NEW PARKS: 1/1/2000 TO 9/30/2011
lassen foothills wcb 2003-05.JPG, exp 2-3, TEHAMA AND SHASTA, 9479 acres CE ??? too small on map
mccloud forest wcb 5-25-06.JPG, Bascom Pacific co., SHASTA AND SISKIYOU COUNTIES, 9200 acres CE
8,230-acre Bear Creek tract CE owned by Roseburg Resources, Siskiyou and Shasta counties
truckee wcb 2007-02.jpg, NEVADA AND SIERRA COUNTIES, 3139 acres fee
245-acre Calpine Meadow Ranch in Sierra Valley, CA
4000 acre CE bought from Sierra Pacific Industries –Henness Pass rd
40 acres at the American River
375 acres—PROPOSED purchase connecting Deer Creek Hills to American River
1500 acres along the Bear River in Nevada and Placer Counties
1200 acres in Tahoe national forest
list of props NCRLT is working to save
40 acres at American river
982 acres at Perazzo Meadows
2000 acres bought from Siller Bros.
160 acre Dan Balderston conservation easement in Sierra Valley
20 acres from Wilderness Land Trust to USFS
20 acres from Wilderness Land Trust to USFS
daugherty hills-butte-wcb 2008-11.jpg, exp 11, 582 acres CE
honcut-butte wcb 2003-11.JPG, 740 acres CE
llano seco wcb 2005-11.JPG, 4240 acres CE
musty buck wcb 2003-02.jpg, 3868 acres fee
musty buck wcb 2005-11.JPG, 754 acres fee
oroville wcb 2009-09.jpg, trade of 100 acres state land to local park district for 70 acres
rancho rio chico-wcb 2008-05.jpg, restoration only
rudd farms wcb 2005-05.jpg, (small part is in Sutter county), 437 acres CE
table mt wcb 2010-08.jpg, trail construction to Phantom falls
upper butte basin wcb 2010-11.jpg, 222 acres fee
County by WCB: over 20,000 acres saved (5478 acres bought, 15,123 acres
saved through conservation easements) at Musty Buck Ridge, Big Chico
Creek, Llano Seco, Daugherty Hill, Honcut Creek, Orne, Hughes Ranch,
Cherokee Farms and the Sacramento River
85.3 acres added by State Parks to Bidwell-Sacramento River SP
eagle ridge wcb 2001-11.jpg, 3009 acres CE
sheep ranch wcb 2002-11.jpg, sell 660 acres but keep CE
swiss ranch calaveras wcb 2010-11.jpg, 304 acres CE
413 acre conservation easement at Love Creek forest,
cache creek wcb 5-25-06.JPG, 3140 acres CE
sacramento river-colusa co 2005-05 wcb, (small part in Glenn county), exp 1, 257 acres
traynham ranch wcb 2002-02.jpg, 235 acres CE
-Colusa County by WCB: 20,497 acres saved
(557 acres bought, 19,940 acres saved through conservation easements) at
the Sacramento River, Cache Creek, Bear Valley, Traynham Ranch and
Eagle Ridge
american river wcb 2008-02.jpg, exp 2, 40 acres fee
american river wcb 2008-08.jpg, 558 acres CE
american river wcb 2008-11.jpg, 45 acres fee
pine hill wcb 2002-08.jpg, exp 3, 157 acres fee
pine hill wcb 2002-11.jpg, exp 4, 229 acres fee
pine hill wcb 2007-11.jpg, 80 acres fee at Salmon Falls unit
pine hill-el dorado co wcb 2004-02.JPG, exp 5, 23 acres fee
pine hill-el dorado co wcb 2006-08.JPG, exp 4, 40 acres fee
south fork american river wcb 2003-11.JPG, 515 acres fee
upper cosumnes wcb 2002-02.jpg, exp 1, 120 acres fee
upper cosumnes wcb 2002-11.jpg, exp 1, change of scope of project
upper cosumnes wcb 2008-02.jpg, exp 2, 320 acres fee
-El Dorado County by WCB: over 2400 acres
saved: 1335 acres bought at the South Fork American River, Pine Hill,
Ponderosa 50, and Leek Springs Valley, plus 1178 acres saved through
conservation easements at Upper Cosumnes River
added to State Parks: 43.75 acres added to Folsom Lake SP; 2324 acres
at Z'berg-Sugarpine Point SP; 68 acres at Emerald Bay SP
Kanaka Valley--The Bureau of Land Management acquired the 695-acre property near Rescue just beyond Folsom Lake in 2010.
bird haven wcb 2008-02.jpg, 259 acres CE
commander south wcb 2003-11.jpg, 23,000 acres fee, (also small parts in Lake and Tehama counties)
Hamilton city-Glenn wcb 2010-11.jpg, transfer 120 acres to Nature Conservancy and buy 104 acres in fee
sacto river wcb 2001-11.jpg, exp 4, 482 acres fee
sacto river wcb 2001-11.jpg, exp 5, 259 acres fee
sacto river wcb 2002-11.jpg, exp 6 or 7, 20 acres fee
sacto river wcb 2003-05.JPG, Gaines, exp 7, 36 acres fee
sacto river-glenn co wcb 2003-11.JPG, Jacinto unit, exp 1, 20 acres fee
1084 acres at the Sacramento River and Valley by WCB:
bass hill wcb 2007-08.jpg, 265 acres CE
honey lake wcb 2004-08.jpg, habitat restoration only
leavitt lake wcb 2011-09.jpg, 1781 acres CE
modoc rail to trail-wcb 2008-05.jpg (small part is in Modoc county), 2180 acres fee
Lassen and Modoc Counties:
acres including 86 miles of railroad track by WCB 5-22-2008. Rails to
Trails, Modoc Line $420,000, a grant to the Lassen Land and Trails Trust
for a cooperative acquisition with the Department of Fish and Game, the
Bureau of Land Management, and the Sierra Nevada Conservancy to buy the
rail line running north from the town of Wendel, in Lassen County and
ending south of Alturas, in Modoc County.
tehama wa-lassen co wcb 2003-11.JPG, exchange of land between state agencies
-Lassen by WCB: 1022 acres saved at
Hallelujah Junction, and 278 acres bought and 265 acres saved with a
conservation easement at Bass Hill
756 acres donated to feds in Lassen co
fitzhugh creek-modoc wcb 2003-05.JPG, 2080 acres fee
independence lake wcb 2009-11.jpg (part in Sierra county), 2323 acres fee
sierra crest wcb 2010-02.jpg, (small part is in Nevada county), 4365 acres CE
spenceville wcb 2002-08.jpg, 494 acres fee
truckee wcb 2007-11.jpg, Gray creek canyon unit, donation of 1343 acres to state by Truckee Donner Land Trust
-Nevada County by WCB: 3139 acre Truckee River Canyon (1/2 is in Sierra County, ½ is in Nevada County)
Sugarloaf Mtn-- 30 acres bought by city of Nevada City, 12/10/10
big hill wcb 2007-02.jpg, 320 acres fee and 313 acres CE
bruin ranch wcb 2010-11.jpg, 1773 acres fee
donner wcb 2002-08.jpg, 155 acres fee
martis valley wcb 2007-05.jpg (about half is in Nevada county), 1481 acres fee
21 acres at the Big Gun property, by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to save red-legged frog habitat
912 acre Garden Bar preserve,
County by WCB: 155 acres bought by Donner Memorial State Park, 1481
acres at Martis Valley (around 640 acres are in Placer Co., and around
840 acres are in Nevada County), and at Big Hill, 320 acres bought and
313 saved with a conservation easement.
2000 acres added by State Parks at Donner Lake
7-2003-The California State Park that pays homage to the Donner Party
has now nearly tripled in size with a land acquisition of nearly 2,000
acres. Added to the historic park is a place called Shallenberger Ridge,
the scenic backdrop to Donner Lake that is seen by tens of thousands of
travelers as they pass Donner Lake along the Interstate 80 corridor.
TDLT buys 122 ac in Martis Valley,
52 acre Big Gun preserve
28 acres in Auburn
Placer co--table lists 2687 acres saved since year 2000; around 1500 acres of that total is conservation easements
goodwin-plumas wcb 2010-08.jpg, 3904 acres CE
heart k-plumas wcb 2010-11.jpg, 880 acres CE
sierra valley wcb 2002-08.jpg, (small part is in Sierra county), 13,110 acres CE
sierra valley wcb 2003-11.JPG, exp 1, 8027 acres CE
sierra valley wcb 2005-11.JPG, exp 3, 1360 acres CE
-Plumas County by WCB: 20,975.5 acres
saved, including 275 acres bought at Chilcoot, 20,697 acres saved
through a conservation easement at Sierra Valley, and 3.5 acres at
Hamilton Branch
Maddalena ranch—575 acres
Leonhardt Learning Landscape—42 acres,
318 acre conservation easement at Pierce Family ranch, completed 12/2010
cosumnes wcb 2002-11.jpg, exp 10-11, 310 acres CE
cosumnes wcb 2009-11.jpg, Oneto-Denier property, 617 acres, transfer of easement by Nature Conservancy to feds
east sacramento wcb 2002-05.jpg, blue oak legacy area, 2054 acres fee (now called the Deer Creek Hills preserve)
east sacramento wcb 2003-02.jpg, exp 1, 2008 acres fee, (now part of the Deer Creek Hills preserve)
4000 acre Deer Creek Hills in Sacramento
sun river wcb 2003-02.jpg, restoration of land owned by American Lands Conservancy
-Sacramento County by WCB: 10,345 acres
saved (4819 acres bought and 5526 acres saved through conservation
easements) at the Cosumnes River, the east county hills, and the
Sacramento Prairie vernal pools
1913 acres added by SP—east of Sacramento
8-2002-Because of its location 20 miles east of downtown Sacramento and
its proximity to a burgeoning suburban area, the 836-acre Prairie City
SVRA is destined to become the model for future urban OHV parks across
the U.S. In addition to the BMX facilities, the State Park eventually
will provide a mix of both motorized and non-motorized forms of off-road
recreation, world-class motocross tracks, a skateboard park, outdoor
rock climbing wall and mountain bike trails.
31 acres by SP--Lake Natoma, Sacramento County
2-2003- at the corner of Twin Lakes Ave. and Snipes Blvd. in
Orangevale, Snipes-Pershing Ravine, a 31-acre parcel of land overlooking
Lake Natoma is a significant acquisition for State Parks and it is
considered one of the crown jewels of the American River Parkway. The
acquisition protects and preserves significant open space containing
watershed and oak woodland habitat in the Orangevale area.
Under 1 acre each was added by State Parks to Heilbron Mansion SP and to Old Sacramento SHP.
balls ferry-shasta co wcb 2004-02.JPG, exp 1, 348 acres
cottonwood creek wcb 2008-05.jpg, Balls Ferry unit exp 2, 141 acres fee
cow creek wcb 2006-02.jpg, 6640 acres CE
cow creek wcb 2008-08.jpg, exp 1, 4915 acres CE
cow cr-shasta wcb 2010-11.jpg, exp 2, 5868 acres CE
fall river wcb 2002-02.jpg, 1159 acres fee
fall river wcb 2003-08.jpg, Noel Ranch, 310 acres
fall river wcb 2004-08.jpg, exp 1, 2007 acres CE
lassen foothills wcb 2004-08.jpg, (small part is in Tehama county) exp 4, 2007 acres CE
lower clear creek wcb 2002-11.jpg, 20 acres fee
millville-shasta wcb 2008-08.jpg, exp 1, 284 acres CE
-Shasta County by WCB: over 16,551 acres
saved: and saved with conservation easements, 2007 acres at the Lassen
Foothills, 4600 acres at the McCloud River forest, and 1467 acres at
Fall River Valley (along with 1469 acres bought),
27.8 acres by SP-Shasta County--Ahjumawi Lava Springs
8-2002- proposed acquisition of 27.8 acres of land for Ahjumawi Lava
Springs State Park in northeastern Shasta County. The proposal would
acquire land located at the north end of Fall River Valley connected to
the west side of Ahjumawi Lava Springs State Park. Acquisition of the
property will allow administrative and potential public access by land
to Ahjumawi Lava Springs State Park. This has been a goal of the
department since the state first acquired the Horr Ranch in 1975. The
landscape is gently sloped, rocky land with sparse mixed
hardwood-conifer forest with some wetland and grassland. Lava Creek
Lodge, a general partnership, owns the property. Once acquired by
California State Parks, the property would become part of Ahjumawi Lava
Springs State Park. For map
Hathaway ranch 6630 acre conservation easement
JS ranch 5940 ac conservation easement
275 acres received by BLM in trade for 100 acres in Shasta co.
hallelujah junction wcb 2003-11.JPG, exp 5, 2147 acres
hallelujah junction wcb 2005-02.JPG, exp 6, (part in Lassen county), 2044 acres fee
lemon cyn wcb 2010-05.jpg, 1455 acres CE
perazzo meadows wcb 2008-11.jpg, 982 acres fee
sierra crest wcb 2011-06.jpg, 2683 acres CE
sierra valley wcb 2004-08.jpg, exp 2, 500 acres CE
--725-Acre Working Forest Conservation
Easement Nears Completion; 1-2008: Turner Creek Ranch Project Helps
Safeguard the southwest Sierra Valley
PFT is pleased to announce our latest working forest conservation easement - the Turner Creek Ranch Project - is set to close by year's end. Turner Creek Ranch is a 725-acre working landscape that supports cattle grazing, hay farming and sustainable timber harvests. The Ranch has been owned by the Turner family for more than 150 years and is currently stewarded by Russell and Elva Turner.
PFT is pleased to announce our latest working forest conservation easement - the Turner Creek Ranch Project - is set to close by year's end. Turner Creek Ranch is a 725-acre working landscape that supports cattle grazing, hay farming and sustainable timber harvests. The Ranch has been owned by the Turner family for more than 150 years and is currently stewarded by Russell and Elva Turner.
835 acres around Volcano and Young America Lakes
-Sierra County by WCB: 3169 acres saved at Hallelujah Junction and 2300 acres in conservation easement in Sierra Valley.
china hill wcb 2002-08.jpg, exp 1-2, 27 acres fee
china hill wcb 5-25-06.JPG, exp 2-3, 25 acres
little shasta river wcb 2011-02.jpg, 5929 acres CE
noyes valley wcb 2002-08.jpg, 2360 acres CE
scott valley wcb 2010-05.jpg, 4735 acres CE
shasta big springs ranch wcb 2010-05.jpg, 5834 acres CE
4136 acres portion of Shasta Big Springs Ranch bought by Nature Conservancy
County: over 7000 acres saved (127.6 acres bought and 7079 acres saved
through conservation easements) at China Hill, McCloud River Forest,
Noyes Valley and Meiss Lake/Butte Valley
feather river wcb 2005-02.JPG, 10 acres fee and easement
sutter buttes wcb 2010-05.jpg, restoration
-Sutter County by WCB: 140 acres saved (10
acres bought at Feather River and 130 acres saved through conservation
easement at Rudd Farms)
Sutter Buttes-1785 acres by SP-- Sutter
Buttes/Peace Valley Acquisition – Parks comm.. minutes 8-22-03 and
2-27-04; The mountains known as the Sutter Buttes in the northern
Sacramento Valley are the world’s smallest mountain range and an
extremely significant California natural feature that includes the heart
of the Pacific Flyway. This place has been targetted as a potential
state park as early as 1902 or 1903.
lassen foothills wcb 5-25-06.JPG, 13,217 acres CE
lassen wcb 2011-06.jpg, Gaumer/Nature Conservancy, 8455 acres CE
mill creek water right-wcb 2008-05.jpg
red bank creek wcb 2010-05.jpg, 7132 acres
CE on 2 contiguous ranches in western Tehama County—3356 acre Burrows
ranch, and 3776 acre Big Bluff Ranch
red bank-tehama wcb 2010-11.jpg
is working on seven conservation easements that would protect
approximately 750 acres of prime farmland. 7,132 acres of oak woodland
and working rangeland, and 877 acres of vernal pool grassland in Butte
and Tehama. counties.
thomes creek wcb 2002-02.jpg, 7.5 acres fee
-Tehama County by WCB: 34,774 acres saved through conservation easements at Lassen Foothills
(NOT FINALIZED) 5545 ac Pine Creek CE—Rose Ranch, seeking $1 million of total $1.5 mil cost of CE from SNC
80 acres—near Lassen NP—saved 4/2011
640 acre CE on R & R ranch in Tehama co
bobcat ranch wcb 2007-05.jpg, 6810 acres fee
dry creek-yolo-wcb 2008-11.jpg, restoration only
eastern blueridge wcb 2004-02.JPG, 6983 acres CE
elkhorn-yolo-wcb 2008-11.jpg, 685 acres fee
oak hills-yolo wcb 2010-11.jpg, 3316 acres CE
yolo bypass wcb 2002-05.jpg, exp 5, 100 acres fee
yolo bypass wcb 2004-02.JPG, exp 6, 119 acres fee
-Yolo County by WCB: 34,899 acres: 21,872
acres including the Bobcat Ranch at the Blueridge-Berryessa Natural Area
(6983 acres of this total is a conservation easement); and 13,027 acres
bought at the Yolo Bypass wetlands complex
daugherty wcb 2001-11.jpg, exp 9, (small part is in Butte county), 642 acres fee and 689 acres CE
daugherty hill wcb 2002-02.jpg, exp 10, 223 acres fee
Daugherty Hill wcb 2008-11, exp 12, 529 acres fee,
lower yuba wcb 2010-11.jpg, Excelsior, (small part is in Nevada county), 527 acres fee
yuba holmstead wcb 2010-02.jpg, 260 acres CE
yuba wcb 2011-02.jpg, 833 acres CE
-Yuba County by WCB: 4061.31 acres bought
or saved through a conservation easement at Daugherty Hill and 6 acres
bought at the Feather River
180 acre conservation easement,
700 acre Gallelli CE at Yuba Highlands
black mtn wcb 2002-02.jpg, 362 acres fee
black mtn wcb 2002-05.jpg, exp 1
black mtn wcb 2008-05.jpg, exp 3, 358 acres fee, a grant to the Sierra Foothill Conservancy
san joaquin river wcb 2008-02.jpg, funds addition
sj river wcb 2002-08.jpg, exp 14, 323 acres fee
sj river wcb 2005-05.JPG, 134 acres fee
SJ river 2011-06, Hovannisian, 0.15 acres fee
-Fresno County by WCB: 1424 acres bought at
the San Joaquin River, Black Mountain Preserve, Spano, Finch, Glaspey,
plus a conservation easement on the 17,000 acre Varian Ranch that is
also in Monterey County
canebrake wcb 2002-08.jpg, Cap canyon, 285 acres fee
canebrake wcb 2002-11.jpg, Cap canyon exp 1, 680 acres fee
canebrake wcb 2003-11.JPG, exp 2, 2700 acres fee
canebrake wcb 2005-08.jpg, Scodie canyon, 1877 acres
canebrake wcb 2008-02.jpg, Cap canyon exp 2, 40 acres fee
canebrake wcb 2008-05.jpg, exp 3, 196 acres fee
lokern wcb 2002-05.jpg, exp 20, 38 acres fee
lokern wcb 2002-08.jpg, exp 21, 2.5 acres fee
lokern wcb 2003-05.JPG, exp 22, 79 acres fee
parker ranch wcb 2007-05.jpg, 9576 acres CE
rudnick ranch wcb 2011-09.jpg, 14,945 acres
fee, grant to Nature Conservancy which may re-sell to private party
with a CE on it preventing development
semitropic wcb 2010-05.jpg, wetland restoration only
Tejon Ranch wcb 2010-11.jpg, 62,003 acres CE
walker basin wcb 2005-08.jpg, 159 acres
by WCB: 9535 acres bought at Lokern,
Canebrake Canyon, Scodie Canyon, Walker Basin, Red Rock Canyon, and
Allensworth State Park, plus a 9576 acre conservation easement at Parker
By State Parks: 442 acres added to Fort Tejon state historic park;
80 acres added to Tomo-Kahni state historic park near Tehachapi.
9-2002--The California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)
proposes to purchase lands from willing sellers as an addition to the
Tomo-Kahni Project in Kern County. The proposed lands are within a DPR
area of acquisition interest north and northeast of the Town of
Tehachapi and State Highway 58. These lands are within the traditional
homeland of the Nuooah American Indians and are critical for the
protection and interpretation of related archeological sites and
cultural history. Map of properties:
May 26, 2005 Site Located for State Vehicular Recreation Area
BAKERSFIELD – The City of Bakersfield and the State of California, announced today their partnership to acquire land on behalf of California State Parks Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division, for the development of a State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA). The property is less than 30 minutes drive north from downtown Bakersfield. The City of Bakersfield, on behalf of the State, has obtained an assignable option using grant funds from the Off-Highway Vehicle Trust Fund, to purchase the prospective site, which totals approximately 11,000 acres. (NOTE: PROJECT IS STALLED DUE TO VARIOUS ISSUES)
434 acres donated by National Audubon Society to feds, 3/10/11
601 acres donation to feds near Sequoia national forest
ecker-madera wcb 2008-05.jpg, 1080 acres CE
fine gold wcb 2005-11.JPG, 220 acres fee
madera farmlands wcb 2002-02.jpg, 116.5 acres CE
madera farmlands wcb 2002-05.jpg, exp 1-7, 326 acres CE
millar ranch-madera-wcb 2010-05.jpg, 2990 acres CE
san joaquin river wcb 5-25-06.JPG, Wagner property, improvements, not land purchases
san joaquin river wcb 5-25-06.JPG, Sycamore island, improvements, not land purchases
san joaquin river wcb 2004-05.JPG, exp 12, 346 acres fee
van alen wcb 2007-02.jpg, 2305 acres CE
-Madera County by WCB: 4093.5 acres saved
(1345 acres bought, 2748.5 acres saved through conservation easements)
at the San Joaquin River, Finegold Creek, Ledger Island,
Cobb-Procter-Broadwell, River Vista Partners, Millerton Preserve and the
Madera Farmlands Security Perimeter
26.6 acres added by State Parks to Wassama Roundhouse SHP
--719 acres at Fine Gold Creek Saved (7-27-07) by Sierra Foothills Conservancy and the Trust for Public Land
Topping ranch conservation easement—1362 acres
long ranch wcb 2004-08.jpg, 2870 acres CE
portuguese ridge-mariposa wcb, 80 acres CE
-Mariposa County by WCB: 6881 acres saved
through conservation easements at Long Ranch, Portuguese Ridge and the
East Merced vernal pool grasslands
east merced wcb 2001-11.jpg, exp 4, 7620 acres CE
east merced wcb 2002-05.jpg, exp 5, 3074 acres CE
east merced wcb 2008-11.jpg, exp 6, 2912 acres CE
grasslands wcb 2002-02.jpg, habitat restoration only
grasslands wcb 2004-11.jpg, MERCED AND STANISLAUS, 1710 acres CE
grasslands wcb 2007-02.jpg, exp 1, 1876 acres CE
merced river wcb 2007-08.jpg, exp 1, 78 acres CE
north grasslands wcb 2009-05.jpg, Gadwall unit, 133 acres fee
Los Banos/Gadwall unit 2008-08, 154 acres fee
volta wcb 2003-02.jpg, exp 1, 780 acres fee
volta wcb 2004-05.JPG, exp 2, 120 acres fee
-Merced County by WCB: 21,616 acres saved
(4359 acres bought, 17,256.9 acres saved through conservation easements)
at Volta, the Merced grasslands and vernal pools, Merced River/Robinson
Merced co—5030 acre UC Merced preserve
cosumnes wcb 2003-05.JPG, 2866 acres CE
east delta wcb 2003-02.jpg, 649 acres CE
Additions to State Parks: 97 acres added to Carnegie state vehicular recreation area
basso wcb 2005-02.JPG, 32 acres
Dos Rios Ranch map.jpg, 1603 acres fee, was on 2011-09 agenda but withdrawn
-Stanislaus County by WCB: 47 acres saved
at Basso Bridge, and around 570 acres saved with a conservation easement
at the Grasslands (the rest of the 1710 acre saved parcel is in Merced
allensworth wcb 2001-11.jpg, exp 24, 20 acres fee
allensworth wcb 2003-02.jpg, exp 25, 10 acres fee
allensworth wcb 2003-11.JPG—IN TULARE AND KERN, no specific properties
allensworth wcb 2011-09.jpg, exp 26, 0.5 acres fee
blue ridge lookout-tulare co wcb 5-26-06.JPG, transfer of 0.61 acres between state agencies
stone corral-tulare wcb 2001-11.jpg, 80 acres fee
tule river wcb 2002-08.jpg, Negus ranch, 722 acres CE
-Tulare County by WCB: 3220 acres saved:
1540 acres at Dillonwood Grove inside Sequoia National Park, the 725
acre Wilderness Ranch, 138 acres at Allensworth State Park, 95 acres at
Stone Corral and 722 acres saved with a conservation easement at Tule
River/Negus Ranch,
712 acres by State Parks added to Allensworth
- proposed additions to Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park The
park is located off State Route 43, approximately seven miles west of
the town of Earlimart via County Road J22. The proposal would acquire up
to 712 acres of vacant land from willing sellers. The proposed
properties are bounded by the park and private lands to the south, the
A.T. & S.F. Railroad tracks and State Highway 43 to the east, County
Road J22 to the north, and private lands to the west. Funds for the
acquisition are currently available. For map:
152 acre Dry Creek and 1819 acre Homer ranch preserves,
50 acres added to US BLM's Atwell Island preserve in 2010
200 acres at Domeland and 2435 acres at Sacatar donated to feds
sands meadow wcb 2005-02.JPG, 160 acres fee, and sell off 40 acres with a CE
-Tuolumne County by WCB: 333 acres at Andrew Creek
4.19 acres added by State Parks to Railtown 1897 state historic park.--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2003, California State Parks acquired property on the north side of the
Sutter Buttes, which represents a unique resource within the State Park
System. Located 50 miles north of Sacaramento, for more information,


above is the biggest development threat between the sprawl of Los
Angeles and the Central Valley, the proposed Tejon Ranch mega-city. If
built, it would sever the wildlife corridors between the Siera Nevada
mountains and the Coast ranges in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties
(please click on maps to enlarge)
The Tejon region is an irreplaceable piece of California whose future deserves careful consideration. Linking the Sequoia National Forest with the Los Padres National Forest, the 270,000-acre Tejon Ranch is critical to national, state and regional interests for its unique biological values as well as its strategic values for national security. Development projects proposed on the Ranch pose a threat to both of these irreplaceable values. Tejon Ranch spans two counties, Los Angeles and Kern, and lies at the bio-geographic crossroads of five geomorphic provinces and four eco-regions, all within the global hotspot recognized by scientists as the California Floristic Province. The proposed Centennial project along Highway 138 in North Los Angeles County will replace over 12,000 acres of grasslands, juniper woodlands, oak woodlands, chaparral and scrublands with approximately 23,000 homes and 14-million square feet of associated retail and commercial uses. Tejon Mountain Village, located in the secluded hills and canyon areas surrounding Castac (Tejon) Lake, will impact approximately 37,000 acres of oak woodlands, grasslands, chaparral and scrublands, montane hardwoods and conifers, pinyon-juniper woodlands, wet meadows and riparian woodlands.
For more info, see the Center for Biological Diversity's page:

The Tejon region is an irreplaceable piece of California whose future deserves careful consideration. Linking the Sequoia National Forest with the Los Padres National Forest, the 270,000-acre Tejon Ranch is critical to national, state and regional interests for its unique biological values as well as its strategic values for national security. Development projects proposed on the Ranch pose a threat to both of these irreplaceable values. Tejon Ranch spans two counties, Los Angeles and Kern, and lies at the bio-geographic crossroads of five geomorphic provinces and four eco-regions, all within the global hotspot recognized by scientists as the California Floristic Province. The proposed Centennial project along Highway 138 in North Los Angeles County will replace over 12,000 acres of grasslands, juniper woodlands, oak woodlands, chaparral and scrublands with approximately 23,000 homes and 14-million square feet of associated retail and commercial uses. Tejon Mountain Village, located in the secluded hills and canyon areas surrounding Castac (Tejon) Lake, will impact approximately 37,000 acres of oak woodlands, grasslands, chaparral and scrublands, montane hardwoods and conifers, pinyon-juniper woodlands, wet meadows and riparian woodlands.
For more info, see the Center for Biological Diversity's page:

Study and maps on How Will the Central Valley Grow?
Study and maps on How Will the Central Valley Grow?
Sierra Nevada Alliance,
Alliance of over 6o member groups
Alliance of over 6o member groups
The Sierra Nevada Forest Protection Campaign is a coalition of conservation organizations, individual activists, scientists, businesses and spiritual leaders fighting for the protection of old growth forests, sensitive watersheds and threatened wildlife in the Sierra Nevada mountain range.
State agency created in 2004. The 25 million acres of the conservancy reach from Kern County to the Oregon border supporting thousands of unique plants, a rich variety of wildlife, and a clean, abundant water supply for the people of California. The conservancy's purpose is to not only support environmental preservation but assist the regional economy, preserve working landscapes and provide increased opportunities for tourism.
The Sierra Nevada Forest Protection Campaign is a coalition of conservation organizations, individual activists, scientists, businesses and spiritual leaders fighting for the protection of old growth forests, sensitive watersheds and threatened wildlife in the Sierra Nevada mountain range.
State agency created in 2004. The 25 million acres of the conservancy reach from Kern County to the Oregon border supporting thousands of unique plants, a rich variety of wildlife, and a clean, abundant water supply for the people of California. The conservancy's purpose is to not only support environmental preservation but assist the regional economy, preserve working landscapes and provide increased opportunities for tourism.
Jumping Frog Research Institute,
Works to restore and protect native amphibian populations in the Sierra Nevada.
Works to restore and protect native amphibian populations in the Sierra Nevada.
The Sierra Fund,
community foundation providing philanthropic stewardship and charitable support services to support environmental conservation in the Sierra Nevada region.
community foundation providing philanthropic stewardship and charitable support services to support environmental conservation in the Sierra Nevada region.
Great Valley Center,
We believe that the region can successfully support important natural resources, productive agriculture, a healthy economy and livable communities. We encourage strategic thinking about the future of the region and support policies and actions that will enhance its sustainability.
We believe that the region can successfully support important natural resources, productive agriculture, a healthy economy and livable communities. We encourage strategic thinking about the future of the region and support policies and actions that will enhance its sustainability.
Central Valley Farmlands Trust, works to preserve farmland from urban development in Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus and Merced counties. In Sacramento County alone, over 6000 acres of farmland are lost each year to urbanization.
Snowlands Network,
The mission of Snowlands Network is to: Promote opportunities for quality human-powered winter recreation, Protect winter wildlands, and Educate the public and government agencies about winter recreation and environmental issues.
The mission of Snowlands Network is to: Promote opportunities for quality human-powered winter recreation, Protect winter wildlands, and Educate the public and government agencies about winter recreation and environmental issues.
Works to protect open space opportunities within Lassen County, California. Since 1994, the historic Susanville Railroad Depot, owned and maintained by Lassen Land & Trails Trust, has operated as a visitor center, museum and bike rental shop. The Depot serves as the official trailhead of the twenty-six mile long Bizz Johnson National Recreation Rail Trail, which originates in Susanville, located in Lassen County, California.
Mountain Meadows Conservancy, Lassen County,
The Mountain Meadows Basin forms the headwaters of the easternmost tributary of the North Fork of the Feather River above Lake Almanor. The big development proposal there is the Dyer Mountain ski and golf resort.
The Mountain Meadows Basin forms the headwaters of the easternmost tributary of the North Fork of the Feather River above Lake Almanor. The big development proposal there is the Dyer Mountain ski and golf resort.
founded in 1998, is dedicated to conserving open space, wildlife habitat, and agricultural land, preserving over 2700 acres with conservation easements. The Trust's current areas of focus are the Cow Creek and surrounding Watersheds in the foothills east of Redding to the pine belt of the Cascades.
founded in 1998, is dedicated to conserving open space, wildlife habitat, and agricultural land, preserving over 2700 acres with conservation easements. The Trust's current areas of focus are the Cow Creek and surrounding Watersheds in the foothills east of Redding to the pine belt of the Cascades.
Plumas Forest Project,
We are a local Plumas County environmental activist group working to preserve and protect the publically owned forests of the Northern Sierra Nevada. Our ultimate goal is to eliminate commercial logging on National Forest lands and to stop extractive industries from destroying our precious forests.
We are a local Plumas County environmental activist group working to preserve and protect the publically owned forests of the Northern Sierra Nevada. Our ultimate goal is to eliminate commercial logging on National Forest lands and to stop extractive industries from destroying our precious forests.
Feather River Land Trust,
The Feather River Watershed, the largest Watershed in the Sierra Nevada, consists of 2.4 million acres and provides water to over 20 million Californians (60% of the state's population). It includes all of Plumas County and portions of Sierra, Lassen and Butte counties. By July, 2004, using both conservation easements and outright purchase, the Feather River Land Trust has protected over 27,000 acres in the Feather River region. About 90% of these 27,000 acres consist of working cattle ranches. The Land Trust works with the community to maintain traditional uses of the land as long as this usage is conducted in an ecologically sustainable manner. The biggest property saved is the 13,120-acre Bar One Ranch in Sierra Valley. As the first conservation easement ever completed in Plumas County, the Trust worked in partnership with The Nature Conservancy, the Sierra Business Council and the California Rangeland Trust to acquire this easement, which is currently held by the California Rangeland Trust.
The Feather River Watershed, the largest Watershed in the Sierra Nevada, consists of 2.4 million acres and provides water to over 20 million Californians (60% of the state's population). It includes all of Plumas County and portions of Sierra, Lassen and Butte counties. By July, 2004, using both conservation easements and outright purchase, the Feather River Land Trust has protected over 27,000 acres in the Feather River region. About 90% of these 27,000 acres consist of working cattle ranches. The Land Trust works with the community to maintain traditional uses of the land as long as this usage is conducted in an ecologically sustainable manner. The biggest property saved is the 13,120-acre Bar One Ranch in Sierra Valley. As the first conservation easement ever completed in Plumas County, the Trust worked in partnership with The Nature Conservancy, the Sierra Business Council and the California Rangeland Trust to acquire this easement, which is currently held by the California Rangeland Trust.
Environmental Defense Project of Sierra County/High Sierra Rural Alliance,
Butte Environmental Council,
Founded in 1975, BEC is devoted to environmental education and information referral services, and advocacy; works to halt leapfrog development and groundwater overuse and to protect vernal pools
Butte Creek Watershed Conservancy, in 1975, BEC is devoted to environmental education and information referral services, and advocacy; works to halt leapfrog development and groundwater overuse and to protect vernal pools
Butte Creek is one of the few and most significant tributaries of the Sacramento River
system which provides important habitat to many aquatic and terrestrial
animals, including the rare Spring Run Chinook Salmon. In addition,
Butte Creek has historically, under favorable conditions, supported Fall
Run Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Trout.
Northern California Regional Land Conservancy of Butte County
In June 2006, the Northern California Regional Land Trust unveiled its most recent and largest project, protecting 4,235 acres of the Llano Seco Rancho. Funding came from the State of California. The Trust has protected other smaller parcels in Butte County since 1992.
In June 2006, the Northern California Regional Land Trust unveiled its most recent and largest project, protecting 4,235 acres of the Llano Seco Rancho. Funding came from the State of California. The Trust has protected other smaller parcels in Butte County since 1992.
South Yuba River Citizens League, based in Yuba County
committed to the protection, preservation and restoration of the entire Yuba Watershed; has permanently protect the South Yuba from all future dam proposals
committed to the protection, preservation and restoration of the entire Yuba Watershed; has permanently protect the South Yuba from all future dam proposals
Middle Mountain Foundation, the Sutter Buttes Regional Land Trust,
Has protected 230 acres in this volcanic mountainin the middle of the Sacramento River Valley
Has protected 230 acres in this volcanic mountainin the middle of the Sacramento River Valley
Grass Valley Neighbors, based in Nevada County
To promote greater citizen involvement in the city's decision-making process and ensure that growth is managed in a way that improves our community and preserves its small-town character.
To promote greater citizen involvement in the city's decision-making process and ensure that growth is managed in a way that improves our community and preserves its small-town character.
Greater Cement Hill Neighborhood Association, in Nevada City
Friends of Deer Creek, Nevada City,
Works to return Deer Creek to the same quantifiable state that it was before the beginning of disturbance (prior to mid 1800s mining) and give native biology a chance
Rural Quality Coalition, Nevada County,
Wolf Creek Community Alliance, Nevada County,
a volunteer-run 501c3 non-profit organization, exists to protect, enhance, and restore Wolf Creek, its tributaries and watershed.
a volunteer-run 501c3 non-profit organization, exists to protect, enhance, and restore Wolf Creek, its tributaries and watershed.
By its tenth anniversary in 2001, it had over 2,600 acres of conservation and agricultural easements, wildlife and wild plant preserves, and bird sanctuaries under its care.
By its tenth anniversary in 2001, it had over 2,600 acres of conservation and agricultural easements, wildlife and wild plant preserves, and bird sanctuaries under its care.
Sierra Foothills Audubon Society,, Sierra Foothills Audubon Society is located in Grass Valley, California. Our membership area includes Nevada County, Placer County and parts of Yuba County.
Sierra Foothills Audubon Society's mission is to work within our
community to promote appreciation of and protection for birds and their
Clover Valley Foundation, Loomis, CA, Placer County
In the near future, a developer plans to reshape the land and hillsides of this small, 622 acre valley, remove more than 7,000 oak trees, and Clover Valley will be lost to as many as 558 more Rocklin houses. Clover Valley is a 622-acre slice of land with historical roots dating back to 5,000 B.C. according to an archaeological study done in 1998. The study also found 34 Native American cultural sites in the area. Also see and
In the near future, a developer plans to reshape the land and hillsides of this small, 622 acre valley, remove more than 7,000 oak trees, and Clover Valley will be lost to as many as 558 more Rocklin houses. Clover Valley is a 622-acre slice of land with historical roots dating back to 5,000 B.C. according to an archaeological study done in 1998. The study also found 34 Native American cultural sites in the area. Also see and
Our mission is to work with landowners and conservation partners to permanently preserve natural open spaces and agricultural lands in Placer County. To date we have preserved over 2,500 acres in Placer County for future generations.
Our mission is to work with landowners and conservation partners to permanently preserve natural open spaces and agricultural lands in Placer County. To date we have preserved over 2,500 acres in Placer County for future generations.
American River Watershed Group, for south and middle forks in Placer, El Dorado and Sacramento Counties
Protect American River Canyons, for north and middle forks in Placer and El Dorado Counties.
Protect American River Canyons (PARC) is an Auburn-based grassroots educational group dedicated to the preservation of the wilderness, recreational, cultural, and historical resources of the North and Middles Forks of the American River and its canyons for all to responsibly care for and enjoy. The American River Confluence Parkway project is a Protect American River Canyons initiative that involves engaging and building community and agency support for a new general plan for the Auburn State Recreation Area.
Protect American River Canyons (PARC) is an Auburn-based grassroots educational group dedicated to the preservation of the wilderness, recreational, cultural, and historical resources of the North and Middles Forks of the American River and its canyons for all to responsibly care for and enjoy. The American River Confluence Parkway project is a Protect American River Canyons initiative that involves engaging and building community and agency support for a new general plan for the Auburn State Recreation Area.
American River Conservancy, for south fork of the American River and the Cosumnes River in El Dorado County.
The American River Conservancy's mission is to protect and enhance natural habitats where bio diversity can flourish; and to promote, through environmental education, a broad ethic of stewardship, assuring healthy ecosystems now and for future generations. The Conservancy acquires critical wildlife and plant habitat by purchasing or accepting donations of land from willing landowners, protecting over 8,400 acres of fisheries, wildlife habitat, endangered species habitat, recreational lands and scenic vistas in El Dorado County.. For map of preserved lands, click here:
The American River Conservancy's mission is to protect and enhance natural habitats where bio diversity can flourish; and to promote, through environmental education, a broad ethic of stewardship, assuring healthy ecosystems now and for future generations. The Conservancy acquires critical wildlife and plant habitat by purchasing or accepting donations of land from willing landowners, protecting over 8,400 acres of fisheries, wildlife habitat, endangered species habitat, recreational lands and scenic vistas in El Dorado County.. For map of preserved lands, click here:

Institute for Ecological Health, concerned with 6 counties around Sacramento (El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo and Yuba)
The Institute for Ecological Health promotes the conservation of rural landscapes, Smart Growth, an end to urban-suburban sprawl, and a Land Ethic for the 21st Century. Our periodical Linkages explores key land use issues related to the design of vibrant human communities, avoiding urban/suburban sprawl, conservation of wildlife habitat and biodiversity; and the conservation of agriculture. To read back issues, click here:
The Institute for Ecological Health promotes the conservation of rural landscapes, Smart Growth, an end to urban-suburban sprawl, and a Land Ethic for the 21st Century. Our periodical Linkages explores key land use issues related to the design of vibrant human communities, avoiding urban/suburban sprawl, conservation of wildlife habitat and biodiversity; and the conservation of agriculture. To read back issues, click here: Sacramento County
The Conservancy’s mission is to preserve the beauty, character and diversity of the Sacramento Valley landscape by working with citizens, property owners, developers, public agencies and other nonprofit organizations. It works with willing sellers to create dedicated open space by gifts, private purchase, facilitation of public acquisition, conservation easements and by cooperative efforts. It preserves these lands for agricultural, natural resource protection, recreation, and wildlife habitat purposes. Total Acres Preserved: 7,219
For Sacramento County open space vision map:
The Conservancy’s mission is to preserve the beauty, character and diversity of the Sacramento Valley landscape by working with citizens, property owners, developers, public agencies and other nonprofit organizations. It works with willing sellers to create dedicated open space by gifts, private purchase, facilitation of public acquisition, conservation easements and by cooperative efforts. It preserves these lands for agricultural, natural resource protection, recreation, and wildlife habitat purposes. Total Acres Preserved: 7,219
For Sacramento County open space vision map:

Forest Issues Group, Lake Tahoe National Forest, covers Placer, Nevada, Sierra and Plumas Counties
Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch, Murphys, CA,, Calaveras County;
to protect, promote, and restore healthy forests and watersheds to maintain the quality of life in the Sierra Nevada. Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) owns approximately 75% of the remaining forested property in Calaveras County. Documents filed with California Dept. of Forestry show that SPI intends to clear-cut the majority of their property over the next 50 years. Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch is organized to oppose SPI's forest practice of clear-cutting.
to protect, promote, and restore healthy forests and watersheds to maintain the quality of life in the Sierra Nevada. Sierra Pacific Industries (SPI) owns approximately 75% of the remaining forested property in Calaveras County. Documents filed with California Dept. of Forestry show that SPI intends to clear-cut the majority of their property over the next 50 years. Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch is organized to oppose SPI's forest practice of clear-cutting.
Foothill Conservancy, Amador/Calaveras Counties
To restore, protect, and sustain the natural and human environment in Amador and Calaveras Counties for the benefit of local residents. Also, click here for a report on protecting open space in Amador County:
To restore, protect, and sustain the natural and human environment in Amador and Calaveras Counties for the benefit of local residents. Also, click here for a report on protecting open space in Amador County:
Blue Mountain Community Renewal Council, Calaveras County,
to facilitate, guide and support community projects that improve health and well being, economic security and protect the integrity of the ecosystem in the communities of Glencoe, Rail Road Flat, West Point and Wilseyville.
to facilitate, guide and support community projects that improve health and well being, economic security and protect the integrity of the ecosystem in the communities of Glencoe, Rail Road Flat, West Point and Wilseyville.
Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center,
defender of more than 2,000,000 acres of forests, rivers, lakes, wetlands, roadless areas, old growth groves, scenic oak woodlands, and other precious areas within the central region of the Sierra Nevada
defender of more than 2,000,000 acres of forests, rivers, lakes, wetlands, roadless areas, old growth groves, scenic oak woodlands, and other precious areas within the central region of the Sierra Nevada Sierra Audubon Society, which includes both Tuolumne and Calaveras counties.
Concerned Citizens Coalition of Stockton, focuses on privatization of public water systems,
Mariposans for the Environment and Responsible Government, Working on development issues in the County of Mariposa and on management plans for Yosemite National Park
Oakhurst River Parkway,
Constructing nature trail along the Fresno River in eastern Madera County
Sierra Foothill Conservancy, Fresno and Madera Counties,
conserves open space between Yosemite and Kings Canyon to protect wildlife, ranching and natural beauty for present and future generations. Manages 4 preserves totaling 5495 acres.
Sequoia Riverlands Trust,
The Sequoia Riverlands Trust, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was established in November 2000 as the Sierra Los Tulares Land Trust. The formation of SRT resulted from a decision to strengthen local conservation efforts by merging three Tulare County organizations: the Four Creeks (Visalia), Kaweah (Three Rivers), and Tule Oaks (Springville/Porterville) land trusts. These groups are now chapters of SRT.
We cooperate with individual, business, non-profit and agency partners to accomplish our mission. In April 2001, we formed a partnership with The Nature Conservancy to jointly identify and achieve key conservation goals in Tulare County. SRT also owns and manages nature preserves in Tulare County in support of our mission to conserve the natural and agricultural legacy of the southern Sierra Nevada and San Joacquin Valley. These preserves total over 4,500 acres.
Although once widespread, giant sequoias now occur only in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of central California. Past land management policies have proven ineffective in protecting Sequoia National Forest ecosystems, watersheds, and the environmental and social value of these areas. Sequoia ForestKeeper fills this void by acting as the guardian of the forest. SFK works to create solutions to these inadequate land management practices; to promote land stewardship; to enforce existing laws and regulations, including sustainable management mandates; to implement public awareness programs; and to offer assistance to local land management agencies., Tule River Conservancy, Dedicated to Protecting the Sequoia National Forest, and Giant Sequoia National Monument
Friends of the South Fork Kings,
An alliance of people who care enough about the watershed that contains Cedar Grove that we have chosen to adopt it.
River Ridge Institute, Tule River,
River Ridge’s owners bought the 722 acre Negus Ranch in 2000 when it looked as if the land would end up as a major housing development on the Tule River. By working with their local land trust, the Sequoia Riverlands Trust, and a number of partners and donors, they were able to place a conservation easement on the ranch and market the development rights. River Ridge is now fully protected in perpetuity and will remain a haven for people seeking personal restoration and recreation and for the flora and fauna which abound on the property.
River Ridge’s owners bought the 722 acre Negus Ranch in 2000 when it looked as if the land would end up as a major housing development on the Tule River. By working with their local land trust, the Sequoia Riverlands Trust, and a number of partners and donors, they were able to place a conservation easement on the ranch and market the development rights. River Ridge is now fully protected in perpetuity and will remain a haven for people seeking personal restoration and recreation and for the flora and fauna which abound on the property.
Tuolumne River Trust,
The Tuolumne River Trust is dedicated to promoting the stewardship of the Tuolumne River and its tributaries, including the Clavey River, to ensure a healthy watershed.
High Sierra Hikers Association,
We feel that the management agencies in the High Sierra are heavily biased in favor of commercial interests such as horse & mule packers, cattle & sheep grazers, and mining companies. These interests exploit, debase, and pollute our cherished national lands for private gain—to the detriment of those of us on foot, and at great cost to the public.
We feel that the management agencies in the High Sierra are heavily biased in favor of commercial interests such as horse & mule packers, cattle & sheep grazers, and mining companies. These interests exploit, debase, and pollute our cherished national lands for private gain—to the detriment of those of us on foot, and at great cost to the public.
Restore Hetch Hetchy,
To promote the conservation and protection of the natural habitat and ecosystems of the Hetch Hetchy Valley and its associated natural resources, including the Tuolumne River, which lie within Yosemite National Park.
To promote the conservation and protection of the natural habitat and ecosystems of the Hetch Hetchy Valley and its associated natural resources, including the Tuolumne River, which lie within Yosemite National Park.
Upper Merced River Watershed Council,
Voters Choice of Tuolumne County,
Fighting sprawl in the Sierra foothills
WildPlaces, Tulare County
Works on ecosystem restoration in Tulare County. Also monitoring the Yokohl Ranch Project which is planned to be a new city of 10,000 homes and a resort area built on the 36,000 acre ranch property owned by J.G. Boswell. The Yokohl Valley, currently zoned agricultural, is a vast area of rangeland surrounded by blue oak woodland habitat and considered by many to be a scenic and open space resource not suitable for accomodating a city larger than Visalia.
For a map of Yokohl Ranch, see
Works on ecosystem restoration in Tulare County. Also monitoring the Yokohl Ranch Project which is planned to be a new city of 10,000 homes and a resort area built on the 36,000 acre ranch property owned by J.G. Boswell. The Yokohl Valley, currently zoned agricultural, is a vast area of rangeland surrounded by blue oak woodland habitat and considered by many to be a scenic and open space resource not suitable for accomodating a city larger than Visalia.
For a map of Yokohl Ranch, see

The San Joaquin River Conservancy was created by the state legislature to develop and manage the San Joaquin River Parkway. The enabling act recognized that the San Joaquin River corridor constitutes a unique and important resource of regional and statewide significance with environmental, cultural, scientific, agricultural, educational, recreational, scenic, flood conveyance, and wildlife values. The legislature formed the Conservancy to:
Implement the San Joaquin River Parkway Master Plan, a 22-mile regional greenspace and wildlife corridor in the river-bottom extending from Friant Dam to Highway 99, with an interconnected trail system and recreational and educational features;
and Acquire approximately 5900 acres from willing sellers at fair market value;
San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust,
Our mission is to preserve and restore San Joaquin River lands having ecological, scenic or historic significance, to educate the public on the need for stewardship, to research issues affecting the river, and to promote educational, recreational and agricultural uses consistent with the protection of the river’s resources. As of year 2000, Parkway lands totalled nearly 2800 acres.
Kern River Valley Heritage Foundation,
California Tahoe Conservancy,
The Conservancy is an independent State agency; Its jurisdiction extends only to the California side of the Lake Tahoe Basin. The Conservancy is not a regulatory agency. It was established to develop and implement programs through acquisitions and site improvements to improve water quality in Lake Tahoe, preserve the scenic beauty and recreational opportunities of the region, provide public access, preserve wildlife habitat areas, and manage and restore lands to protect the natural environment.
When the Conservancy began its acquisition program in 1985, it identified between 6,000 and 7,000 undeveloped parcels as environmentally sensitive, out of a total of 15,000 privately-owned undeveloped parcels on the California side of the basin.
Since 1985, the Conservancy has authorized the expenditure, directly or through grants, of more than $150 million to acquire or obtain various kinds of interests in more than 5,450 parcels involving more than 6,450 acres of land, and for the implementation of 325 erosion control, public access, wildlife enhancement, and restoration and management projects.
See their progress report at for more details.
Martis Valley, north of Lake Tahoe,
Sierra Watch is actively following through with conservation goals for Martis Valley, and we are exporting our success to similar efforts up and down the Sierra Nevada. In Lassen County, we are providing strategic resources to defend Dyer Mountain. In the southern Sierra, we are working with land trusts and public agencies to permanently protect the slopes of Mount Whitney.
Truckee River Watershed Council,
Collaborative solutions to protect, enhance and restore the Truckee River watershed
Echo Lakes Environment Fund, solutions to protect, enhance and restore the Truckee River watershed
Tahoe Rim Trail, To maintain and enhance the Tahoe Rim Trail system and encourage stewardship through volunteer programs, educational outreach, and community partnerships.
For trails maps and other info:

Sugar Pine Foundation, Lake Tahoe,
The Sugar Pine Foundation was formed to reestablish natural regeneration of sugar pines
and western white pines in the Lake Tahoe Region with a natural genetic resistance to white pine blister rust.
Truckee Donner Land Trust,
The 1,400-member Truckee Donner Land Trust has protected more than
11,000 acres in the Truckee-Tahoe region. Their goal is to protect
35,000 acres in the Truckee-Tahoe regionThe Sugar Pine Foundation was formed to reestablish natural regeneration of sugar pines
and western white pines in the Lake Tahoe Region with a natural genetic resistance to white pine blister rust.

Lake Tahoe Environmental Education Coalition,
Works to assist many different groups and educational organizations in working together to educate the public about how to prevent the pollution of Lake Tahoe
League to Save Lake Tahoe, over 45 years the League to Save Lake Tahoe has advocated for strong protection of the Tahoe Basin’s natural resources and the restoration of its famed clear water.Works to assist many different groups and educational organizations in working together to educate the public about how to prevent the pollution of Lake Tahoe
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