Indexed News on:

--the California "Mega-Park" Project

Tracking measurable success on preserving and connecting California's Parks & Wildlife Corridors


Sunday, August 24, 2014

SMMC-MRCA 10/2/2013 to 8/25/2014

L.A. Parks News Blast, #3: Rare Earth News publisher falls asleep in front of TV, His readers miss news about all these big deals....

Dear Readers,
From October of 2013 until July 2014 I was swamped with work and could not churn out my supply of good hiking news for you. I'm back and here's all the news that piled up in my in-box, cut down to the basics with e-links so you can find out more info. If your email box fills up with all this, I apologize. From mine to yours.

Taken from the agendas of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority for October 2013 to August 2014

Consideration of resolution adopting FY 14/15 MRCA Workprogram. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 5/7/2014  GREAT MAP!!!!!

(wish list for new parkland in red shading, if only the $$$ was available)



We covered this project extensively until the L.A. City Council wisely decided that this was no place for more urban sprawl: read more here

Assignment of the right to apply for 5th District Specified Excess Funds to the Trust for Public Land for the acquisition of Newhall Pass properties east of Interstate 5, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] SMMC 11/4/2013; [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 10/2/2013
--matching grant of Proposition 84 funds to the City of Santa Clarita for acquisition of Valley Vista project, approximately 232 acres (former Las Lomas project) in the Newhall Pass wildlife habitat linkage, apn’s 2827-030-011,-012,013; 2827-029-008; 2827-031-002, and -007, Santa Clarita. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] [Map 1] [Map 2] [Map 3] SMMC 11/4/2013



resolution opposing the proposed Hidden Creeks Estates Project (cpc-2005-6656-ad-gpa-zc-cu-da-zad/env-2005-6657-eir) and authorizing a comment letter to the City of Los Angeles regarding said project in Browns Canyon watershed, County of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Attachment 3] [Attachment 4] [Attachment 5] [Map 1] [Map 2] [Comment Letter] SMMC 11/4/2013

resolution opposing the proposed Hidden Creeks Estates Project (CPC-2005-6656-AD-GPA-ZC-CU-DA-ZAD/VTT-68724/ENV-2005-6657-EIR), and, in the event that a project is approved, conditionally authorizing the acceptance of trail easements, conservation easements, and fee simple open space related to the project, Browns Canyon watershed, Chatsworth and Porter Ranch areas. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Attachment 3] [Attachment 4] [Attachment 5] [Map 1] [Map 2] MRCA 11/6/2013

Browns canyon/Pinkerton property: acquisition of APNs 2821-003-012 and 013 totaling approximately 80 acres in the Browns Canyon watershed using Proposition A funds and non-Corps related mitigation funds, unincorporated Chatsworth area. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 11/6/2013

Browns canyon road: roadway improvements at Michael D. Antonovich Regional Park at Joughin Ranch. [Staff Report] [Resolution] MRCA 3/13/2014


TOWSLEY CANYON PARK: augmentation of Grant No. smm-40-1267 for additional closing costs to settle Towsley Canyon purchase agreement, Santa Clarita Woodlands, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] SMMC 11/4/2013; [Staff Report] [Resolution] MRCA 10/2/2013

SIMI VALLEY AT KEUHNER DRIVE: comment letter to the City of Simi Valley on Royal Oaks Hummingbird Creek development proposal. [Comment Letter] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Map] SMMC 8/25/2014

PICO AND SALT CANYONS: donation of approximately 80 acres of land in the Santa Clarita Woodlands area, APN’s 2826-014-052 and -053, north slope of Santa Susana Mountains. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 6/4/2014

CHATSWORTH—JOHNSON MOTORWAY TRAIL: dedication of trail easements to Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation over a portion of APNs 2821-010-905 and 2821-027-902, Rocky Peak Park and Indian Springs Open Space, Chatsworth. [Staff Report] [Map] [Resolution] MRCA 11/6/2013



DAYTON AND WOOLSEY CANYONS IN WEST HILLS: (a) entering into an agreement with Centex Homes regarding Sterling at West Hills project (TT Map No. 52866); (b) acceptance of a minimum 250-acre open space dedication, various small conservation easements, and public access easements, and (c) acceptance of open space maintenance funding, Dayton and Woolsey Canyons, City of Los Angeles and incorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 5/7/2014

NORTH CHATSWORTH PEAK: authorizing the use of mitigation funds to acquire APN 648-0-270-325, conditionally from Ballona Ecosystem Education Project, comprised of approximately 118 acres on the north slope of Chatsworth Peak, unincorporated Ventura County. Negotiators: Joseph T. Edmiston and Rex Frankel. Under consideration: price and terms. (This matter may be heard in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54856.8.) [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 6/4/2014; [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 5/7/2014

WEST HILLS: acceptance of a donation of APNs 2031-015-001 and 2031-001-006 totaling 22.8 acres, with partial consideration of agency campground use for the Girl Scouts of America, El Escorpion Canyon, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 6/4/2014



comment letter to Los Angeles County on Notice of Preparation for the 3600 home Newhall Ranch-Homestead South project (vtt Map No. 060678), on 2535 acres near the Santa Clara River, unincorporated Santa Clarita area. [Comment Letter] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] SMMC 7/28/2014

acceptance of an approximately 2.69-acre conservation easement and processing funds over portions of APNs 2836-003-010, 017, 018, 019, 2836-002-038, and 047 in Soledad Canyon, Santa Clarita. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 7/2/2014; [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Map] MRCA 5/7/2014



Project Agreement for the 118 acre Agua Dulce – State Route 14 Wildlife Corridor Project, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 12/4/2013

acquire APN 3212-004-017 approximately 5.8 acres in Agua Dulce Canyon, immediately northwest of Agua Dulce Road and 14 FWY interchange, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 4/2/2014

acquire parcels totaling 40.88 acres in the northeast corner of the Agua Dulce Canyon Road and State Route 14 Interchange, APNs 3212-004-010 and 014, unincorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 5/7/2014
acquisition of Agua Dulce Canyon Wildlife corridor parcels, incorporated Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] SMMC 8/25/2014 (mentions that another 56 acres west of Agua Dulce Road was purchased by MRCA in June 2014)



Arroyo Seco Bike and Pedestrian Trail. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Attachment 3] SMMC 2/24/2014

transfer of a conservation easement over Whitebird/Canyon Hills housing tract’s open space from the MRCA to the Desert and Mountain Conservation Authority (DMCA) and simultaneous transfer of fee ownership from DMCA to the MRCA, over the following APNs: 2401-032-003, 005, 006, 007, and 008; 2401-034-003; 2561-007-007, 010, 012, 013, 016, 018, 019, 021, and 022; 2545-018-002, 004, and 005; 2546-010-009; 2561-009-005, 006, 007, 010, 012, 013, 015, and 016; 2561-031-004; 2561-033-001, 002, and 003; 2562-003-012 (portion) and 015; 2562-004-006 (portion), 008, 011, and 014; 2562-005-003, 004, 006, and 007; and 2562-006-005 and 008, La Tuna Canyon, Verdugo Mountains, City of Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] MRCA 10/2/2013

Consideration of resolution authorizing a professional services contract with MIG, Inc., for design services for the Pacoima Wash Greenway - El Dorado Park project. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 11/6/2013

constructing trails on the La ViƱa dedication, Altadena. [Staff Report] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] MRCA 1/15/2014; [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] [Attachment] SMMC 1/27/2014

engineering and design services for the Lopez Canyon Park improvement project. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] MRCA 2/5/2014

acceptance of conservation easements totaling approximately 42 acres surrounding portions of housing Tract in San Gabriel Canyon, City of Azusa, Los Angeles County. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map] MRCA 8/6/2014

comment letter to the City of Los Angeles on the 1.6 acre, 8 home proposed project at 5370 Mount Royal Drive (case no. TT-71245), on the south slope of the San Rafael Hills south of the 134 freeway, City of Los Angeles. [Comment Letter] [Resolution] [Attachment] [Map] SMMC 4/28/2014



734 acre purchase: grant to The Nature Conservancy for the acquisition of the Alamos Canyon habitat linkage property either side of the 118 freeway, incorporated and unincorporated Simi Valley area. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] [Map 1] [Map 2] [Map 3] [Map 4] SMMC 2/24/2014

Presentation on lesser known inter-mountain range habitat linkages in the Ventura County portion of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Zone, Callegus Creek, and Santa Clara River [Presentation] SMMC 7/28/2014

comment letter to the City of Camarillo on the Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Conejo Creek Specific (development) Plan (on southeast corner of city). [Comment Letter] [Resolution] [Map 1] [Map 2] [Map 3] [Attachment] SMMC 8/25/2014

acceptance of a conservation easement over APN's 500-0-291-455, 500-0-291-475, 637-0-070-340 and maintenance funding, Arroyo Simi, City of Simi Valley. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Map] MRCA 7/2/2014



Presentation on locations of protected and actually constructed Rim of the Valley Trail alignment and alignment adaptations. [Staff Report] SMMC 4/28/2014 (report presented orally)

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