Indexed News on:

--the California "Mega-Park" Project

Tracking measurable success on preserving and connecting California's Parks & Wildlife Corridors


Thursday, August 6, 2009

SMMC-MRCA 7/1/2009 to 8/5/2009

Negotiating over key Angeles Forest linkage...L.A. Mountains Update for July-August 2009

400 acres north of Sylmar
18 acres in Arroyo Las Posas in Ventura County
5.6 acres in Agoura Hills, near liberty Canyon
3.9 acres in Carbon Canyon in Malibu
1.2 acres in Escondido Canyon in west Malibu

Verdugo Hills Golf Course—conversion to 200 homes
Malibu Canyon, just north of Hughes Research Center


7/1/2009 MRCA
Proposed purchase of 400 acres at the site of the formerly proposed Elsmere Canyon Landfill, located in Bull Creek and Grapevine canyon watersheds north of Sylmar
Consideration of resolution authorizing submission of Proposition K application to the City of Los Angeles for the acquisition of property in the south western corner of the San Gabriel Mountains. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]

Consideration of resolution adopting Engineer's Report, confirming the annual levy of maintenance assessment for fiscal year 2009-2010 and directing related actions for the Santa Monica Mountains Open Space Preservation Assessment District No. 1, Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]

Consideration of resolution adopting Engineer's Report, confirming the annual levy of maintenance assessment for fiscal year 2009-2010 and directing related actions for the Santa Monica Mountains Open Space Preservation Assessment District No. 2, Los Angeles. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]


8/5/2009 MRCA
Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of a conservation easement over a portion of APN 2385-022-002, Coldwater Canyon Lane, Studio City. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Map]

Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of an approximately 18-acre mitigation project conservation easement along Arroyo Las Posas on APN 163-0-020-785 and processing fee, Calleguas Creek watershed, Ventura County. [Map] [Map 2] [Map 3] [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment]

Runyan Canyon Park--Consideration of resolution authorizing the extension of two promissory notes in the amounts of $3,000,000 and $1,000,000; and further ratifying the sale and purchase back of APN’s 5571-025-903, 904, 5571-026-903, 904, 5571-027-902, 903, 5571-031-909, 910, 911, 912, 913, and certain related actions. [Staff Report]

Consideration of resolution authorizing entering into a grant agreement with the State Coastal Conservancy and acceptance of the grant funds for the Malibu Road Public Access project. [Staff Report] [Resolution]

5.6 acre Riopharm property, in Agoura Hills--Consideration of resolution authorizing acceptance of open space dedication of an approximately 5.6-acre portion of Lot C, Tract 48312 (APN 2061-015-008), and signing of a covenant and agreement by offsite property owner regarding drainage acceptance from Tract 48312 and release of liability, Liberty Canyon, City of Agoura Hills. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Map]

Consideration of resolution authorizing the use of Proposition A funds including the acceptance of a Third Supervisorial District 2009 Competitive Natural Land for Trails Grant Program grant for the acquisition of a conservation and trail easement over an approximately 3.9 acre portion of APN 4453-027-004 in Carbon Canyon, unincorporated Malibu. [Map] [Staff Report] [Resolution]

1.2 acres in Excondido Canyon--Consideration of resolution authorizing the use Proposition A funds to acquire APN 4460-014-008 in Escondido Canyon for the Coastal Slope Trail, City of Malibu. [Map] [Staff Report]


SMMC 7/27/2009:

Consideration of resolution authorizing a comment letter to the City of Los Angeles on Draft Environmental Impact Report for Verdugo Hills Golf Course project, 6433 La Tuna Canyon Road, Tujunga. [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Map 1] [Map 2] [Map 3] [Map 4] [Map 5] [Map 6] [Map 7] [Map 8] [Map 9] [Comment Letter]

Consideration of resolution authorizing a comment letter to Los Angeles County on Notice of Consultation for 2919 Malibu Canyon Road (Francisco Ranch Road), Malibu Canyon Significant Ecological Area. [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Attachment 3] [Map] [Comment Letter]

Consideration of resolution authorizing the addition of Coastal Slope Trail – Carbon to Las Flores to the acquisition Workprogram. [Map 1] [Map 2] [Staff Report] [Resolution]


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