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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Numerous Wind and Solar Power Plants Proposed in Kern County's Desert


...At least 27 wind farms have been proposed in eastern Kern County. The growth is due to several factors. Kern’s wind farms now generate 710 megawatts of wind energy, but that’s expected to grow by an additional 4,500 megawatts in the next decade due to the ongoing construction of Southern California Edison’s Tehachapi Transmission line project.

...There are no utility-scale solar plants in Kern County yet, though dozens have been proposed in the Mojave Desert as part of a massive land grab that’s taken place in recent years. In Kern, four projects are proposed for BLM land and two others are slated for private land in the desert.
The most promising so far is a solar thermal plant near California City proposed by Beacon Solar LLC that would supply electricity to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
eSolar, a solar startup backed by Google, is also planning to build a solar thermal plant in southeast Kern to supply Southern California Edison, according to the utility company. When contacted, eSolar officials declined to comment on the project.

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