Save Mount Diablo Added 165 Acres to the Park in 2009

When most people look at Mount Diablo they assume that the entire mountain has been preserved and is part of the State Park - not by a long shot. The 165 acres outlined in the photo above were still in private hands until this Spring when Save Mount Diablo signed the purchase agreement to permanently protect this parcel: Viera-North Peak. It is one of three highest elevation and most visible properties in the county that was still in private hands. Now, when the state is unable to purchase land, Save Mount Diablo has stepped up and is raising the funds to protect this extraordinary property forever.
We all care deeply about protecting the majestic landscapes of Mount Diablo. That's why we are asking for your help today. Your support makes our land saving work possible. For the past 38 years Save Mount Diablo and its allies have increased preserved lands from less than 7,000 acres to nearly 100,000 acres on and around the mountain. Our work is far from being finished.
The acquisition of Viera-North Peak is one example of the need to save the mountain. Click here to read about other mountain-saving projects we are currently involved in.
trail map
For twenty years Save Mount Diablo and its allies have defended the Tassajara Valley and hills. These beautiful grasslands stretch east from Danville and San Ramon, north of Dublin and Livermore. It is an agricultural and open space buffer between preserved open spaces in every direction, linked by Camino Tassajara Road and Tassajara Creek, with headwaters to the north in Mount Diablo State Park and Morgan Territory Regional Preserve. County residents voted to place the Tassajara Valley outside of the urban growth boundaries in 2006. Now, a new development plan is being proposed in the valley. The “New Farm” project is an attempt to break the urban growth boundaries. If they’re successful, other development proposals in the valley will follow. We continue to defend voter-approved urban growth boundaries.
When Los Vaqueros Reservoir was completed, Contra Costa Water District was required to permanently protect over 4,000 acres of land with conservation easements to balance the reservoir’s impacts on endangered species and other resources. A current proposal to expand the reservoir would flood hundreds of acres of this protected land, wipe out recreational trails, and would destroy a wildlife corridor west of the reservoir. Water policy is a state wide issue, but Save Mount Diablo is advocating for protection of thousands of acres of additional land if this previously protected land is allowed to be flooded.
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