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Friday, December 30, 2011

Wanna sign your environment away?

Tired of clean air, open space protection, and access to the beach? Sign this petition to let the "free" market rule!

This guy from the coast-side of the San Francisco bay, Oscar Braun, has been on an all-out war against the state's Coastal Commission for quite a while now. His newest effort is to outlaw all of the state's environmental protection laws at once.
Braun has been furious at the state and the County of San Mateo for thwarting his development plans on a 70 acre ranch which he bought in 1988 for $300,000 and later sought, unsuccessfully, to sell for $25 million.


Here's the press release from the state's Secretary of State's office, which regulates voter-initiated law petition drives.

"11/22/2011--ELIMINATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LAWS AND AGENCIES. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT AND STATUTE. Repeals the California Environmental Quality Act, California Coastal Act, California Endangered Species Act, California Global Warming Solutions Act, and California Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act. Abolishes the California Environmental Protection Agency and Air Resources Board. Establishes new inalienable rights to produce, distribute, use, and consume air, carbon dioxide, water, food, habitat for humanity, universal heal thyself care, and energy generating natural resources. Grants Californians the individual right to nullify all federal powers not specifically delegated to the United States by the federal constitution.

The Secretary of State's tracking number for this measure is 1521 and the Attorney General's tracking number is 11-0043.

The proponent for this measure, Oscar Alejandro Braun, must collect signatures of 807,615 registered voters - the number equal to eight percent of the total votes cast for governor in the 2010 gubernatorial election - in order to qualify it for the ballot. The proponent has 150 days to circulate petitions for this measure, meaning the signatures must be collected by April 19, 2012.

No public contact information was provided by the proponent.

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