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Monday, August 30, 2010

Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space agency (SF Bay) adds to parks

Another 3100 Acres saved on SF Peninsula over last 2 Years

Land Added to the Preserves from 7/2008 to 6/2009:

The District added 1,449 acres of new open space land, valued at $27.8 million, in fiscal year 2008-2009. The additions were funded from the following sources:

Open Space Land Added by Purchase or Management Agreement:

• Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve: The 1,047-acre Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) Mindego Ranch property was purchased for $22.5 million.

• Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve: Five properties were added to this Preserve for a total purchase cost
of $5.3 million. These include the following:

--1) 56.9-acre Beatty Trust property (now provides potential
staging and regional trail connections) (1/2 purchase
price paid for by $950,000 purchase grant from Santa
Clara County Parks)
--2) 90.3-acre Hicks Creek Ranch property
--3) 80.0-acre Merrill Trust property
--4) 81.5-acre former Moore property (license and
management agreement with POST)
--5) 93.7-acre Stanton property (an undivided 1/2 interest)

Open Space Land Added From Gifts:

Gifts of 9.3 acres of new open space land, valued at $116,000, were received. The gifts included additions to the following preserves:
• Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve: Gifts of the 8.8-acre Marks property and 0.2-acre Delacorte “Hacienda Park” parcel were added to the Preserve.
• Bear Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve: A gift of the 0.2-acre Sampson property was added to the Preserve.
• Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve: A gift of the 0.1-acre Carlson “Redwood Park” parcel was added to the Preserve.

Purchases from 7/2009 to 6/2010:

the greenbelt we purchase and manage on your behalf grew by nearly 1,700 acres last year.

Land Added to the Preserves in 2009-2010 (A trail easement and several small gift parcels total approximately three acres.)

The District added 1,689 acres of new open space land, valued at $16.6 million in fiscal year 2009-2010. The additions were funded from the following sources:

Open Space Land Added by Purchase or Management Agreement:

• Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve:
The District purchased three properties totaling 1,050 acres UC Elkus Uplands, Peninsula Open Space Trust (Lobitos Ridge), and Peninsula Open Space Trust (Bluebrush Canyon)] as part of the Purisima-to-the-Sea project for a combined purchase price of $10,800,000. As part of this project, the District received a $500,000 grant from the state Habitat Conservation Fund.

• Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve: Five properties were added to this Preserve, totaling approximately 335 acres at a total purchase price of $1,364,050. These purchases include the following:
--1) 81.5-acre Peninsula Open Space Trust (Moore), 42.53-acre Maas, and 41.7-acre Laine properties as additions to the Cathedral Oaks area of  the Preserve;
--2) 158.51-acre Horstmeyer property (license and management agreement with Peninsula Open Space Trust) and 10-acre Mendez property as additions to the Mt. Umunhum area of the Preserve.

• Miramontes Ridge Open Space Preserve (formerly Mills Creek Open Space Preserve):
Two properties adding 192 acres to this Preserve include:
--1) 160-acre Sare property for $1,420,000;

--2) 32-acre Roberts property connecting the Preserve to Burleigh Murray State Park was purchased at a bargain sale purchase price of $400,000 from Peninsula Open Space Trust with a gift component of $250,000. Peninsula Open Space Trust paid $650,000 for the property.

• Land Exchange at Rancho San Antonio and Monte Bello Open Space Preserves: Resolved a historic encroachment with Hanson Permanente Cement adding 61 acres to Rancho San Antonio Open Space Preserve and 48 acres to Monte Bello Open Space Preserve with an estimated value of $2,000,000.

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