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Monday, July 19, 2010

Feds Get Sacramento River land in trade near Shasta Lake...

BLM Acquires Land to Improve Public Recreation Opportunities Near Sacramento River

7/8/2010--The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has acquired 275 acres near the Sacramento River that will improve public access to recreation areas and trails north of Redding.

Acquisition of the three parcels between Keswick and Shasta dams will enable the BLM to complete six miles of new trail. A new three- mile loop from the Walker Mine Road Trailhead and a three-mile trail to Moccasin Creek will cross the newly acquired land, according to Steve Anderson, manager of the BLM Redding Field Office.

“Getting the property into public ownership also improves our ability to protect sensitive cultural and historic resources, improve wildlife habitat, and allow us to better manage fire-prone vegetation and reduce wildfire risk,” Anderson said.

The BLM acquired the parcels in a land exchange with property owner Jaxon Baker who acquired from the BLM about 100 acres within the urban expansion area of the City of Shasta Lake.

Anderson said BLM and its partners will soon begin developing the recreation trail segments on the newly acquired parcels, continuing improvement of a rapidly expanding recreational trail network in the Redding area.

Meanwhile, feds shift lands between departments to help Forest Service and Off-Roaders

One small step for good government

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hey, this won't make a noticeable dent in the trillion-dollar deficit, but Rep. Wally Herger alerts the world that his HR 689 has passed both houses of Congress -- and will bring new efficiencies to one small corner of the federal government in the north state.

The measure is a land swap that would consolidate the management of the Chappie-Shasta OHV park under the Bureau of Land Management's, um, management, while shifting some 5,000 acres in the Trinity Alps Wilderness to the jurisdiction of the Forest Service. Makes sense for both agencies -- as if the checkerboard of public and private land weren't confusing enough, it only gets worse when you throw in adjacent lands owned by the federal government, but under two separate Cabinet departments.

But what will it mean for users? Local BLM chief Steve Anderson explains in an e-mail:

"Many of the special use permits involved regional users (ie: Oregon, Southern California, Nevada) along with local users. For organized events the reality of one permit simply makes planning more direct. We receive OHV grants from the State of California and while the grant process wont change, there should now only be one grant application for the 52,000 acre, Chappie Shasta OHV area. We would hope that one application would be a benefit to the State OHV Commission and the approval process.

BLM continues to acquire land in the OHV area with federal, state, and settlement (Iron Mountain Mine Superfund ) land. It may make land acquisition more straightforward. Sometimes private parcels offered for purchase would be split between management agency jurisdictions. The parcel(s) may have value for trail connectivity and long term management but we would try to select those lands of most importance within our jurisdiction."

A Current map of the Chappie Shasta off-roader park --CLICK ON IT TO ENLARGE

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