large volumes of wintertime water flows from the Gualala River to Southern California, a massive outpouring of protest brought an end to a most unusual chapter in the life of the river. As a result of this citizen response, in July 2003 a four mile portion of the lower reaches of the river was designated by the State legislature as a California Wild and Scenic River. These four miles can now be used only for recreational purposes.
Del Norte County:
-Green Diamond (formerly Simpson Timber co.)
-Green Diamond (formerly Simpson Timber co.)

Humboldt County:
-Pacific Lumber/Maxxam Corp.
-Green Diamond (Simpson)
-Barnum Timber
-Pacific Lumber/Maxxam Corp.
-Green Diamond (Simpson)
-Barnum Timber

Mendocino County:
-Mendocino Redwood Co. (owned by the family that owns The Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic clothing stores)
-Hawthorne Timber
-Mendocino Redwood Co. (owned by the family that owns The Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic clothing stores)
-Hawthorne Timber

Huge 50,000 acre forest in Mendocino County is preserved, bought from timber company and saved from being cut up into massive residential development. See June 15, 2007 story on our news page or click here
Huge 50,000 acre forest in Mendocino County is preserved, bought from timber company and saved from being cut up into massive residential development. See June 15, 2007 story on our news page or click here
North Coast Environmental Center, concerned with Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity Counties and South Oregon.
At the Northcoast Environmental Center, we educate, activate, and when necessary litigate on behalf of the Klamath-Siskiyou bioregion. Created in February 1971, the Northcoast Environmental Center (NEC) is one of the most influential coalitions educating, agitating and litigating on behalf of the environment in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of northwestern California. This nonprofit umbrella for a host of citizen activist groups has been at the forefront of every regional environmental struggle for decades--from ancient redwoods, wild rivers and recycling to toxics, energy and endangered species. Publishes the monthly newspaper EcoNews.
At the Northcoast Environmental Center, we educate, activate, and when necessary litigate on behalf of the Klamath-Siskiyou bioregion. Created in February 1971, the Northcoast Environmental Center (NEC) is one of the most influential coalitions educating, agitating and litigating on behalf of the environment in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of northwestern California. This nonprofit umbrella for a host of citizen activist groups has been at the forefront of every regional environmental struggle for decades--from ancient redwoods, wild rivers and recycling to toxics, energy and endangered species. Publishes the monthly newspaper EcoNews.
Friends of the Eel River, Humboldt, Mendocino and some of Lake County. Mission is to restore the Eel River and all her tributaries to a natural state of abundance, wild and free. Our immediate goal is to remove two antiquated dams that block hundreds of miles of prime spawning grounds. Publishes thrice-yearly Eel River Reporter; for current issue: for back issues:
We refuse to idly stand by to let businesses and corporations discharge sewage, metals, phosphates, pesticides, herbicides, etc. (and the list goes on….) into our water, especially when there are local, State and Federal laws to prevent this pollution
We refuse to idly stand by to let businesses and corporations discharge sewage, metals, phosphates, pesticides, herbicides, etc. (and the list goes on….) into our water, especially when there are local, State and Federal laws to prevent this pollution Coalition of groups from Sonoma to Del Norte County and east to Trinity and Siskiyou Counties Del Norte and Humboldt Counties Environmental Protection Information Center, concerned with Humboldt County and the 4 National Forests between the north coast and the Sacramento River Valley; formed by community activists more than 29 years ago, and works to protect and restore ancient forests, watersheds, coastal estuaries, and native species throughout Northwest California. EPIC uses an integrated, science-based approach, combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation. Sierra Club Redwood Chapter of the Trinity River, Trinity and Humboldt Counties
Much of the flow of the Trinity River has been diverted into the Central Valley Project for the benefit of corporate farms in Fresno County. The Friends are pursuing legal, administrative and public education campaigns that will protect and restore the Trinity River, its tributaries and watershed. For a detailed history, click here: Redwood Forest Foundation Save-the-Redwoods League
The League has helped preserve 165,000 acres of ancient redwoods since 1918, on the far north coast, in the Big Sur and Santa Cruz areas, and within Sequoia National Park in the Sierra Nevadas. For history of the Redwood Parks, click here: Headwaters Environmental Center, Klamath and Siskiyou region Trees Foundation,
Working for the conservation and restoration of the ecological integrity of forest ecosystems by assisting, supporting and promoting Affiliate organizations in the North Coastal California.
Center for Environmental Economic Development based in Humboldt County, site has report on Eel River: Siskiyou and Modoc Counties and South Oregon
We work primarily in Klamath Falls and the Middle Klamath region, including the Salmon River. Increasingly, however, our river work brings us to other parts of the Klamath Basin and beyond. Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center
formed in 1997 as federal agencies ramped up logging in the Pacific Northwest. KS Wild fights for permanent protection of the incomparable ecological riches of southwest Oregon and northwest California, with a particular focus on the Rogue River, Siskiyou and Klamath National Forests, and the Medford and Coos Bay Districts of the Bureau of Land Management.
Legacy: the Landscape Connection, creates digital maps of northern California Campaign for Old Growth, working to strengthen California’s forestry laws Siskiyou Project, Del Norte and Siskiyou Counties and south Oregon
Based near the rural community of Cave Junction with an office in Portland, our primary purpose is to gain permanent protection for the Siskiyou Wild Rivers area which is owned by the federal government. For map of region: North Coast Regional Land Trust, Humboldt, Del Norte and Trinity Counties. Since our incorporation in 2000, NRLT has protected over 6,000 acres of ranch and timberlands with conservation easements; 320 acres of salmon-spawning tributaries in the Mattole River watershed; acquired a 54 acre property now managed for sustainable agriculture, wildlife, wetlands protection, recreation and education; and is currently assisting private landowners in placing conservation easements on over 17,000 acres of working ranches in Humboldt County as part of a landscape-scale protection effort we call "Six Rivers to the Sea."
For map of public and private timberlands: big file, small file:
Pacific Forest Trust:
North Coast Redwoods Interpretive Association,;
established to assist Califoria State Parks as a Cooperating
Association. It is dedicated to providing a spectrum of eduational and
interpretive opportunities in seven parks
regarding cultural heritage and natural history that inspire, provoke,
and promote increased enjoyment, understanding, and protection of the
redwood region. The NCRIA operates stores located at Tolowa Dunes (summer), Jedediah Smith Redwoods (summer), Prairie Creek Redwoods, Humboldt Lagoons (summer), Patrick's Point, and Fort Humboldt (summer) State Park Visitor Centers.
Sanctuary Forest Inc.
Since 1987, Sanctuary Forest has met the challenges involved in protecting and conserving over 10,000 acres of forests and streams, including 1200 acres of old growth forest (total of 4400 acres of land acquired for conservation and 6075 acres of conservation easements on private land). For a map of preserved lands, click here:
Mattole Restoration Council,
Working to restore salmon populations damaged by logging in this valley located between Humboldt Redwoods State Park and the King Range/Lost Coast National Conservation Area.
Working to restore salmon populations damaged by logging in this valley located between Humboldt Redwoods State Park and the King Range/Lost Coast National Conservation Area.
helped kill a plan in 2003 to export Humboldt County water to Southern California
launched in October 2004 with a mission "to safeguard our coastal resources for the health, enjoyment, and economic strength of the Humboldt Bay community through education, scientific research, and enforcement of laws to fight pollution."
Anti-Maxxam-Pacific Lumber websites:,, Southern Alliance of Coastal Redwood Earth Defenders,
Trails Trust of Humboldt Bay,
formed to promote and encourage the development of multiuse trails in the Humboldt Bay region
Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters Forest,
As the rapid destruction of the redwood forest in Humboldt County accelerated after the Maxxam takeover of Pacific Lumber in 1985, it became apparent that greater outreach was needed for forest defense. In 1993, the Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters (BACH) was formed to educate, activate, and mobilize people in the San Francisco Bay Area. BACH was established as a volunteer-driven grassroots project under the sponsorship of the Ecology Center in Berkeley.
Jackson Forest Restoration Campaign,
Jackson State Forest is a public treasure -- 50,000 acres of beautiful redwood forest located within a few hours drive of San Francisco. The state has been massively logging this public forest, owned by you and me. The profits subsidize the private timber industry.
The public forest should not be used for the benefit of the timber industry.
Our goal is to restore the forest to old growth for recreation, habitat, and education.
Mendocino Environmental Center,
The MEC is a resource center which offers support to grassroots community groups and empowers individuals to work for positive change.
For archive of newsletters, click here:
Caspars Comunity,
For map of lands community is working to buy, click here:
since 1976, has conserved, in perpetuity, over 9,300 acres of significant lands throughout Mendocino County. For map of preserves, click here:
Albion River Watershed Protection Association / Friends of Salmon Creek,
Albion Nation,
Concerned with sustainable forestry and the health of the Albion and Salmon Creek watersheds; dialoguing with Mendocino Redwood Co to reduce their annual timber take to 20mbf from their current annual 46mbf; hopefully, to facilitate survival of the Coho salmon and recovery of our riverine forests. We are also engaged with Hawthorne Timber Company towards sustainable logging practice in the Salmon Creek watershed.
Redwood Coast Watersheds Alliance,
an alliance of citizen organizations on ridges, valleys and waterways of the Mendocino Coast.
RCWA was originally formed to bring together a small community threatened with excessive logging by Louisiana Pacific Corporation, which sold their timberlands to Mendocino Redwood Co., owned by the same owners as The Gap/Banana Republic and Old Navy clothing stores.
Environmental Center of Sonoma County,
WHAT IS THE CENTER? With the aim of pooling resources to protect and enhance the our environment, a federation of local groups formed the Sonoma County Conservation Council in 1984. Eventually SCCC became incorporated as a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit. The Environmental Center of Sonoma County is a project of the SCCC. It is operated jointly with the Sierra Club Redwood Chapter, Sonoma Group, mainly by volunteers.
Sonoma Land Trust,
Since 1976, Sonoma Land Trust has protected more than 17,000 acres of beautiful, productive and environmentally significant land in and around Sonoma County.
For map of preserved lands, click here:
Sonoma Ecology Center based in the Sonoma Valley
(CLICK ON MAP TO ENLARGE. This map comes from the land acquisition plan posted at
Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, funded with a ¼ cent sales tax; Has preserved 141 properties totaling 70,000 acres since 1990
For map of preserved lands: or
also working on Santa Rosa creek greenway
Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District, funded with a ¼ cent sales tax; Has preserved 141 properties totaling 70,000 acres since 1990
For map of preserved lands: or
also working on Santa Rosa creek greenway

- 12 dairy farms have been protected forever
- Concentrated projects (%70) around our cities and within our greenbelts to preserve their uniqueness
- Added 6,240 acres to five State Parks, equal to the size of Rohnert Park, Cotati, and Sebastopol combined
- Added 904 acres, equal to three Spring Lake Parks, to six Regional Parks including the creation of 2 parks and 4 Russian River access points
Occidental Arts and Ecology Center,
founded in 1994 by a group of biologists, horticulturists, educators, activists, and artists seeking innovative and practical approaches to the pressing environmental and economic crises of our day. Much of the Center’s work addresses the challenges of creating democratic communities that are ecologically, economically and culturally sustainable in an increasingly privatized and corporatized economy and culture. The Center is located in western Sonoma County on 80 acres that encompasses wildlands of meadows and mixed oak, fir and redwood forests.
Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation,
works to preserve, restore and enhance the Laguna de Santa Rosa, the largest tributary of the Russian River and Sonoma County's richest wildlife area, and to inspire greater public appreciation and enjoyment of the Laguna's treasures.
For maps of the watershed and preserved lands:
Old Growth Again,
We handcraft fine outdoor furniture to fund our 580-acre forest restoration project in Annapolis, CA
Forest Unlimited,
Works to protect, enhance, and restore the forests and watersheds of Sonoma County. Forest Unlimited educates the public about logging plan review, forestry law, and regulation.
Bodega Land Trust
formed in 1998, is a grassroots social change movement that grew out of public criticisms of the lack of protection of Northern California forests and their swift conversions to industrial vineyards. During its existence, the Town Hall Coalition has brought people together to identify solutions to the critical problems of protecting public health and safety, stopping the destruction of our watersheds and wildlife habitat, protecting water quality and quantity, encouraging responsible land use and sustainable planning, and promoting participatory democracy.
promotes education, preservation and restoration of the natural and cultural resources of Russian River area state parks in partnership with the California Department of Parks and Recreation through interpretation and public stewardship.
Pocket Canyon Protection Group, based in Guerneville,
Community Clean Water Institute,
Open Space & Water Resource Protection & Land Use Foundation, based in Petaluma,
Open Space & Water Resource Protection & Land Use Foundation, based in Petaluma,
Russian Riverkeeper,
monitors, patrols and educates in pursuit of a healthy watershed for all
Russian Riverkeeper,
monitors, patrols and educates in pursuit of a healthy watershed for all
Russian River Residents Against Unsafe Logging,
Russian River Watershed Council,
to protect, restore, and enhance the biological health of the Russian River and its watershed through a community-based process, which facilitates communication and collaboration among all interested parties. Also see for more information
Friends of the Gualala River, Sonoma County,
Works to save redwood forests, curb vineyard expansions into forests, stop water export schemes to urban areas and to expand the Gualala River park
For map, click here:
Gualala River Information Network,
Dedicated to promoting sustainable forestry in Mendocino and Sonoma counties Concerned with Sonoma County forests being leveled to make way for vineyards.
Gualala River Watershed Council,
a forum for landowners, resource managers, public agencies and interested citizens to communicate about the ecology and land use within the Gualala river watershed.
Redwood Coast Land Conservancy,
works to preserve for future generations the natural environment and sustainable land use of coastal watersheds from the Navarro to the Russian Rivers, to provide public access to scenic land, and to educate the public regarding the value of our natural heritage. In 2002 when an Alaska-based company attempted to obtain a water extraction permit to export large volumes of wintertime water flows from the Gualala River to Southern California, a massive outpouring of protest brought an end to a most unusual chapter in the life of the river. As a result of this citizen response, in July 2003 a four mile portion of the lower reaches of the river was designated by the State legislature as a California Wild and Scenic River. These four miles can now be used only for recreational purposes.
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