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Friday, May 28, 2010

Huge Ranch in South Monterey County is saved

CA Rangeland Trust Receives Gft of 12,500 acre Deer Valley Ranch

excerpted from

San Miguel, CA: A 12,500-acre ranch in southern Monterey County amassed by California inventor Stanton (Stan) Avery has been donated to the California Rangeland Trust, a non-profit, rancher-governed group dedicated to protecting California’s open spaces and ranching heritage.

Deer Valley Ranch is a critical part of a wildlife corridor that connects conservation lands from the Salinas Valley to the San Joaquin. For the past century, it has been a cattle ranching operation, most recently a cow-calf and stocker ranch, with some barley farming in the interior valleys. As a well-managed ranch in the heart of Monterey’s oak savannah landscape, it supports habitat for wildlife such as Tule elk, blacktail deer, bobcat, mountain lion, San Joaquin kit fox, migratory songbirds, California quail, a wide variety of hawks and golden eagles.

“We are enormously grateful for the generosity and foresight that allows us to protect this extraordinary California landscape,” said Nita Vail, Chief Executive Officer. “Our intention is to use this tremendous gift as a springboard to leverage additional funding and protect many, many more ranches throughout California.” The ranch is the largest gift received by the Trust in the organization’s 12-year history....


The Trust intends to sell the ranch to a conservation-minded buyer, and will place a conservation easement on the ranch. They have put the ranch on the market for nearly $10 million.

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