Oxnard May Grow into wetlands and ag-lands on city's south border
Oxnard May Grow into wetlands and ag-lands on city's south border
for more photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/Rare.Earth.fotos/OxnardSOrmondBeachWetlands8282009VenturaCounty#
12/7/2009 from EDC
Help Protect Ormond Beach Wetlands:
Attend Planning Commission Hearing this Thursday December 10th
Attend Planning Commission Hearing this Thursday December 10th
Like many of our dwindling Southern California wetlands, Ormond Beach has been severely degraded and fragmented by human development, but it remains vitally important habitat for many rare native plants and over 200 species of migratory birds, including the endangered California least tern and the western snowy plover.
The California State Coastal Conservancy has invested millions of dollars, and is poised to invest even more, to permanently protect and restore Ormond Beach. If successful, this could be one of the largest coastal wetland areas in Southern California - a destination for local residents and visitors from afar. However, decisions will be made soon by the City of Oxnard about the Ormond Beach Specific Plan, and they will directly impact whether this restoration vision will be achieved. New development proposed in the Ormond Beach Specific Plan would thwart restoration plans and promote land uses in Ormond Beach that are incompatible with wetland protection and with the public's connection to this natural open space area.
Please attend a Special Meeting of the Oxnard Planning Commission for a public hearing on the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Ormond Beach Specific Plan. Check
for 1.6 megabyte staff report
for more information about the agenda (click on "view agenda" and locate Item F.)
WHEN: Thursday, December 10, at 7 PM
WHERE: City Council Chambers
305 West Third Street, Oxnard
Let the Planning Commission know:
You support the Ormond Beach Specific Plan Project Objective of protecting coastal resources, including potential wetland restoration areas;
The Final EIR does not adequately address or mitigate impacts to the Ormond wetlands, consider sea level rise impacts, or consider how new development in the area will interfere with the State Coastal Conservancy's restoration plans.
The Final EIR does not adequately address and mitigate other project impacts, such as the loss of prime agricultural land and the considerable water demand that will be generated by the new residential and industrial development.
For these reasons, the Commission should not recommend certification of the EIR to the City Council.
Even if you do not testify, your presence at the Planning Commission Hearing makes a difference. Please try to join us in person. If you cannot be there, you can also send written comments to lori.maxfield@ci.oxnard.ca.us (SUBJECT: Planning Commission 12/10 Meeting - Item F - Ormond Beach Specific Plan) by Wednesday December 9.

The North Ormond Beach/SouthShore project is generally located on the north side of Hueneme Road, east of Edison Drive, west of Olds Road, and south of the Tierra Vista and Villa Capri Neighborhoods. This area (approximately 322 acres) proposes a mix of uses including up to 1,283 residential dwelling units of varying types and densities; an elementary school; a high school; a community park; neighborhood parks; an 18-acre lake; a mixed-use commercial marketplace; light industrial uses; and open spaces and trails. The South Ormond Beach project is generally located on the south side of Hueneme Road, east of Edison Drive, west of Arnold Road, and north of coastal dunes and beach areas. This area (approximately 595 acres) proposes a 366 acre business park, including a business/research campus, light industrial facilities and harbor-related uses. The remaining 228 acres would continue in agricultural use and would not be annexed to the City as part of this project. This property may be sold to the California Coastal Conservancy or partner organization for use as part of the larger Ormond Beach wetland restoration project.
ventura county’s Ormond wetlands
Ormond Beach—Halaco cleanup—1.8 megabyte file
on Ormond Beach wetlands
one proposal
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