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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Power Lines through the Sutter Buttes?

Proposed 500 Volt Transmission Lines Through

Sutter Buttes and Central Sacramento Valley

Dear Middle Mountain Foundation Supporters,

4/13/2009--Recently, we at the Middle Mountain Foundation learned of a project to construct new electric power transmission lines with proposed routes near and in the Buttes. I made contact with TANC, the company responsible for the project, and they are very willing to reroute the power lines away from the Buttes. What they need are constructive suggestions from concerned citizens about the best alternative routes for the lines.

There are public meetings scheduled for this week that will allow us to get our comments on the record. Tomorrow night's meeting is being held in Williams, at 5:30 at Granzellas Inn (451 6th Street, Williams). For all information regarding this project, including maps for the proposed routes, please visit:

See the Proposed Transmission Lines Route:

With your positive input and creative suggestions, we can ensure this project has the best outcome for all concerned.

Thank you,
Cory D. Wilkins
Executive Director
Middle Mountain Foundation

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