For more places to hike, climb and explore, and Trails within 15 minutes of every California home and workplace. OUR GOAL: Connecting California with 1000 Miles of Parks, not 500 miles of Continuous Concrete Sprawl, with permanently preserved farmland greenbelts around every major city, with connected open space rings that link the entire state together. Think it'll never happen? It already is. Read the success stories on our website!
--the California "Mega-Park" Project
Monday, November 27, 2023
SCC 11/2023
MEETING: 11/30/2023 at 10 Am in the SLO City Council chambers
CAYUCOS/SAN LUIS OBISPO, 748 ACRES: disburse up to $1,500,000 to the Cayucos Land Conservancy to acquire and transfer to San Luis Obispo County 748 acres of land containing Alva Paul Creek for addition to Toro Creek County Park located between Morro Bay and Cayucos
MONTEREY, 84 ACRES: disburse up to $2,750,000 to the Big Sur Land Trust to acquire the 84-acre Hiss Parcel in the City of Monterey
DEL NORTE COUNTY, 9 ACRES: Disburse up to $725,000 to the Elk Valley Rancheria for the acquisition of the 9.19-acre Bush parcel on Crescent Beach, south of Crescent City, in Del Norte County
NAPA, 57 ACRES: disburse up to $2,512,500 for the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to acquire approximately 57 acres of historic tidal marshland within the lower tidal reach of the Napa River in Napa County
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
WCB 11/2023
7835 acres, BUTTE COUNTY: Chico State University Preserve (Càkawì ódiknonà) $1,480,000 grant to Chico State Enterprises to create a master management plan for approximately 7,835 acres of recently expanded Chico State University preserve properties located ten miles northeast of Chico.
The BCCER was created with the purchase of the Simmons Ranch in 1999 and the Henning Ranch in 2001. It is owned by Chico State Enterprises.
86 acres, LAKE COUNTY: Keithly Preserve, $850,000 grant to Lake County Land Trust to acquire 86± acres of land for the protection of Clearlake shoreline wetlands, and Manning Creek, located in Lakeport in the Clearlake watershed.
846 acres, NAPA COUNTY: Snell Valley Ranch, $1,800,000 grant to Napa County Land Trust to acquire a conservation easement over 846± acres located near the community of Pope Valley.
170 acres, SACRAMENTO COUNTY: Cosumnes River Ecological Preserve, Expansion 12 (Singh) $1,800,000. acquisition of 170± acres of land by CDFW for a cooperative project with The Conservation Fund as an expansion to CDFW’s ecological preserve located in Galt in the Sacramento River watershed.
761 acres, SANTA CLARA COUNTY: Malech Ranch Conservation Easement $1,200,000. Grant to the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency for a cooperative project with the Moore Foundation and the Wildlife Conservation Network for the acquisition of a conservation easement over 761± acres near Gilroy.
SANTA CLARA COUNTY: Beneficial Reuse of Excavated Material $2,000,000 Santa Clara County To consider the allocation for a grant to the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority for a cooperative project with USFWS and the State Coastal Conservancy to develop plans for beneficial re-use of tunnel excavated materials to accelerate up to 5,100 acres of tidal marsh habitat restoration in Santa Clara County.
3 acres, SANTA CRUZ COUNTY: Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander Section 6 (Schroeder) $91,000 subgrant federal funds to the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County, and to consider a WCB grant to the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County, to acquire in fee 3± acres located near Watsonville.
11 acres, SANTA CRUZ COUNTY: Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander Section 6 (Sterling) subgrant $407,000 in federal funds to the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County, and to consider a $143,000 WCB grant to the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County, to acquire in fee 11± acres located near Watsonville.
7589 acres, SISKIYOU COUNTY: Shasta Timberlands Working Forest Conservation Easement $5,697,000 . Grant to Pacific Forest Trust to acquire a conservation easement over 7,589± acres located northeast of McCloud. Total price of the easement is $5.7m.
8085 acres, TRINITY COUNTY: Lone Pine Ranch, Phase III $3,925,000. Grant to the Wildlands Conservancy to acquire 8,085± acres of land and five miles of frontage on the main stem Eel River south of the community of Kettenpom. The CA Coastal Conservancy is adding in $3.9m to the price,
1026 acres, EL DORADO COUNTY: El Dorado Ranch, Expansion 4, $2,700,000. Grant to American River Conservancy for a cooperative project with the California Natural Resources Agency and Sierra Nevada Conservancy to acquire 1,026± acres located 10 miles southeast of Placerville in the Cosumnes River watershed. Also contributing to the total $4.7m price: CA Natural Resources Agency, $1m, and CA Sierra Nevada Conservancy, $1m
The ARC already owns 3,157 acres contiguous to the property to be acquired under this project.
40 acres, INYO COUNTY: Mount Whitney Fish Hatchery $0. Transfer of 40± acres of land by CDFW to Fort Independence Indian Community of Paiute Indians of the Fort Independence Reservation located in the city of Independence. This is a no-cost transfer.
40 acres, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY: Carrizo Plains Ecological Reserve, Expansion 7 (Yang) $110,000. acquisition of 40± acres of land by CDFW as an expansion to CDFW’s North Carrizo ecological reserve located 56 miles west of Santa Margarita in eastern San Luis Obispo County. WITHDRAWN
LOS ANGELES COUNTY: Ballona Wetlands Restoration Planning $2,805,000 Los Angeles County To consider an allocation for a grant to CDFW to revise and recertify the Ballona Wetlands Restoration Project EIR and complete final designs for Sequences 1 and 2, which will create and enhance salt marsh and brackish marsh by excavating new tidal channels, lowering adjacent marshplain, installing new culverts and water control structures, removing invasive vegetation, and planting native species within the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve in Los Angeles County
670 acres, RIVERSIDE COUNTY: B Canyon $14,854,320. Grant to the Western Riverside Regional Conservation Authority to acquire 670± acres on the south side of State Route 91, west of the city of Corona. Also contributing funds: WRRCA $6.67m
640 acres, RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Western Riverside MSHCP Wolfskill Subgrant $2.7m in federal funds to the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA), and consider a $1,456,000 WCB grant to RCA, for a cooperative project to acquire in fee 640± acres, a key linkage between large blocks of conserved lands located east of the city of Moreno Valley. RCA is providing $64k of the purchase price.
1291 acres, SAN DIEGO COUNTY: Rancho Jamul Ecological Reserve, Expansion 6, $30,000,000 San Diego County To consider the acceptance of a USFWS grant for a cooperative project with The Nature Conservancy to acquire 1,291± acres located just north of Otay Lakes within Proctor Valley. Total price is $60 million, Also contributing: US Dept of Homeland Security, $25m; USFWS $2.5m, Nature Conservancy $2.5m
MAP of existing preserve:
Thursday, September 14, 2023
SCC 9/2023
SANTA ANA RIVER PARK IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY: disburse up to $354,000 to augment the Conservancy grant of $2,087,500 previously authorized (8/22/2019) to the City of Riverside for (1) the acquisition of four acres at 5200 Tequesquite Avenue in the City of Riverside in Riverside County
OJAI IN VENTURA COUNTY: disburse up to $400,000 to the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy to acquire a 44.38-acre property that includes the Riverview trailhead, Ventura River Preserve, in unincorporated Ventura County.
EEL RIVER IN TRINITY COUNTY: disburse up to $3,950,000 to The Wildlands Conservancy to acquire approximately 8,085 acres of the Lone Pine Ranch property at the confluence of the Eel River mainstem and Kekawaka Creek in Trinity County
The project represents the final phase of the acquisition of the formerly private 26,600-acre Lone Pine Ranch for the purposes of preserving and restoring fish and wildlife habitat, providing public access and recreation, and protecting open space and natural resources. When added to the TWC’s adjacent 3,000-acre Emerald Waters Reserve, this acquisition will result in the permanent protection of 29,600 acres of land along the Eel River. ...Acquisition of the Lone Pine Ranch is part of a landscape scale conservation strategy in the Eel River Watershed, complementing conservation land holdings by the Golden State Conservancy at Eel River Ranch and McKee Ridge Ranch and conservation easement acquisitions by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation through the Eel River Peninsula Project upstream of the Lone Pine Ranch.
NAPA COUNTY: disburse up to $2,375,000 for the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to acquire 56.8 acres of historic tidal marshland within the lower tidal reach of the Napa River [POSTPONED]
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO BAY: disburse up to $1,188,000 to Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority to prepare a draft master plan for approximately 1,550 acres of conserved lands in Coyote Valley, Santa Clara County.
SAN LUIS OBISPO: disburse up to $1,570,000 to the California Rangeland Trust to acquire a conservation easement over the 1,014-acre Wong Asuncion Ranch in unincorporated Atascadero
LOS CERRITOS IN ORANGE COUNTY: disburse up to $31,852,000 to the Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority for the Southern Los Cerritos Wetlands Restoration Project, 103.5 acres of wetlands in Seal Beach formerly known as the Hellman Ranch
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
WCB 8/2023
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION BOARD August 24, 2023, 10:00 a.m. Natural Resources Building, First Floor Auditorium 715 P Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Preliminary Agenda Items
Preliminary agenda:
LuginBuhl Ranch $500,000 Siskiyou County
grant to Siskiyou Land Trust for a cooperative project with Sierra Nevada Conservancy to acquire 320± acres located on the Upper Sacramento and Shasta River watershed near Mount Shasta. Total price: $2.5 million, with $2m from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Hart Ranch Conservation Easement - Rabbit Hill $1,475,000 Siskiyou County
grant to American Farmland Trust to acquire a conservation easement over 3,354.5± acres located near the community of Montague. Total price: $1.475m
Hart Ranch Conservation Easement – Soda Springs $1,250,000 Siskiyou County
grant to American Farmland Trust to acquire a conservation easement over 2,578± acres located near the community of Montague. Total price: $1.25m
Feather River Wildlife Area, Shanghai Bend Unit Transfer $0 Sutter County
transfer of 142± acres of land by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) to Sutter County to own, operate, and maintain in perpetuity for purposes of public access, public recreation, and habitat preservation. The property is located along the Feather River with 19± acres in Yuba City and the remaining 123± acres
Tahoe Forest Gateway (Leidesdorff) $2,250,000 Placer County
grant to 40 Acre Conservation League for a cooperative project with the Sierra Nevada Conservancy to acquire 650± acres located in Emigrant Gap in Placer County. Total price: $3m, with $750,000 from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Dos Rios Norte $22,665,000 Sutter County
grant to River Partners to acquire 1,522.93± acres located approximately five miles east of Knights Landing. Total price: $22.6m.
Big Morongo Springs $1,850,000 San Bernardino County
grant to Native American Land Conservancy to acquire 60± acres of land for the protection of a flowing spring located in Big Morongo Canyon. Total price: $2m, with $150,000 from Native American Land Conservancy.
Western Riverside MSHCP Barth $115,000 Riverside County
grant to the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (WRCRCA) to acquire 20± acres located just east of the city of Temecula. Total price: $330,000, with $214,000 from USFWS.
Western Riverside MSHCP Johnson $371,000 Riverside County to acquire 10± acres of land located in the city of Hemet (withdrawn from agenda)
Walt Ranch $7,000,000 Napa County
grant to Land Trust of Napa County for a cooperative project with State Coastal Conservancy, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and The Conservation Fund to secure permanent conservation of 2,300± acres in the Napa River watershed. Total price: $24.5m, with $6.5m price reduction by the owner, $7m from CA State Coastal Conservancy, and $4m from the Moore Foundation.
Basin Ranch $8,593,200 Monterey County
grant to Big Sur Land Trust for a cooperative project with the Esselen Tribe of Monterey County to acquire 5,105± acres located in the Salinas River watershed. Total price: $8.68m, with $86,000 from Big Sur Land Trust.
Steelhead Preserve $1,625,000 Ventura County
grant to the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy to acquire 21± acres in the Ventura River watershed by expanding the adjacent Ventura River Steelhead Preserve located about seven miles north of the city of Ventura. Total price: $1.625m.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
SCC 6/2023
click on agenda item links for maps
DATE: Thursday, June 01, 2023
TIME: 10:00 A.M
LOCATION: California Natural Resource Agency, 715 P Street, Room 2-221 A-C
Sacramento, CA 95814
HUMBOLDT: $5,500,000 to California Trout, Inc. for the acquisition of the 175-acre Prior Ranch for the Elk River Habitat Restoration Project
HUMBOLDT: $4,500,000 to the Hoopa Valley Tribe to acquire approximately 10,300 acres of real property known as the Pine Creek Tract, in the Klamath River watershed (current owner: New Forest, bought in 2018 from Soper-Wheeler. Hoopa tribe will pay a total of 14.1 million))
MENDOCINO: $2,000,000 to the Wildlands Conservancy to acquire 11,692 acres of the Rana Creek Ranch in upper Carmel Valley
MENDOCINO: amend the Conservancy’s revenue sharing agreement with The Conservation Fund for the 16,000 acre Big River/Salmon Creek Forests. State will receive $3.1 million.
SONOMA-NAPA: $1,500,000 to Sonoma Land Trust to acquire the 654-acre McCormick Ranch Property in the Mayacamas Mountains
SONOMA: $515,200 to the Pepperwood Foundation to reduce wildfire risk at 1054 acres out of the 3200 acre Pepperwood Preserve
SAN LUIS OBISPO: $910,000 to the Land Conservancy of SLO County to acquire a conservation easement over the 736-acre Warren Ranch located in the upper San Simeon and Santa Rosa Creek watersheds
ORANGE COUNTY: $575,000 to the Huntington Beach Wetlands Conservancy for restoring 44.8 acres of degraded wetlands at Newland Marsh in Huntington Beach
Monday, April 24, 2023
SCC 4/2023
Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $41,200 to the Mattole Restoration Council to complete preacquisition activities for 52 acres of wetland, riparian, grassland, and forested habitat on the North Fork Mattole River in Humboldt County. SCC 4/6/2023
Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $7,000,000 to the Land Trust of Napa County to acquire 465 acres of the 2,300-acre Walt Ranch Property for habitat preservation, biodiversity protection, climate resilience, improving wildlife corridors, and public access and tribal cultural uses compatible with natural resource protection in the Capell Valley of Napa County, California. SCC 4/6/2023
WCB 5/2023
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION BOARD May 25, 2023, 10:00 a.m.
Natural Resources Building, First Floor Auditorium 715 P Street Sacramento, CA 95814
Bates Ranch $2 million Santa Clara County
cooperative project with the Peninsula Open Space Trust and the Moore Foundation to acquire 735± acres to provide a critical wildlife corridor from Mount Madonna County Park to Uvas Reservoir, near the city of Gilroy
Devil's Canyon $1,600,000 Los Angeles County
grant to Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority to acquire in fee 120± acres
White Tate $642,200 San Diego County
grant federal funds to the Escondido Creek Conservancy, to acquire in fee 48± acres near the city of San Marcos
Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement $0 Siskiyou County
To consider WCB entering into a Property Transfer Agreement on behalf of CDFW for future acceptance of 7,027± acres of land from Klamath River Renewal Corporation after dam removal and restoration as a no-cost acquisition located near the town of Hornbrook
Bently Junction Ranch $4,220,000 Mono County
grant to The Wildlands Conservancy to acquire 2,333± acres located near Bridgeport
Rana Creek Ranch $24 million Monterey County
grant to The Wildlands Conservancy for a cooperative project with the State Coastal Conservancy to acquire 11,691± acres located in Carmel Valley
Fay Creek Ranch $3,336,929 Kern County
Monday, January 30, 2023
Karuk Tribe Gets Land Back on Hwy 96
Biden and Congress Return 1000 Acres to North Coast Tribe
On January 6, in a rare act of unity for a very divided federal government, President Joe Biden signed into law an act returning the center of the world to the Karuk Tribe. Eight years in the making, the Katimiîn and Ameekyáaraam Sacred Lands Act took roughly 1000 acres of land hugging the shores along the confluence of the Klamath and Salmon Rivers near the border between Humboldt and Siskiyou Counties and placed it in trust for the Tribe.
The land has previously been managed by the US Forest Service. In 1850, the California legislature passed the Act for the Government and Protection of Indians which, among other things (including establishing indentured servitude and laying the groundwork for genocide), facilitated the removal and displacement of Indigenous Californians from their ancestral lands. By the time that the first seeds of what would become the US Forest Service were planted in the late 1800s due to exploitation of the forests by miners and loggers, the original stewards of the lands that would come to be managed by the federal government had already been forcibly removed. For perspective, the Tribe’s ancestral territory encompasses over one million acres, 95 percent of which is currently occupied by the US Forest Service, so although this act of land return is cause for celebration, it is a mere fraction of the territory historically inhabited by the tribe...
SCC 2/2023
Coastal Conservancy to Fund $7 million purchase in East SF Bay
disburse up to $7,000,000 to East Bay Regional Park District to acquire the 768-acre Finley Road Ranch Property in Contra Costa County for purposes of protecting, restoring, and enhancing natural and scenic resources, including wildlife corridors and habitat; improving landscape resilience related to climate change; preserving open space; providing public access and recreational use compatible with the protection, restoration, and enhancement of natural and scenic resources; and providing a public entry staging area for parks on the southern side of Mount Diablo
Total price is $11.3 million, including $4.3 million in non-State funds
for uncropped map:
WCB 2/2023
February 16, 2023, 10:00 a.m.
Natural Resources Building, First Floor Auditorium 715 P Street Sacramento, CA 95814
agenda and maps:
Escondido Falls $1,500,000 in Los Angeles County
grant to Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority to acquire 88± acres. Total price: $4.8 million
Topanga Lagoon Restoration Planning $4,946,000 in Los Angeles County
a grant to the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains for a cooperative planning project with CDFW, State Coastal Conservancy, California Department of Parks and Recreation, and Caltrans to develop the technical studies, environmental review and outreach necessary to restore the Topanga Lagoon

Fay Creek Ranch $3,360,000 in Kern County
grant to Western Rivers Conservancy (WRC) for a cooperative project with the Sierra Nevada Conservancy to acquire 2,285± acres near the community of Weldon. WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA
grant to California Rangeland Trust for a cooperative project with the Sierra Nevada Conservancy and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service to acquire a conservation easement over 4,922± acres near the community of Bieber
Total price: $2.96 million
Yanci Ranch $0 in Yolo County
to subgrant federal funds to the Yolo Habitat Conservancy to acquire a conservation easement over 795 ± acres. Total price: $1.3 million
Barber Creek $240,000 in Alpine County
acquisition of 66± acres of land by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
Bufford Ranch Conservation Easement, Expansion 2, $95,000 in Kern County
grant to California Rangeland Trust to acquire a conservation easement over 64.99± acres of land located in Caliente. Total price $100,000
Monitor Island Transfer $0 in Lake County
no cost transfer of 4± acres of land by CDFW to Lake County Land Trust
San Felipe Valley Wildlife Area, Expansion 6 (Geis) $413,000 in San Diego County
acquisition in fee of 50± acres of land as an expansion to CDFW’s San Felipe Valley Wildlife Area
Silacci Ranch Conservation Easement $2,010,000 in Monterey and San Benito Counties
grant to California Rangeland Trust for a cooperative project with the Department of Conservation and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to acquire an agricultural conservation easement over 9,418± acres near the city of Salinas. Total price: $8.5 million
- 9/2007 NEW PARKS SINCE 2000
- 12/2015 UPDATE: Websites of All California Land-Saving Groups
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- 2012-12-02 CA Park purchases summary
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