san diego nccp wcb 2003-05.JPG—planning only, no land purchased at this time
Environmental trust Bankruptcy—involves 3600 acres or more mostly in SD
county, but also other counties, wcb 2008-11, no map available
oak grove-san diego wcb 2006-02.jpg, 4207 acres fee
buena vista-san diego wcb 2006-11.jpg, 134 acre fee
bottle peak-san diego wcb 2010-11.jpg, 418 acre fee
--Bottle Peak, Escondido Creek area, 418± acres for $3.5 million
escondido creek wcb 2008-08.jpg, 24 acres fee
palomar wcb 2011-02.jpg, Mendenhall, 278 acre CE
--278 acre conservation easement in Mendenhall Valley—Palomar Mountain
santa ana mts wcb 2007-05.jpg, DOD—Margarita Peak, 1206 acres fee
acres, North San Diego County’s Margarita Peak, 8/2007 by WCB and
Fallbrook Land Conservancy and is part of the Marine Corps Camp
Pendleton buffer and open space connectivity program.
holly springs wcb 2002-02.jpg, 98.9 acres fee
17 acres by CC-3-25-04—Authorization of $2
million for the San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy to acquire the Rancho Santa
Fe Foundation Property, under the San Elijo Lagoon Acquisition Program,
approved by the Conservancy on June 25, 2001.
-2002--The Conservancy authorized
acceptance of $850,000 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and
disbursement of up to $650,000 of these funds to the San Elijo Lagoon
Conservancy for the San Elijo Lagoon Acquisition Program, San Diego
County, approved by the Conservancy on June 25, 2001.
By CC 6-25-2001--$2,000,000 to the San
Elijo Lagoon Conservancy in San Diego County to acquire property to
preserve and enhance wetland habitat consistent with the San Elijo
Lagoon Enhancement Plan and Action Plan, approved by the Conservancy in
May 1999.
By CC 10-25-2001--The Conservancy approved acquisition of the Manchester Property on San Elijo Lagoon using $1.5 million of previously authorized Conservancy funds.
By CC 10-25-2001--The Conservancy approved acquisition of the Manchester Property on San Elijo Lagoon using $1.5 million of previously authorized Conservancy funds.
35.2 acres by CC-6-29-2006 adjacent to an
ecological reserve on Batiquitos Lagoon. - disburse up to $50,000 to the
Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation for pre-acquisition expenses associated
with purchase of a portion of the 17 acre Murphy Property and all of the
18 acre Mitsuuchi Property in the City of Carlsbad in San Diego County
fieldstone-carlsbad-wcb 2008-02.jpg, Mitsuuchi--Batiquitos Lagoon, 18 acres fee
carlsbad wcb 2011-09 #2.jpg, Bridges, 97 acre fee
carlsbad wcb 2011-09.jpg, Perkins, 156 acres fee
fieldstone wcb 2008-08.jpg, exp 1, 235 acres fee, with The Conservation Fund
73 acres by CC--2004--contributed $1.5
million to the San Dieguito River Park Joint Powers Authority’s purchase
of the 73-acre Boudreau property at San Dieguito Lagoon. The purchase
allowed expansion of the San Dieguito River’s natural tidelands and
protected a critical link between coastal and inland habitats. 5-27-04
Boudreau Property.
acre proposed San Pasqual Union School Addition to San Pasqual
Battlefield State Historic Park, 11-12-2002. The California Department
of Parks and Recreation (DPR) will hold a hearing on a proposal to
purchase from willing sellers the San Pasqual Union School as an
addition to San Pasqual Battlefield State Historic Park in northeast San
Diego County. The proposed addition would provide protection of
significant cultural resources.
san dieguito wcb 2003-02.jpg, 686 acres fee
san dieguito wcb 2004-05.JPG, Phase 2, 73 acres
san dieguito wcb 2002-02.jpg, 1270 acres, PARCEL NOT SHOWN ON MAP
san felipe wcb 2001-11.jpg, exp 2, 5041 acres fee
san felipe valley-san diego wcb 2003-05.JPG, exp 3, 7485 acres fee
san felipe valley wcb 2011-02.jpg, exp 4, 385 acres fee
ramona grasslands wcb 2003-05.JPG, 420 acres
ramona wcb 2007-08.jpg, exp 1, 1350 acres fee
ramona wcb 2008-02.jpg, exp 2, 950 acres fee
ramona wcb 2008-05.jpg, exp 3, 476 acres fee
Ramona Grasslands expands—not certain of newest addition
iron mountain wcb 2003-05.JPG, exp 2, 1214 acres
iron mt wcb 2007-11.jpg, Monte Vista, 4056 acres fee
iron mt wcb 2010-02.jpg, exp 4, 311 acres fee
9.4 acres By CC and WCB-6-22-2000--$4.2 million for habitat at Torrey Surf/Carmel Mountain in San Diego County.
also see San Diego River Conservancy:
100 acres by CC-2003--Over $7 million from
the Conservancy was approved for purchase of a 100-acre property in
Lakeside, the first on-the-ground step in the establishment of San Diego
River Park . The park will eventually contain several properties in
strategic locations to benefit communities and wildlife along the entire
length of the river. CalMat property
4400 acres by CC-12-2-04 -- disburse up to
$9,700,000 to the Nature Conservancy to acquire Monte Vista ranch
property within the San Diego River watershed in order to implement the
San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Plan (MSCP), as part of
California's Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) Program.
Over 100 Acres Saved at San Diego River, Eagle Peak Preserve, 5-8-07
516 acres at Eagle Peak in San Diego
204 Acres Added to San Diego River Park Within National Forest Boundary
126 acres—San Diego river
40 acres at El Capitan Highlands—San Diego river
17 acres at San Diego River
22 acres at San Diego River
105 acres- San Diego river
125 acres bought by Lakeside River Park Conservancy, 4/25/11
6.5 acres saved by Lakeside River Park Conservancy, 5/19/11
385 acres at El Cajon Mountain,
east elliot wcb 2003-11.JPG, 145 acres
east elliott wcb 2003-02.jpg, 203 acres
east elliott wcb 2010-11.jpg, Sunroad, 1 acre fee
east elliott wcb 2011-02.jpg, 89 acres fee, INCLUDES PROPS ON OTAY MESA
East Elliott and Otay Mesa Regions (Sunroad), 1 acre, San Diego County
89 acres in East Elliot and Otay Mesa
230 acres by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for $4.9 million for land in the East Elliot and Otay Mesa areas
san diego-helix wcb 2010-02.jpg, 180 acres fee
180 acres—Helix-Lambron and Wildcat canyon
crestridge wcb 2007-02.jpg, exp 1-2, 314 acre fee
crestridge wcb 2008-08.jpg, southcrest exp 1-2, 188 acre fee
crestridge wcb 2008-11.jpg, southcrest exp 3, 29 acre fee
crestridge wcb 2011-06.jpg, Gibson-Harbison canyon, 250 acres fee
hollenbeck cyn wcb 2006-11.jpg, exp 3, 313 acres fee
hollenbeck cyn wcb 2011-09.jpg, exp 4, 563 acres fee
2000 acres by CC and WCB--10-23-03 disburse
$7,420,000 to the Department of Fish and Game to acquire properties
within the Otay River watershed for 2000 acre Honey Springs parcel in
Hollenbeck canyon in order to implement the San Diego Multiple Species
Conservation Plan, approved by the Conservancy on June 25, 1998, as part
of the state’s Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP)
Program, and to implement the San Diego River Park: Lakeside NCCP
Program, adopted by the Conservancy on June 25, 2001.
sycuan peak wcb 2006-08.JPG, exp 4, 586 acres fee
san miguel ranch-san diego wcb 2003-05.JPG, exp 1, 5.86 acres
730 and 560 acres by CC --12-11-2003
disburse up to $13,826,298 to the Department of Fish and Game to acquire
properties within the Otay River watershed in order to implement the
San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Plan, as part of the state's
Natural Communities Conservation Planning (NCCP) Program.
By CC 5-24-2001--$5,900,000 to the County
of San Diego to undertake various planning, pre-project, habitat
restoration, and pre-acquisition activities, and to acquire several
parcels within the Otay River Valley for habitat and open space
By CC-4-26-2000-: $2.7 million for the purchase of wildlife habitat and parklands in the Otay River Valley.
dennery cyn wcb 2003-11.JPG, 30 acres
proctor valley wcb 2002-11.jpg, Villages 14 & 16, 1446 acres fee
dairy mart-tijuana wcb 2003-02.jpg, no purchase of land
jacumba wcb 2011-02.jpg, 1081 acres fee
la posta wcb 2005-08.jpg, 370 acres
long portrero east wcb 2011-09.jpg, 468 acres fee
long potrero wcb 2011-02.jpg, 132 acres fee
1080 acres by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service for $600,000 for land in the Jacumba area for the Quino's
checkerspot butterfly
1020 acres by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for $1 million in the La Posta area
481 acres near Potrero,
2117 and 842 acres by SP-
8-2002. For map of anza-borrego additions
The California Department of Parks and Recreation to purchase two properties in east San Diego County as additions to the State Park System. The 2,117- acre Tulloch/Cuyamaca Ranch, currently owned by The Nature Conservancy, would be an addition to Anza-Borrego Desert & Cuyamaca Rancho State Parks. The 842-acre Mason Valley Ranch, currently optioned by the Anza-Borrego Foundation from the private landowner, would be an addition to Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Both properties would provide protection of significant wildlife habitat/corridors and cultural resources.
The California Department of Parks and Recreation to purchase two properties in east San Diego County as additions to the State Park System. The 2,117- acre Tulloch/Cuyamaca Ranch, currently owned by The Nature Conservancy, would be an addition to Anza-Borrego Desert & Cuyamaca Rancho State Parks. The 842-acre Mason Valley Ranch, currently optioned by the Anza-Borrego Foundation from the private landowner, would be an addition to Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Both properties would provide protection of significant wildlife habitat/corridors and cultural resources.
4000 acres by SP--2-27-04 parks comm.
minutes: The Vallecitos Ranch acquisition is a 4,000-acre addition to
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Director Coleman described this parcel
as a terrific historic corridor with many archeological sites.
1000 acres at Anza Borrego,
1200 acres added to Anza-Borrego state park
160 acres at Anza-Borrego sp
Diego County: at least 40,810 acres were bought in the path of
urbanization at Ramona Grasslands, Iron Mountain, San Miguel, San
Dieguito River, La Posta, Oak Grove, Sycuan Peak, Buena Vista Creek,
Hollenbeck Canyon, Crestridge, Del Mar Mesa vernal pools, Lakeside
Linkages, Carmel Mountain/Torrey Surf, Lucky-5 Ranch, East Elliot
Preserve/Dennery Canyon, Montana Mirador Preserve, Santa Ysabel Valley,
Camp Pendleton/Cleveland Forest connector, Edwards Ranch, Rancho Jamul,
Oceanside Linkages, San Felipe Valley, Holly Springs Ranch, Procter
Valley and the Mountain Wildlife Area
Desert Cahuilla --4000 acres by SP-- 10-2006--escrow has closed on the Freeman Property and that State Parks is now the official owner of the property, also known as Truckhaven and Desert Cahuilla. The Freeman property is located west of the Salton Sea, bordering both Anza-Borrego Desert State Park and Ocotillo Wells State Vehicle Recreational Area. The Freeman property consists of approximately 4,000 acres 10-2006--escrow has closed on the Freeman Property and that State Parks is now the official owner of the property, also known as Truckhaven and Desert Cahuilla. The Freeman property is located west of the Salton Sea, bordering both Anza-Borrego Desert State Park and Ocotillo Wells State Vehicle Recreational Area. The Freeman property consists of approximately 4,000 acres
deep creek wcb 2002-05.jpg, 126 acres fee
shay-san bern-wcb 2008-08.jpg, 8 acres fee
574 acres bought at Camp Cady, San Bernardino Mountains & Deep Creek and the Colton Dunes;
375 acres were added to Chino Hills State
Park (Because the park is also in Riverside and Orange Counties, we have
counted the addition only here, although it may actually be in one or
both of the other Counties.)
731,000 acres in the Mojave Desert were
bought from the Catellus Corp. by the U.S. Government; some is in
Riverside and Imperial Counties. See for more details.
Mojave Desert LT purchases—3300 acres in Cady Mts., 955 acres Quail mtn
2640 acres by SP (not certain if property
purchased) 3-2004-Lockheed-Laborde--proposed to be ORV park. The purpose
of this hearing will be to discuss the possible acquisition of lands
that include and surround the Lockheed-Laborde property. The purpose of
these property acquisitions is to: • Protect and manage habitat linkages
in the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) Badlands sub
region as mitigation, and • Provide for public access to, and staging
areas for, the Lockheed-Laborde property for its use as a possible OHV
Park. For map:
3500 acres in Wildwood Canyon by SP 10-1-2001: PARKS SETS HEARING ON WILDWOOD CANYON PURCHASE NEAR YUCAIPA – The California Department of Parks and Recreation will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Oct. 9, to solicit comments on the proposed acquisition of up to 3,500 acres of mostly undeveloped land in the Wildwood Canyon area of San Bernardino County.
1147 acres bought by SP in San Timoteo Canyon
3500 acres in Wildwood Canyon by SP 10-1-2001: PARKS SETS HEARING ON WILDWOOD CANYON PURCHASE NEAR YUCAIPA – The California Department of Parks and Recreation will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Oct. 9, to solicit comments on the proposed acquisition of up to 3,500 acres of mostly undeveloped land in the Wildwood Canyon area of San Bernardino County.
1147 acres bought by SP in San Timoteo Canyon
alberhill wcb 2001-11.jpg, 736 acres fee
alberhill wcb 2003-05.JPG, exp 1, 320 acres (total purchase eventually will be 9422 acres)
alberhill wcb 2004-08.jpg, exp 2, White Rock property, 113 acres
el sobrante wcb 2008-05.jpg, 71 acres fee
el sobrante wcb 2008-08.jpg, exp 1-3, 104 acres fee
french valley wcb 2004-11.jpg, exp 1, 40 acres
n. warm springs wcb 2004-11.jpg, 30 acres
north peak riverside wcb 2003-02.jpg, 193 acres fee
oak valley wcb 2003-08.jpg, 357 acres
perris wcb 2002-02.jpg, exp 21, 8.69 acres fee
perris wcb 2002-08.jpg, exp 22, 5 acres fee
perris wcb 2003-02.jpg, exp 23-25, 80 acres fee, 224 acres CE
san jacinto wcb 5-25-06.JPG, exp 27-28, buy 212 acres, sell 58 acres, net gain: 153 acres
perris wcb 2007-05.jpg, exp 29, 16 acres fee
91 acres at San Jacinto Wildlife Area,
Expansion 30, $400,000, acquisition of a conservation easement over 91±
acres as an addition to the Department of Fish and Game's San Jacinto
Wildlife Area located southwest of Mystic Lake, near Lakeview. WITHDRAWN
perris wcb 2008-08.jpg, exp 31, 178 acres fee and CE
perris wcb 2010-02.jpg, restoration only
perris wcb 2011-02.jpg, Ramona, 92 acres CE
potrero cyn wcb 2003-11.JPG, exp 26, 8552 acres fee, 565 acres CE
riverside wcb 2007-11.jpg, exp 1-2, 172 acres fee
riverside wcb 2008-05.jpg, exp 3, 102 acres fee
riverside wcb 2008-11.jpg, exp 4-5, 80 acres fee
riverside wcb 2010-02.jpg, exp 1, 49 acres fee
riverside wcb 2010-08.jpg, exp 2-6, 820 acres fee
riverside wcb 2011-02.jpg, exp 5, 71 acres fee
riverside wcb 2011-06.jpg, exp 6-9, 715 acres fee
riverside wcb 2011-09.jpg, exp 10-11, 169 acres fee
san timoteo wcb 2002-05.jpg, 438 acres fee
santa rosa plateau wcb 2003-05.JPG, exp 4-6, 3699 acres fee, 170 acres CE
--santa rosa plateau wcb 2004-02.JPG, exp 4-6, purchase increased to 4200 acres of public land held in fee and 130 acres of CE’s
santa rosa plateau wcb 2007-11.jpg, Tenaja corridor, 30 acres
santa rosa plateau wcb 2010-08.jpg, exp 1-10, 112 acres fee, 19 acres CE
triple cr wcb 2001-11.jpg, 703.86 acres fee
triple cr wcb 2007-08.jpg, exp 1, 6.24 acres fee
triple cr wcb 2007-11.jpg, exp 2, 6 acres fee
triple creeks wcb 2008-05.jpg, exp 3, 36 acres fee
vail lake wcb 2010-08.jpg, 520 acres fee east of lake
wilson creek wcb 2003-05.JPG, 880 acres
wilson creek wcb 2006-08.JPG, exp 1-3, 881 acres fee
wilson cr wcb 2007-05.jpg, exp 4-5, 354 acres fee
wilson cr wcb 2007-11.jpg, exp 6-7, 371 acres fee (19 and 352)
chuckwalla wcb 2001-11.jpg, 70 acres fee
coachella wcb 2002-11.jpg, exp 19-20, 98 acres fee
coachella wcb 2003-08.jpg, exp 26-29, 45 acres fee
coachella wcb 2007-11.jpg, Edom Hill exp 30, 321 acres fee
coachella wcb 2008-05.jpg, Edom Hill exp 31, 80 acres fee
coachella-joshua hills wcb 2003-05.JPG, exp 24-25, 950 acres and 64 acres fee
joshua hills-sky valley wcb 2004-05.JPG, 8881 acres
lower colorado river wcb 2004-02.JPG, 1352 acres
290 acres along Colorado river near Blythe
Lower Colorado river wcb 2010-02, Travis donation, 84 acres fee
morongo wcb 2011-02.jpg, Upper Mission Creek, 40 acres fee
638 acres in Big Morongo canyon
palo verde wcb 2008-11.jpg, exp 1-2, 422 acres fee
santa rosa mts wcb 2007-05.jpg, exp 8, 100 acres fee
santa rosa mts wcb 2007-11.jpg, funds augmentation
2869 acres by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for $466,000 at the Santa Rosa Mountains
santa rosa mts wcb 2008-05.jpg, exp 9-10, 10 acres fee
santa rosa mts wcb 2010-11.jpg, Peninsular Bighorn Sheep, 947 acres fee
thousand palms wcb 2011-06.jpg, 70 acres fee
whitewater wcb 2008-11.jpg, Mackenzie ranch, 260 acres fee
whitewater wcb 2010-05.jpg, 404 acres fee
whitewater wcb 2010-08.jpg, exp 1, 142 acres fee
willow hole wcb 2009-11.jpg, 154 acres fee
willow hole wcb 2010-02.jpg, 45 acres fee
At least 34,857 acres were bought and 1454
acres more were saved through conservation easements in the path of
urbanization at North Peak, Santa Rosa Plateau, Wilson Creek, Alberhill,
Coachella Valley, Oak Valley, Potrero Canyon, lower Colorado River, Sky
Valley, North Warm Springs Creek, French Valley, San Jacinto, Triple
Creeks, Peninsular Bighorn Sheep Preserve, Chuckwalla Bench and San
Timoteo Canyon.
137 acres by CC-2007• provided $3,760,000
to the City of Laguna Beach for its purchase of three properties
totaling 137 acres for addition to Laguna Coast Wilderness Park. The
properties are among several acquisitions funded by the Conservancy
since 2002 to create a new network of trails and protect scenic wildlife
habitat. (January and March) 3-8-07-- disburse up to $2,458,000 to the City of Laguna
Beach for acquisition of the 58.40-acre Chao property and the
50.37-acre Stonefield property located adjacent to the Laguna Coast
Wilderness Park in Orange County.
27.92 acre Jaysu Property --1-18-07
-disburse up to $1,302,000 to the City of Laguna Beach for acquisition
for addition to the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, Orange County.
20 acres by CC-2006• provided the City of
Laguna Beach with $761,000 for its acquisition of two properties
totaling about 20 acres for addition to Laguna Coast Wilderness Park.
The properties contain coastal sage scrub and chaparral habitats and
offer trail and greenbelt connections to the coast and existing
parklands. (March 2 and June 29) 6-29-06-- disburse up to $590,000 to
the City of Laguna Beach for acquisition of the 9.4 acre Haun Property
adjacent to the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park in Orange County. 3-2-06--
disburse up to $171,300 to the City of Laguna Beach for the acquisition
of the approximately 11.4-acre Decker/Bossard property for inclusion in
the South Coast Wilderness system of parks and preserves in Orange
70 acres by CC-2004-- granted $900,000 to
help the City of Laguna Beach purchase a 70-acre addition to Laguna
Coast Wilderness Park. The acquisition protected spectacular scenic land
and wildlife habitat and will make it much easier for visitors to enter
the park. 3-25-04-- disburse (1) up to $800,000 to the City of Laguna
Beach for acquisition of the 36-acre Trinity property and the 34-acre
Wainwright property located adjacent to the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park
in Orange County, and (2) up to $100,000 to the Laguna Canyon
Foundation for acquisition expenses associated with future projects.
10 acres by CC-5-23-2002--$2.75 million to
the City of Laguna Woods to acquire approximately 10 acres Rossmoor
parcel to enlarge Laguna Coast Wilderness Park.
By CC 3-22-2001-$2,000,000 to the
California Department of Parks and Recreation to acquire (and retire)
Development rights to Crystal Cove Historic District, a portion of
Crystal Cove State Park, in order to maximize public access to the
District and the adjoining state beach, to maximize public open space,
and to preserve coastal natural resources.
2-19-04 Laguna Coast Wilderness Park connections to other parks
10.38-acre SBD Property near the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park by CC 4-24-2008
4.5 acres at Laguna Coast,
10 acres at Laguna Coast,
Laguna pre-acq
45 acres by CC--4-24-2003--The Huntington
Beach Wetlands Conservancy used $1.2 million provided by the Coastal
Conservancy to purchase the Piccarelli property, 45 acres of wetlands
along the shore of Huntington Beach . The property is now part of over
100 acres of wildlife habitat that provide sanctuary for endangered
species in a densely populated urban area.
16.6 acres CC 11-2007: disburse an amount
up to $860,000 to the Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy to acquire
the 16.6-acre University of California Riverside property at Brookhurst
Marsh in Huntington Beach, Orange County.
140 acres at Huntington Beach wetlands,
bolsa chica mesa wcb 2005-05.JPG, 15 acres fee
bolsa chica wcb 2003-11.JPG, restoration project map
bolsa mesa wcb 2004-08.jpg, 103 acres fee
300 acres in Chino Hills
oc-cleveland forest wcb 2003-05.JPG—TINY BIT IS IN RIVERSIDE, 5750 acres fee
649 acres by SP and WCB-- and parks comm.. minutes 10-25-2000 7-2001-- State officials and local supporters Tuesday will announce the purchase of a key piece of property linking Chino Hills State Park with the 649-acre Coal Canyon property that became part of the state park system last year. The latest acquisition will preserve one of the last remaining viable wildlife corridors in all of Southern California. It is probably the most significant acquisition that the department has completed in the last ten years and it represents one of the most expensive acquisitions for the department. This acquisition is also unique in that it is the first time the department has purchased an expensive piece of property in an urban area, primarily to link existing preserved areas in order to preserve the biological diversity of Chino Hills State Park and a number of other park areas in the Puente/Whittier Hills area. The department would not be acquiring this property were it not for its value in linking the surrounding large masses of habitat in order to preserve the species diversity within this large urban area. The Coal Canyon property was purchased from the St. Claire Company. The parcel comprises 650 acres and the acquisition cost was $40 million. The per acre cost was driven up by the fact that the Coal Canyon property had received approval from the city of Anaheim for the development of 1,500 housing units. This acquisition is significant not only because of its close proximity to urban areas, but also because this particular area of the state has been identified by conservation biologists as one of the eighteen “hot spots” in the world where biodiversity is most threatened. Furthermore, a blue ribbon panel of conservation biologists put together by the department was queried and they described the Coal Canyon acquisition property as being of global significance, that would result, if not acquired to preserve this corridor, into substantial species extinction. Chief Rayburn explained that the department had three studies completed prior to making this acquisition. The first study was the assembling of a blue-ribbon panel referred to above. The department asked the blue-ribbon panel to (1) determine if the freeway underpass could function as a viable corridor, and (2) to verify the assertion that there would be substantial species losses in Chino Hills State Park and other areas located to the north if the area was fragmented and the corridor was not preserved. The blue-ribbon panel confirmed that the underpass was a viable corridor and that significant species losses would occur without the corridor. The second study conducted by the department examined if the Coal Canyon area was the only place in which the linkage between these two large landscape masses could occur, and that was confirmed. The third study looked at the public’s investment in open space and natural resources north of the 91 Freeway. Between city, county, and state agencies, $150 million has been invested in open space, with more to come. This assisted the department in approving this acquisition because it was felt that spending $40 million to protect the biological diversity of a $150 million investment made sense. and parks comm.. minutes 10-25-2000 7-2001-- State officials and local supporters Tuesday will announce the purchase of a key piece of property linking Chino Hills State Park with the 649-acre Coal Canyon property that became part of the state park system last year. The latest acquisition will preserve one of the last remaining viable wildlife corridors in all of Southern California. It is probably the most significant acquisition that the department has completed in the last ten years and it represents one of the most expensive acquisitions for the department. This acquisition is also unique in that it is the first time the department has purchased an expensive piece of property in an urban area, primarily to link existing preserved areas in order to preserve the biological diversity of Chino Hills State Park and a number of other park areas in the Puente/Whittier Hills area. The department would not be acquiring this property were it not for its value in linking the surrounding large masses of habitat in order to preserve the species diversity within this large urban area. The Coal Canyon property was purchased from the St. Claire Company. The parcel comprises 650 acres and the acquisition cost was $40 million. The per acre cost was driven up by the fact that the Coal Canyon property had received approval from the city of Anaheim for the development of 1,500 housing units. This acquisition is significant not only because of its close proximity to urban areas, but also because this particular area of the state has been identified by conservation biologists as one of the eighteen “hot spots” in the world where biodiversity is most threatened. Furthermore, a blue ribbon panel of conservation biologists put together by the department was queried and they described the Coal Canyon acquisition property as being of global significance, that would result, if not acquired to preserve this corridor, into substantial species extinction. Chief Rayburn explained that the department had three studies completed prior to making this acquisition. The first study was the assembling of a blue-ribbon panel referred to above. The department asked the blue-ribbon panel to (1) determine if the freeway underpass could function as a viable corridor, and (2) to verify the assertion that there would be substantial species losses in Chino Hills State Park and other areas located to the north if the area was fragmented and the corridor was not preserved. The blue-ribbon panel confirmed that the underpass was a viable corridor and that significant species losses would occur without the corridor. The second study conducted by the department examined if the Coal Canyon area was the only place in which the linkage between these two large landscape masses could occur, and that was confirmed. The third study looked at the public’s investment in open space and natural resources north of the 91 Freeway. Between city, county, and state agencies, $150 million has been invested in open space, with more to come. This assisted the department in approving this acquisition because it was felt that spending $40 million to protect the biological diversity of a $150 million investment made sense.
100 acres by WCB 2-20-2008: Hellman Wetlands in Seal Beach, $6,100,000; item was pulled from agenda for ???? reason)
hellman wcb 2010-05.jpg, 100 acres fee
hellman wcb 2010-08.jpg
newport bay wcb 2004-11.jpg, 4.96 acres fee, and land exchange
Lake Forest-Orange co. land swap
600 acres in Trabuco Canyon
20,000 acres in Irvine Ranch to become public
saddle creek wcb 2008-08.jpg, 306 acres fee, with the Conservation Fund
Trabuco wcb 2008-08.jpg, 50 acres fee (first part of 150 acres total purchase)
trabuco cyn wcb 2009-11.jpg, exp 1, 50 acres fee
2323 acres donated by National Audubon Society to feds adjacent to Kiavah, Domeland, and Sacatar Trail Wilderness Areas
2323 acres donated by National Audubon Society to feds adjacent to Kiavah, Domeland, and Sacatar Trail Wilderness Areas
cartago springs wcb 2003-11.JPG, 218 acres fee
bridgeport wcb 2002-08.jpg, 6350 acres CE
burcham-wheeler flat wcb 2007-08.jpg, 1160 acres fee
wheeler ridge wcb 2007-02.jpg, 10.2 acres CE
wheeler ridge wcb 2008-05.jpg, 33 acres fee
grant to the Eastern Sierra Land Trust to acquire fee title to 33±
acres located west of State Highway 395, south of Crowley Lake, in
southern Mono County.
wheeler ridge wcb 2010-08.jpg, 2 acres fee
wheeler ridge wcb 2011-06.jpg, 108 acres CE
wheeler ridge--wcb 2011-09.jpg, 56 acres fee
135 acre conservation easement in Mono Basin-Simis Ranch—ESLT, on DeChambeau creek
60 acre Conservation easement--Nappe family
720 acre Centennial ranch CE—NOT CERTAIN IF COMPLETED
total of 1460 acres in Mono Basin: 900 acre Bramlette CE, 480 acre Yednock CE, and 80 acre Crystol property
480 acres saved by Eastern Sierra Land trust adjacent to the Mono Basin National Forest Scenic Area.
80 acres Donated to BLM Near Granite Mountain, Near Mono Lake
1/18/2008:An 80-acre parcel in the eastern Sierras is open for public access following a donation to the Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office. The parcel is located in the Granite Mountain Wilderness Study Area, east of Mono Lake. The Wilderness Land Trust recently acquired the land from a willing seller and donated it to the BLM to be managed as public lands.
1/18/2008:An 80-acre parcel in the eastern Sierras is open for public access following a donation to the Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office. The parcel is located in the Granite Mountain Wilderness Study Area, east of Mono Lake. The Wilderness Land Trust recently acquired the land from a willing seller and donated it to the BLM to be managed as public lands.
3748 acre Former Island in Mono Lake Now Public Land
27, 2007. The Wilderness Land Trust acquired the 3,748-acre property
from Mel Arthur in 2006 and recently donated it to the BLM
County: 7520.2 acres saved: 1160 acres bought at Burcham and Wheeler
Flat, and through conservation easements, 6350 acres saved at Bridgeport
Valley, plus 10.2 acres at Wheeler Ridge.

Potential Southern California Coastal Wildlands Connections:

South Coast Wildlands Project,
working to maintain and restore connections between wildlands in the South Coast Ecoregion through an effort called the South Coast Missing Linkages Project.
working to maintain and restore connections between wildlands in the South Coast Ecoregion through an effort called the South Coast Missing Linkages Project.
(Please click on "vision" maps to enlarge)
(Please click on "vision" maps to enlarge)

Puente Hills Landfill Native Habitat Preservation Authority,
To date, the Habitat Authority manages approximately 3,850 acres of
preserved public open space, of which 1,865 is owned by the Habitat
Authority. The remaining lands are either owned by the City of Whittier
or the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County. Ultimately it is
hoped that over 4,000 acres will be preserved.
By saving the 8,700 acre “Missing Middle” we will link 4,000 acres of preserved open space in Whittier with 13,000 acres in Chino Hills State Park east of Brea.
By saving the 8,700 acre “Missing Middle” we will link 4,000 acres of preserved open space in Whittier with 13,000 acres in Chino Hills State Park east of Brea.
The Hillside Open Space Education Coalition (HOSEC) was established to find ways to preserve strategic parcels of hillside open space from the threat of development and is composed of the Cities of Brea, La Habra, La Habra Heights and Whittier, and the Hacienda Heights Improvement Association and Rowland Heights Community Coordinating Council
The Hillside Open Space Education Coalition (HOSEC) was established to find ways to preserve strategic parcels of hillside open space from the threat of development and is composed of the Cities of Brea, La Habra, La Habra Heights and Whittier, and the Hacienda Heights Improvement Association and Rowland Heights Community Coordinating Council
Friends of Coyote Hills,
510-acre West Coyote Hills is currently owned by Chevron, which is proposing adding a 760-unit housing project for an area that has already seen the rapid growth of several thousand new homes in the last few years.
510-acre West Coyote Hills is currently owned by Chevron, which is proposing adding a 760-unit housing project for an area that has already seen the rapid growth of several thousand new homes in the last few years.
Chino Hills State Park Interpretive Association,
ORANGE COUNTY: Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks
Completion and expansion of the County's Master Plan of Regional Riding and Hiking Trails, including hiking, biking and equestrian trails, and other goals, and has mapped a vision of preservation for the entire county:
Completion and expansion of the County's Master Plan of Regional Riding and Hiking Trails, including hiking, biking and equestrian trails, and other goals, and has mapped a vision of preservation for the entire county:
works to save 412 acres of wetlands and adjacent bluffs with a beautiful panoramic view that stretches from the Huntington Beach Pier to the Newport Beach Harbor with the Palos Verdes peninsula and Catalina in the distance.
works to save 412 acres of wetlands and adjacent bluffs with a beautiful panoramic view that stretches from the Huntington Beach Pier to the Newport Beach Harbor with the Palos Verdes peninsula and Catalina in the distance.
creating a several thousand acre park on the site of the former El Toro Marina Corps base
coalition joined together to stop the developers of the Montage Resort & Spa, The Athens Group, from proposed development of our dwindling open space areas that include the Aliso & Wood Canyons Wilderness Park
We are a coalition organized to Save San Onofre State Beach from the proposed Foothill Toll Road. Its founding members include the Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, Endangered Habitats League, Laguna Greenbelt, Surfrider Foundation, Audubon California, and the California State Parks Foundation.
We are a coalition organized to Save San Onofre State Beach from the proposed Foothill Toll Road. Its founding members include the Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, Endangered Habitats League, Laguna Greenbelt, Surfrider Foundation, Audubon California, and the California State Parks Foundation.
defending San Onofre State Beach from plans for a tollroad/freeway servicing a 14,000 home development
fighting tunnels for tollroads and a reservoir in the Santa Ana Mountains wilderness
working to protect and preserve the rural canyon areas (Trabuco, Modjeska, Silverado) in southeastern Orange County and its gateways to the Saddleback Mountains and the Cleveland National Forest
to preserve and protect our rural lifestyle and the pristine nature of our beloved Silverado and Trabuco canyons
to protect and preserve over 230 acres in the South Laguna area from the proposed development of a 15 home subdivision
to acquire, restore and preserve the entire 1700 acres of the mesa, lowlands and wetlands of the Bolsa Chica. Since its founding in 1992, the State has acquired over 3/4ths of the land???? Bolsa Chica Conservancy
advocates for the restoration and preservation of the Bolsa Chica Wetlands through public outreach, participation, education and leadership.
advocates for the restoration and preservation of the Bolsa Chica Wetlands through public outreach, participation, education and leadership. Orange County Coastkeeper, founded in 1999, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of the marine habitats and watersheds of Orange County through programs of education, restoration, enforcement and advocacy
list of natural parks in the county
list of natural parks in the county
Since 1997, Trails4All has helped our strategic partners and public agencies organize more than 14,500 volunteers to work on more than 475 countywide trail work, cleanup and restoration projects
provides financial support for the parks and preserves within the regional, 17,000-acre coastal canyon system
founded in 1967 to promote the preservation of Orange County, California open space for the benefit of the general public, and to inform and educate the public about local natural history. We have established several self-guiding nature trails, and our trained volunteer naturalists offer a regular schedule of guided tours in Laguna Coast Wilderness Park.
Irvine Ranch Land Reserve Trust,
The Irvine Ranch Land Reserve Trust was established by Donald Bren, Chairman of The Irvine Company in 2005. The California non-profit, non-advocacy organization was created to help bring to life a far-reaching vision to better protect, restore and enhance the natural resources of the 50,000-acre Irvine Ranch Land Reserve, while providing new and diverse opportunities for public enjoyment of the land.
The Irvine Ranch Land Reserve Trust was established by Donald Bren, Chairman of The Irvine Company in 2005. The California non-profit, non-advocacy organization was created to help bring to life a far-reaching vision to better protect, restore and enhance the natural resources of the 50,000-acre Irvine Ranch Land Reserve, while providing new and diverse opportunities for public enjoyment of the land.
Map of parks, national forests, and endangered species habitat linkages and preserves,
1000 acres between the cities of Solana Beach and Encinitas of San Diego County, extending inland to Rancho Santa Fe; one of few remaining coastal wetlands of San Diego County and home to an exceptional number of animals and plants.
1000 acres between the cities of Solana Beach and Encinitas of San Diego County, extending inland to Rancho Santa Fe; one of few remaining coastal wetlands of San Diego County and home to an exceptional number of animals and plants.
preserve and restore the biological integrity and beauty of the San Diego River
Jamul Trails Council,
dedicated to providing education about horseback riding, mountain biking and equestrian trials, preserving existing trails and establishing new trails on public land or by voluntary dedications. dedicated to the preservation and protection of the natural open space within the Escondido Creek watershed
Fallbrook Community Conservancy,
dedicated to preserving and enhancing the rural lifestyle and natural beauty of Fallbrook, has acquired more than 600 acres of protected open space. The open space includes five nature preserves and a landmark mountain.
Anza-Borrego Foundation,
supports and augments the education, interpretation, and research within the 650,000 acre Anza-Borrego Desert State Park and the other five parks that together comprise the Colorado Desert District. These parks include Salton Sea Recreation Area, Picacho State Recreation Area, Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, Indio Hills Palms and Palomar Mountain State Park.
Back Country Land Trust, El Cajon,
Working to protect San Diego’s rural heritage from Viejas Mountain to the Potrero valley
Habitat Preservation & Wildlife Corridor Protection including "The Ramona Grasslands Project" which is working to preserve 8,000 acres of endangered California Grasslands.
San Diego Conservation Resources Network,
To support the network of citizen resource conservancies involved in the preservation and stewardship of the natural and cultural resources of the San Diego Region and to promote public understanding of conservation issues.
Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation,
dedicated to the preservation, enhancement, and protection of Batiquitos Lagoon. This coastal wetland is north of San Diego between the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas. Batiquitos Lagoon is one of the few remaining tidal wetlands on the southern California coast.
dedicated to the preservation, enhancement, and protection of Batiquitos Lagoon. This coastal wetland is north of San Diego between the cities of Carlsbad and Encinitas. Batiquitos Lagoon is one of the few remaining tidal wetlands on the southern California coast.
The Earth Discovery Institute is an educational program and facility being created at Crestridge Ecological Reserve for East County students of all ages.
The Earth Discovery Institute is an educational program and facility being created at Crestridge Ecological Reserve for East County students of all ages.
The San Diego Archaeological Center is dedicated to the care, management and use ('curation') of archaeological artifacts. The Center museum is open to the public Monday through Friday, 9:00AM to 4:00PM, and Saturday 10:00AM to 2:00PM.
The San Diego Archaeological Center is dedicated to the care, management and use ('curation') of archaeological artifacts. The Center museum is open to the public Monday through Friday, 9:00AM to 4:00PM, and Saturday 10:00AM to 2:00PM.
San Diego River Conservancy,
map of the proposed park
map of the proposed park
The vision of the San Diego River Park is a greenbelt from the mountains to the ocean along the 52 mile long San Diego River. This greenbelt is really a trail system and a clean and healthy river system which connects a diversity of parks, open spaces, public places and community facilities spread out along the length of the River.
The vision of the San Diego River Park is a greenbelt from the mountains to the ocean along the 52 mile long San Diego River. This greenbelt is really a trail system and a clean and healthy river system which connects a diversity of parks, open spaces, public places and community facilities spread out along the length of the River. The San Diego Tracking Team is dedicated to promoting the preservation of wildlife habitat in San Diego County through citizen-based wildlife monitoring coupled with environmental education programs.
San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy,
non-profit organization helping to implement the vision of the San Dieguito River Park and its Coast-to-Crest trail. The San Dieguito River Park stretches over 55 miles from Volcan Mountain near Julian to the ocean between Del Mar and Solana Beach.
non-profit organization helping to implement the vision of the San Dieguito River Park and its Coast-to-Crest trail. The San Dieguito River Park stretches over 55 miles from Volcan Mountain near Julian to the ocean between Del Mar and Solana Beach.
San Diego National Wildlife Refuge, website for planning documents:
Volcan Mountain Preserve Foundation,
Since 1988, the Volcan Mountain Preserve Foundation, in cooperation with private organizations, public governmental agencies and principal landowners on the mountain, has been able to preserve over 4,000 acres in public ownership stretching from Lake Henshaw to the Anza Borrego Desert.
Since 1988, the Volcan Mountain Preserve Foundation, in cooperation with private organizations, public governmental agencies and principal landowners on the mountain, has been able to preserve over 4,000 acres in public ownership stretching from Lake Henshaw to the Anza Borrego Desert., the San Diego Sea to Sea Trail, connects the Pacific Ocean in Del Mar, California and The Salton Sea, 140 miles inland. This Trail crosses the Pacific Crest Trail, which extends from Mexico to Canada.
Wildlands Conservancy (TWC) has preserved more land in California with
private funds than any other conservation organization. TWC owns
California's largest nonprofit sanctuary - the 97,000-acre Wind Wolves
Preserve in the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley.
July 1999, The Wildlands Conservancy acquired an option on 437,000
acres in the California desert by negotiating an $18 million discount
with the parent company of SF Pacific Properties and Catellus
Development Corporation, whose leadership acted in the public interest.
Thanks to the support of TWC donors, the U.S. Department of the Interior
acquired 405,206 acres with $30 million in private monies gifted by TWC
and $15 million in Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) monies. In
2002, TWC funded the acquisition of an additional 94,301 acres of
Catellus Land. TWC funded the acquisition of an additional 62,847 acres
in Imperial County In February 2003. In summer 2003, TWC funded the
remaining 7,916 acres of Catellus conservation lands.
also funded two land exchanges that netted over 35,000 acres in six BLM
Wilderness Areas and gifted an additional 28,000 acres of land that was
acquired to prevent exploitation of private lands primarily in Joshua
Tree National Park. TWC is currently acquiring thousands of acres of
private inholdings in federal wilderness areas to gift to the U.S.
Department of the Interior.
Map from 4/24/2002 L.A. Times
as passed by the U.S. Congress November 1994 and signed by President Bill CLinton
as passed by the U.S. Congress November 1994 and signed by President Bill CLinton

For details of the Desert Protection Act, click here:
For maps of the designated desert wilderness areas, go to, click on the name of the wilderness area, then click on "please visit their website", then click on "maps"
California Desert Protection League, Inc.
Sierra Club California/Nevada Desert Committee Desert Report is a 24-page newsletter of vital news about the California and Nevada deserts published 3 times a year.
West Mojave Plan: A Habitat Conservation Plan and
California Desert Conservation Area Plan AmendmentThis plan was created to allow development of private property and ensure preservation of replacement wildlife habitat
Sierra Club California/Nevada Desert Committee Desert Report is a 24-page newsletter of vital news about the California and Nevada deserts published 3 times a year.
West Mojave Plan: A Habitat Conservation Plan and
California Desert Conservation Area Plan AmendmentThis plan was created to allow development of private property and ensure preservation of replacement wildlife habitat
The Mojave Desert Land Trust protects the Mojave Desert ecosystem and
its scenic and cultural resource values. The Trust is working to
preserve lands on the north side of Joshua Tree National Park near the
city of Yucca Valley.
Mojave Desert Heritage and Cultural Assocation,
provides stewardship for nearly 900 acres of homestead land within the East Mojave Desert. As a land trust, the MDH&CA is preserving the historical, archaeological, paleontological, scenic, recreational and economic values of Mojave Desert land and resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the general public. Based in the town of Goffs located on the south boundary of the Mojave National Preserve.
provides stewardship for nearly 900 acres of homestead land within the East Mojave Desert. As a land trust, the MDH&CA is preserving the historical, archaeological, paleontological, scenic, recreational and economic values of Mojave Desert land and resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the general public. Based in the town of Goffs located on the south boundary of the Mojave National Preserve.
Spirit of the Sage Council,
a non-profit biocentric grassroots coalition of environmental organizations & American Indians dedicated to defending & conserving Native Plants, Native Animals & Native Sacred Lands.
a non-profit biocentric grassroots coalition of environmental organizations & American Indians dedicated to defending & conserving Native Plants, Native Animals & Native Sacred Lands.
(click on map to enlarge)
Western Riverside County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan:
Map Legend: green shading shows existing public-owned land preserves; orange shading shows Indian reservations; blue squares are private lands that are slated to become preserved connector linkages for the rest of the preserved lands
Section 3.1.9 Conceptual Reserve Design/Criteria-Based Plan: At the December 19, 2000 meeting of the County Board of Supervisors, policy direction was given to proceed with preparation of a criteria-based plan for Alternative 1, which would conserve approximately 500,000 acres in the Plan Area. The criteria-based approach anticipates Conservation within the existing Public/Quasi-Public Lands comprising approximately 347,000 acres and development of Criteria to describe additional Conservation on private lands of approximately 153,000 acres.
Western Riverside County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan:
Map Legend: green shading shows existing public-owned land preserves; orange shading shows Indian reservations; blue squares are private lands that are slated to become preserved connector linkages for the rest of the preserved lands
Section 3.1.9 Conceptual Reserve Design/Criteria-Based Plan: At the December 19, 2000 meeting of the County Board of Supervisors, policy direction was given to proceed with preparation of a criteria-based plan for Alternative 1, which would conserve approximately 500,000 acres in the Plan Area. The criteria-based approach anticipates Conservation within the existing Public/Quasi-Public Lands comprising approximately 347,000 acres and development of Criteria to describe additional Conservation on private lands of approximately 153,000 acres.

Coachella Valley Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan
(click on map to enlarge)
The CVMSHCP aims to conserve over 240,000 acres of open space and protect 27 plant and
animal species. Approximately 25% of the land proposed for conservation (60,000 acres) has already been acquired. Some amount of development is permitted on conservation properties. In addition, over 74% of the land the Plan proposed for inclusion in the conservation areas would be unaffected because it has already been set aside for protection. The CVMSHCP will be funded through a combination of development impact fees, open space trust
funds, and funding from some permittees for infrastructure projects. Currently there is about $50 million available for land acquisition and CVAG will be able to leverage an additional $50 million in partner agency dollars for acquisitions in the early years of Plan implementation.
The Plan Area encompasses approximately 1.2 million acres. Of this, approximately 69,000 acres are Indian Reservation Lands, which are not included in the Plan, leaving a total of approximately 1.1 million acres addressed by the Plan. Of the 1.1 million acres, the plan proposes to preserve 745,900 acres. Of this preserved land, 557,100 acres is already public or private owned preserves. Another 166,380 acres would be preserved under the plan. Also, 22,420 acres within conservation zones could be developed in a manner compatible with the plan.
Plan page 3.18: Under the Plan and Permits, approximately 152,600 acres could potentially be
lost to Development during the 75 year term of the Permits. This figure reflects all the vacant,
private land outside the Conservation Areas plus the maximum Development that could occur in the Conservation Areas. In actuality, the acreage is expected to be substantially less for several reasons. One, since 1994, the rate of Development in the Plan Area has averaged approximately 1,370 acres per year. Projected over the 75-year term of the Permits, this would result in approximately 102,750 acres being Developed. Two, much of the vacant land both within and outside of Conservation Areas is severely constrained due to restrictions on
Development on slopes, lack of access, and flood plain designations. Three, acquisition and
conservation through other means may exceed the minimum acreage objective in the
Conservation Areas. This would reduce the level of Take that occurs in the Conservation Areas.
Feds propose sale of 274 acres in Coachella Valley. Bids are due June 18, 2007
lost to Development during the 75 year term of the Permits. This figure reflects all the vacant,
private land outside the Conservation Areas plus the maximum Development that could occur in the Conservation Areas. In actuality, the acreage is expected to be substantially less for several reasons. One, since 1994, the rate of Development in the Plan Area has averaged approximately 1,370 acres per year. Projected over the 75-year term of the Permits, this would result in approximately 102,750 acres being Developed. Two, much of the vacant land both within and outside of Conservation Areas is severely constrained due to restrictions on
Development on slopes, lack of access, and flood plain designations. Three, acquisition and
conservation through other means may exceed the minimum acreage objective in the
Conservation Areas. This would reduce the level of Take that occurs in the Conservation Areas.
Feds propose sale of 274 acres in Coachella Valley. Bids are due June 18, 2007
Riverside County, Eagle Mountain Landfill,
A Campaign to Return 29,775 Acres of Land in the Eagle Mountain Range to Joshua Tree National Park and Designate the Defunct Kaiser Mine and Townsite a National Historic Landmark, instead of becoming a trash dump for Los Angeles County.
Crafton Conservancy,
Since 1992, CHOSC has preserved more than two thirds of the 4500 acres through acquisition and cooperative management with San Bernardino County, Crafton Hills College, and the Cities of Redlands and Yucaipa.
The Habitat Trust,
Manages over 300 acres of moutain habitat near Rancho Cucamonga; connected to the Spirit of the Sage Council, which files litigation to protect endangered wildlife and their habitats
Riverside Land Conservancy,
Has facilitated preservation of thousands of acres in Riverside County, also in Kern, San Diego and L.A’s Santa Monica Mountains.
The Historic Preservation Program has projects to protect historic buildings, historic districts, and the historic downtown. The Land Trust Program works to place open lands in conservation, develop a networking trail system, and create an environmental education program for Redlands’ residents and visitors.
The Historic Preservation Program has projects to protect historic buildings, historic districts, and the historic downtown. The Land Trust Program works to place open lands in conservation, develop a networking trail system, and create an environmental education program for Redlands’ residents and visitors.
Salton Sea Restoration Plan--preferred alternative transmitted to State legislature in May 2007


Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee, runs 2 preserves in the Western Mojave Desert,
Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee acquires land for tortoise preserves
in areas of prime habitat using funds raised from the public, from
conservation mitigation efforts, and through the operation of a land
bank. The Committee was instrumental in establishing the Desert Tortoise Research Natural Area in Kern County, California.
Within the designated boundary of this preserve lies 39.5 square miles
of prime habitat that historically supported one of the highest tortoise
population densities known. In 1995, the Committee and The Wildlands
Conservancy bought out the 1,360 acre Blackwater Well Ranch in
northwestern San Bernardino County, and gained control of grazing on the 49,000 acre (76.6 square miles) Pilot Knob cattle grazing allotment. For maps click here
Founded in 2001, the ESLT is the first and only land trust based in Inyo, Mono, and Alpine counties; has preserved 955 acres with conservation easements that remove development rights from land but keep it in private ownership

Mono Lake Committee,
Located in California's spectacular Eastern Sierra, Mono Lake is an oasis in the dry Great Basin and a vital habitat for millions of migratory and nesting birds. For 25 years the Mono Lake Committee has been working to protect Mono Lake from destruction, to heal the damage done in the Mono Basin, and to educate the public about the natural environment and wise water use.
Friends of the Inyo,
Working to Protect and Preserve the Public Lands of the Eastern Sierra
Owens Valley Committee,
dedicated to the protection, restoration and sustainable management of water and land resources affecting the Owens Valley
Save Round Valley Alliance Advocates for Smart Growth,, grassroots organization, working to protect and enhance the quality of life in Inyo and Mono counties
Also working to halt development at the base of Mount Whitney,
Today, Alpine County maintains its distinction as the least populated County (around 1200) in California. And, with 96% of its land in public ownership, opportunities for growth are few.
Friends of Hope Valley, Alpine County,
dedicated to the preservation and protection of Hope Valley's wild and pristine beauty. Hope Valley is located on Highway 88 in Alpine County of the California Sierra Nevada Mountains

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