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--the California "Mega-Park" Project

Tracking measurable success on preserving and connecting California's Parks & Wildlife Corridors


Thursday, December 24, 2009

40 acres added to San Diego River preserve...

El Capitan Highlands Preserve grows

Update: Nov. 12, 2009

Great News

We have acquired a 40 acre property! Thanks to a wonderful owner who has been working with us for some time we have negotiated and completed the acquisition of this property. This is part of a $1.1 million grant the River Park Foundation has been awarded. Thanks to the generosity of so many in the community we have been able to move forward on this acquisition as part of a larger acquisition program. Thank you! We have almost reached our fundraising requirement for this grant. Learn More


Mildred Falls is Flowing!

At 300 feet, Mildred Falls is perhaps the tallest waterfall in San Diego County. With the recent rains, this incredible landmark is now flowing. Visible from San Diego Country Estates as well as the Cedar Creek Falls Trailhead on Eagle Peak Road, this is something not to miss.
Much of this waterfall is on private property. It is adjacent to the River Park Foundation's Eagle Peak Preserve. The waterfall is actually on Ritchie Creek just upstream of where it enters the San Diego River.

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