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--the California "Mega-Park" Project

Tracking measurable success on preserving and connecting California's Parks & Wildlife Corridors


Friday, February 4, 2011

Loggers to Sell development rights by Mt. Shasta...

Shasta Slopes Saved

2/2/2011--Today the Roseburg Resources Company and Pacific Forest Trust (PFT) announced they will establish a working forest conservation easement to conserve the significant natural resources of the company’s 8,230-acre Bear Creek tract, located on the slopes of Mt. Shasta in the northern California counties of Siskiyou and Shasta. This effort will complete the permanent conservation of the upper Bear Creek watershed, spawning grounds for the world-famous Fall River rainbow trout.

(click on map to enlarge)

The Bear Creek Working Forest Project is located in the PFT's Mt. Shasta Headwaters Conservation Area within the Klamath-Cascade region, source of the majority of California’s drinking water, heart of the state’s timber industry and home to one of the world’s most biodiverse conifer forests.

Together Roseburg Resources and PFT are applying to the California Wildlife Conservation Board, the Sierra Nevada Conservancy, the National Scenic Byways Program and private foundations for grants to fund the $7.8 million appraised value of the conservation easement. Roseburg has committed to sell the easement to PFT if sufficient funding commitments can be secured this year.

Family-owned Roseburg Resources Company,, headquartered in Dillard, Oregon, owns 175,000 acres in northern California....




12/2010--We have some great news to share as 2010 comes to a close. This month California's Sierra Nevada Conservancy delivered the funds to complete our conservation easement on the 245-acre Calpine Meadow Ranch in Sierra Valley, CA, located at the southern tip of our Klamath-Cascade focal area.

Finalizing this conservation easement brings the total lands PFT has safeguarded this year to more than 3,000 acres - a cause for celebration!

PFT is working with local ranchers to create a conservation corridor across southern Sierra Valley, the largest alpine valley in North America. Located north of Lake Tahoe and a stone’s throw from Reno, Sierra Valley is the headwaters of the middle fork of the Feather River, where the snowmelt from the northern Sierra creates the largest wetland ecosystem in the Sierra Nevada. To date, in partnership
with five families, we have conserved 4,500 acres along the important transition between the upland forests and valley meadowlands. More conservation easement projects are underway.

Mt. Shasta

PFT is working closely with the owners of large, well-managed commercial forestlands that surround this majestic peak, interspersed with the National Forest and Mt. Shasta Wilderness Area. The goal of these partnerships is to secure key properties that anchor the forest products industry of the area, while assuring the ongoing sustainable management of these uniquely diverse forests. The glaciers and snow pack of Mt. Shasta form the headwaters of the Sacramento River and several of its key tributaries, including the McCloud and Fall Rivers, which provide much of the water for thirsty Californians. To date, PFT has conserved more than 9,000 acres here, with several major conservation projects in development.

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