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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Groups Appeal Court Loss over Placer County's Clover Valley

Clover Valley Decision Appealed, --from California Oak Report

The Clover Valley Foundation and Sierra Club have filed a "Notice of Appeal" to petition the 3rd District Court of Appeals for a rehearing of a February lower court decision. After thorough deliberation and research, both organizations are convinced that the Sacramento Superior Court decision was erroneous and the proposed Placer County project does indeed violate the California Environmental Quality Act.

Conservationists contend that the lower court decision was seriously flawed in the following areas: (1) encroachment into required stream setback buffers; (2) evaluation of significant growth-inducing impacts for the "oversized" sewer line expansion; (3) impact mitigation for removal of over 7,000 oaks at the project site; (4) reliance on unfinished federal review processes with regard to the historic and prehistoric sites; (5) deferred mitigation for a threatened species found on the site.

The ten-year grassroots effort to save the 622-acre Clover Valley is far from over. Background information regarding the Clover Valley conservation campaign can be found at the Clover Valley Foundation website.

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