Project near San Diego River Sent Back for Redesign due to Fire Danger
City told to revise Fanita Ranch fire plan for 1400 home project in coastal sage scrub habitat; Groups had sued over development plans on the 2550 acres...
for aerial photo: for maps and photos
ET 4/97: Santee's Fanita Ranch: open space or urban sprawl?
from one of the attorneys:
In further arguing the need for a new “EIR” it was pointed out that the City needed to take a hard look at the proposed lay out of the project and consider, among other things, eliminating the difficult to defend peninsulas and drawing the villages back from the most hazardous wildfire areas. The project as designed would add approximately 20 miles of wildland/urban interface to the City of
Judge Linda Quinn ruled that the failure to adopt open space fuel load management plans made the conclusion that wildfire impacts had been mitigated to a level of insignificance unsupportable. She has ordered the City to re-write the “EIR” section on wildfire impacts.
(Planning and Conservation League Vice President and Board Member Kevin Johnson was on the legal team representing the petitioners. He can be reached at
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