BLM Proposes to Transfer Public Land to Navy in San Diego County
The Bureau of Land Management has released an environmental assessment (EA) for public review on the proposed action to transfer public lands to the Department of Navy (Navy) and issue the Navy a right-of-way on additional public lands for expansion of the La Posta Mountain Warfare Training Facility located in eastern San Diego County.
Under the proposed action, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Palm Springs-South Coast Field Office would transfer administrative jurisdiction of public lands (3,385 acres) under a withdrawal action to the Navy for the expansion of the La Posta Mountain Warfare Training Facility. Some 2,169 additional acres of public lands would be utilized by the Navy under a right-of-way for mountain warfare training activities.
The La Posta Mountain Warfare Training Facility (MWTF) is located northeast of Campo, California. The Navy is currently using the Microwave Space Relay Station under a previous public lands withdrawal action for the MWTF. Under the proposed action the Navy is requesting the designated use of the existing withdrawn public lands be changed from Microwave Space Relay Station use to exclusive use for the MWTF. This action would properly reflect the current Navy use of the public land.
The EA can be viewed at: The public review period will close on November 14, 2009.
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