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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trail Finished in Foothills east of Sacramento...

New Trail Preview Hikes-South Fork American River

Sept. 2009 News from the American River Conservancy

(Cronan Ranch to Salmon Falls Bridge) 9 am - 1 pm
Saturdays: Sept. 5, Sept. 26, Oct. 10, Oct. 24 (run only date), Nov. 7, Nov. 21.

This trail is newly constructed and not yet open to the public. It is being offered as a fundraiser to help ARC complete construction of the trail's final segments. Hiking distance is approximately 8 miles with easy to moderate hiking. Our hike will take us along the west ridge of the Cronan Ranch down to the South Fork American River with beautiful views of the Coloma-Lotus Valley and the South Fork American River Canyon. Our hike will proceed downstream from the Cronan Ranch through mixed oak woodland and conifer with occasional views of the lower American River gorge. Just upstream of Satan's Cesspool, we'll emerge into mixed chaparral-covered slopes and then back into beautiful blue oak woodland recently acquired by ARC. Finally, our group will emerge onto a long-running ridge with excellent views of upper Folsom Lake and the Sacramento Valley. The trail will drop down to Acorn Creek and the site of ARC's pedestrian bridge construction project and on to the Skunk Hollow Parking Lot at the Salmon Falls Bridge and Folsom Lake. A shuttle bus will pick up our group at the Skunk Hollow parking lot and return us to our cars at the Cronan Ranch trailhead by approximately 1 p.m. Fit 10-year-olds+ welcome. Rain or shine. Please call (530) 621-1224 or contact to sign up and for meeting location. Donations encouraged for these special preview hikes.


ARC staff are moving forward with the design and permits needed to construct a 47 foot pedestrian bridge across Acorn Creek at Salmon Falls. This bridge and about ½ mile of not-yet constructed trail represent the last link in completing a 25-mile trail system extending from Highway 49 (Magnolia Ranch trailhead) to the Folsom Lake State Recreation Area at Salmon Falls.

The bridge will be built on the 48 acre "Klein" parcel purchased by the American River Conservancy in January, 2009. The bridge will be constructed of redwood and steel following a design tested and favored by the State Department of Parks and Recreation.

ARC is working to secure the necessary funding to complete the construction of the bridge and acquire a key trail corridor parcel. "Unfortunately, public grant funding as completely dried-up for river trail projects", stated ARC director, Alan Ehrgott. "We have to do this the hard way with community fundraisers and appeals to family and corporate foundations. The good news is that we're at the very end of a $20 million campaign. We are literally seeking the last $290,000 to complete this extraordinary 25 mile trail system along the South Fork American River."

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