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Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Humboldt Bay Eco-News

7-12-07 news from

Humboldt Bay Corridor – Trail? Trains? Traffic? Speak Out Now!

Are we ever going to be able to safely walk, pedal, or picnic along the Humboldt Bay Trail? The answer depends on a constellation of decisions now under discussion in our community. Will we dredge the Bay to bring in giant container ships and rebuild the costly railroad – build a hill at Indianola to save 66 seconds of travel time from Arcata to Eureka – or increase access to the Bay and encourage alternative transportation with a Humboldt Bay Trail?

Humboldt Baykeeper Director Pete Nichols spoke out about port and railway development with the "Letter of the Week" in last week’s Arcata Eye. You can voice your support for the Humboldt Bay Trail and Humboldt Bay protection in a number of ways:

Letters to the Editor: North Coast Journal cover story (July 5, 2007)
Check out Hank Sims' article, "The Squeeze," in last week's Journal and write a letter to the editor of any local paper about your feelings on the Humboldt Bay Trail/101 Corridor, and what you’d like to see there.

Caltrans Highway 101 Project Public Meeting: Tuesday, August 7 at 5pm, Adorni Center, Eureka
Caltrans is proposing a $60 million “improvement” to the Eureka-Arcata corridor, which would elevate the highway at Indianola but fail to offer bike or pedestrian safety improvements. The draft Environmental Impact Study (EIS) was recently released and this meeting offers the opportunity to comment on the project. If you can’t make it, visit the Caltrans website to read and comment on the draft EIS.

California Legislature: Change NCRA’s Mandate!
While public sentiment favors the Humboldt Bay Trail, the North Coast Railroad Authority continues to cite its State Legislature-defined mandate as the reason it must deny our community this affordable and practical trail. Contact our State Senator Pat Wiggins to let her know that the NCRA’s current mandate does not serve our community and should be changed! And while you’re at it, visit our website to contact local elected officials as well.

For more information on the Humboldt Bay Trail, port development, and how you can get involved, contact us at 268-0664 or email Pete.

Baykeeper Challenges Illegal Activities On The Balloon Track --4-12-07

On Friday, April 6, Humboldt Baykeeper took action to address violations of the Clean Water Act by Security National, the owners of the Balloon Track property in Eureka. Recently, a construction team began unpermitted and illegal road-building activities that, according to the Eureka Reporter, “was a step towards readying the parcel for the proposed mixed-use Marina Center,” a project that has not yet been approved by either the City of Eureka or the California Coastal Commission.

The violations include unpermitted soil disturbing activities and the dredge and fill of material in and around the wetlands on the Balloon Track. “The site hasn’t been fully assessed for contaminants,” noted Baykeeper Director Pete Nichols. Baykeeper is already pursuing litigation against Security National and Union Pacific Railroad over toxic substances present on the site, which must be cleaned up to stop contamination of Humboldt Bay. Baykeeper believes that no development can be pursued on the property until the pollution is removed.

Read the Humboldt Baykeeper press release and the newspaper articles at our website,

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