Indexed News on:

--the California "Mega-Park" Project

Tracking measurable success on preserving and connecting California's Parks & Wildlife Corridors


Monday, September 23, 2019

SMMC-MRCA 6/24 to 9/23/2019

LA Mountain Parks News: A few new parks, a few new development threats


OLD TOPANGA, 46 acres-authorizing: (a) the acquisition of APNs 4438-017-008, 011, 012 and 4438-036-001 (approximately 46 acres), Old Topanga Canyon area, [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 7/3/2019


4.5 acres private land inside of Runyan Canyon park-comment letter to the City of Los Angeles on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed 3003 Runyon Canyon Project (env-2016-4180-eir), [Attachment] [Map 1] [Map 2] [Comment Letter] SMMC 9/23/2019

CALABASAS-exchange of an approximately 300-foot-long above ground waterline easement over APN 4455-012-901 to exclusively benefit APN 4455-014-002 with one habitatable structure and landscaping at 2831 Stokes Canyon Road in exchange for an access easement and a conservation easement over a minimum 20 acre portion of APN 4455-014-002, Stokes Canyon, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [8-7-19 Item X Staff Report] [8-7-19 Item X Res # 19-128] [Item X map1] [Item X map2] MRCA 8/7/2019

HOLLYWOOD HILLS: authorizing the fee simple sale of a less than 0.1-acre portion of APN 5570-021-905 and fee simple acceptance of an equal or greater area of APN 5570-024-063 to address an encroachment from 7721 Firenze Avenue, Briar Summit Open Space Preserve, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] [Map] [Map 2] MRCA 7/3/2019

VERDUGO MOUNTAINS: visitor facilities on dedicated and acquired open space within the former Verdugo Hills golf course, La Tuna Canyon, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] [Map 1] [Map 2] [Map 3] SMMC 8/26/2019 [8-7-19 Item VI(f) Staff Report] [8-7-19 Item VI(f) Res # 19-124] [VI(f) attachment] MRCA 8/7/2019

MALIBU/TRANCAS: acceptance of the offer to dedicate trail easement associated with Coastal Development Permit No. 05-160 (McKeen), incorporated and unincorporated Malibu. [8-7-19 Item VI(b) Staff Report] [8-7-19 Item VI(b) Res # 19-120] [Item VIb map] MRCA 8/7/2019



CHATSWORTH: acceptance of donation of APN 2819-004-027, approximately 0.1 acres, Browns Canyon, City of Los Angeles. [8-7-19 Item VI(c) Staff Report] [8-7-19 Item VI(c) Res # 19-121] [Item VIc map] MRCA 8/7/2019

CASTAIC: comment letter to the County of Los Angeles on the Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the 114 acre, 222 homes Sterling Ranch Estates Residential Project, unincorporated Val Verde, County of Los Angeles. [Comment Letter] [Resolution] [Maps] SMMC 8/26/2019

MOORPARK: comment letter to the City of Moorpark on the Notice of Preparation for an Environmental Impact Report for the 270 acre, 755 home Hitch Ranch Specific Plan, Santa Susana Mountains. [Comment Letter] [Resolution] [Attachment] [Map 1] [Map 2] SMMC 8/26/2019

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