Indexed News on:

--the California "Mega-Park" Project

Tracking measurable success on preserving and connecting California's Parks & Wildlife Corridors


Monday, June 17, 2019

WCB 5/2019

Preservation of More Than 2000 Acres is Funded By State Wildlife Board in May

Sierra Valley, expansion 4, purchase 468 acre conservation easement in Plumas County by Feather River Land Trust for $830,000, with $415,000 from the WCB, and $415,000 from the Federal Natural Resources Conservation Service

East Contra Costa, 120 acre Olesen/Duke property, fee title purchase by CC County, price is $1.08 million with $100,000 from the WCB, $512,000 from USFWS, and $467,000 from the East Bay Reg. Park District

Morongo Basin expansion 5, fee title purchase of 15 acres by the Mojave Desert Land Trust, price is $34,000 with $28,100 from the WCB, and $6400 from the MDLT

Ervin Ranch in El Dorado County, purchase of 1781 acres in fee title for $9.5 million, with $4.055 million from the WCB, $4.5 million from the Federal gun tax, and $1 million from CalTrans; land to be owned by CA DFW

282 acre John Henry ranch in San Diego county, purchase of fee title for $4.2 million, with $3.2 million from the WCB and $1 million from the CA Natural Resources Agency, granted to Escondido Creek Conservancy

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