Indexed News on:

--the California "Mega-Park" Project

Tracking measurable success on preserving and connecting California's Parks & Wildlife Corridors


Monday, June 17, 2019

WCB 5/2019

Preservation of More Than 2000 Acres is Funded By State Wildlife Board in May

Sierra Valley, expansion 4, purchase 468 acre conservation easement in Plumas County by Feather River Land Trust for $830,000, with $415,000 from the WCB, and $415,000 from the Federal Natural Resources Conservation Service

East Contra Costa, 120 acre Olesen/Duke property, fee title purchase by CC County, price is $1.08 million with $100,000 from the WCB, $512,000 from USFWS, and $467,000 from the East Bay Reg. Park District

Morongo Basin expansion 5, fee title purchase of 15 acres by the Mojave Desert Land Trust, price is $34,000 with $28,100 from the WCB, and $6400 from the MDLT

Ervin Ranch in El Dorado County, purchase of 1781 acres in fee title for $9.5 million, with $4.055 million from the WCB, $4.5 million from the Federal gun tax, and $1 million from CalTrans; land to be owned by CA DFW

282 acre John Henry ranch in San Diego county, purchase of fee title for $4.2 million, with $3.2 million from the WCB and $1 million from the CA Natural Resources Agency, granted to Escondido Creek Conservancy

SCC 5/2019

Two Projects Get Funding By CA Coastal Conservancy


FILLMORE 269 ACRES-disburse up to $300,000 to Santa Clara River Conservancy to develop a restoration and public access plan for the 269 acre former California Watercress property on the Santa Clara River east of the town of Fillmore in Ventura County (purchased by the State in 2017). SCC 5/16/2019


WEST MALIBU 136 ACRES-disburse up to $800,000 to the Trust for Public Land for the acquisition of 136 acres of undeveloped land at the headwaters of the north fork of Arroyo Sequit Creek in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area in Los Angeles County. Total price is $1.6 million (½ of which is coming from LA County); SCC 5/16/2019

SMMC-MRCA 4/22 to 6/24/2019

A Bunch of New Parks and Development Threats in the LA Mountains, Spring 2019

taken from the agendas of LA's mountain park agencies (Santa Monica Mountains Consrervancy and the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority)


Click on maps to enlarge



WEST MALIBU 136 ACRES--acceptance of approximately 136 acres from the Trust for Public Land (APNs 4472-005-003, 4472-005-004, 4472-005-010, 4472-006-001, 4472-006-003 and 4472-006-012), Arroyo Sequit watershed, unincorporated Ventura County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 5/1/2019

Lechuza Beach Public Access Improvements Project, Lechuza Beach, City of Malibu. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] MRCA 5/1/2019


KANAN-DUME 23 ACRES-(a) entering into an option agreement for the purchase of 23.71-acre Kanan Dume-Ramirez Canyon property (APNs 4467-002-066, 067 and 068); from Andrew Buss/Elizabeth Blakely for the Smith and Lauber Trusts. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 5/1/2019


CALABASAS 19 ACRES-acceptance of an approximately 19-acre conservation easement, in exchange for development of a small area of the parcel, on APN 4455-027-039, Stokes Canyon, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] [Map] MRCA 6/5/2019


TOPANGA 42 ACRES-(a) the acquisition of APNs 4436-023-009, 4436-021-039 and 040 (approximately 42 acres) using mitigation funding, and (b) acceptance of private funds for said acquisition, Topanga Skyline area, Seller: Tyrone Sisson. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map 1] [Map 2] MRCA 6/5/2019


CARBON CANYON 91 ACRES-(a) authorizing acceptance of State Coastal Conservancy’s (SCC) Santa Monica Bay Restoration Grant as recommended by the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission, (b) entering into a grant agreement with SCC, (c) authorizing acceptance of Los Angeles County’s Calabasas Landfill Economic Recovery Account funds, (d) entering into a grant agreement with Los Angeles County Sanitation District, and (e) authorizing acceptance of a private donation to acquire approximately 91 acres (APNs 4453-005-081, -082, -083, -084, -085, -086 and -087) in Carbon Canyon, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map 1] [Map 2]
This action will authorize the acceptance of matching funds from SCC’s Santa Monica Bay Restoration Grant funds (up to $350,000), Los Angeles County’s Calabasas Landfill Economic Recovery Account funds (up to $1,000,000), and a private donor (up to $350,000). MRCA 6/5/2019


Coastal Slope Trail Public Works Plan, Unincorporated Los Angeles County and Cityof Malibu. SMMC 6/24/2019



Mission Canyon Park project, and (b) Adoption of a Youth Employment Plan, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] MRCA 6/5/2019

acceptance of conservation easement over portions of APN 5577-014-009 (3020 Lakeridge Drive), approximately 1.8 acres, in the Mulholland Drive Scenic Corridor and adjacent to the Lake Hollywood Reservoir, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 6/5/2019



acceptance of donation of approximately 0.17 acres, APN 5306-006-007, El Sereno, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 6/5/2019

CHINO HILLS 300 ACRES-acceptance of: (a) APNs 1033-151-27 and 1033-171-14 totaling approximately 300 acres; (b) stewardship funding, and (c) future transfer to State Parks, adjacent to Chino Hills State Park, City of Chino Hills. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 6/5/2019



EAST-RICE CANYONS 50 ACRES-acceptance of donation of approximately 50 acres in the Santa Clarita Woodlands (2826-029-012 through 018 and 020), unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 6/5/2019


Marple Canyon Wildlife Crossing Enhancement Project in unincorporated Castaic, Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map 1] [Map 2] MRCA 6/5/2019

comment letter to the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the PP1 and PP2 Transmission Line Conversion Project, SCH No. 2018011039, Santa Clarita and Sylmar. SMMC 6/24/2019



ARROYO SIMI 49 ACRES-acceptance of a Transfer of Jurisdiction (apns 500-0-360-365 and 410 at 48 and 1.0 acres, respectively) from the California Department of Transportation, Arroyo Simi, Moorpark area. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map 1] [Map 2] SMMC 4/22/2019



Los Angeles River Environmental Flows Study, project planning and design, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] SMMC 4/22/2019 (postponed); Supplemental Analysis, [Staff Report] [Resolution] SMMC 5/20/2019
EXCERPT: “Increased reuse (of cleaned water from sewage, rather than discharge into the rivers) could result in a reduction of instream flow, potentially impacting the beneficial uses which the Water Boards must protect via established flow rates. When a Wastewater Treatment Plant seeks to reduce the amount of water they discharge into the river, and that reduction could reduce instream flow, they must file a wastewater change petition and obtain approval under Water Code Section 1211 (1211 petition) from the State Water Board. A key provision of the1211 petition is to demonstrate that the reduced discharge will not unreasonably affect fish and wildlife, or other public trust resources.”


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