Indexed News on:

--the California "Mega-Park" Project

Tracking measurable success on preserving and connecting California's Parks & Wildlife Corridors


Monday, January 27, 2025

WCB 02/2025

February CA Wildlife Land Deals

WCB Meeting 2/26/2025
10:00 a.m. Natural Resources Building, First Floor Auditorium 715 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814


10 acres: Ross (funds amount uncertain), San Diego County
grant to the Escondido Creek Conservancy to acquire 10± acres located near the city of Encinitas.

74± acres: Silo Hills (funds amount uncertain),, Riverside County
grant to the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority to acquire 74± acres located in the city of Hemet in Riverside County.

State Route 91 B Canyon Wildlife Crossing $10,666,000. Riverside County
grant to Caltrans to upgrade the existing box culvert under State Route 91, whose functionality as a wildlife corridor has been constrained due to a bend in the culvert, ... thus reconnecting a linkage to protected lands between the Chino Hills and the Santa Ana Mountains near the Riverside-Orange County border in Riverside County.



South LA County Habitat Connectivity Masterplan Augmentation $787,000 Los Angeles County.
grant to the Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains for a cooperative project with the Wildlife Conservation Network, County of Los Angeles, and City of Los Angeles to complete high-resolution landscape connectivity models and maps for habitats within the urban and urban-wildland interface, engage stakeholders in urban nature conservation, and develop a physical masterplan for projects that will enhance wildlife corridors in southern Los Angeles County.

I-5 Sierra Madre-Castaic Wildlife Crossing Planning $4,921,000 Los Angeles County
grant to the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority for a planning project that will conduct feasibility and constraints analyses for at least four wildlife crossing locations and to identify at least one priority wildlife crossing that will have Caltrans documentation, environmental review, and 65% designs developed to improve wildlife connectivity. The planning area is a 26-mile stretch of Interstate 5 that runs from State Route 138 south to the northern border of Santa Clarita and bisects protected lands in the Sierra Madre and Castaic ranges in Los Angeles County.



265 acres: Mourier West ($ amount uncertain) Placer County
grant to Placer Conservation Authority, for a cooperative project with Placer County to acquire in fee 265± acres located near Roseville in Placer County.

22 acres: Daugherty Hill Wildlife Area, Expansion 19 (Anderson) $200,000 Yuba County
acquisition of 22± acres of land by CDFW as an expansion of the Daugherty Hill Wildlife Area located near the community of Loma Rica in Yuba County.

212 acres: Anderson River Park Transfer (funds amount uncertain), Shasta County
transfer in fee of 212± acres of land owned by CDFW to the City of Anderson to own, operate, and maintain the property in perpetuity for purposes of public access and habitat conservation in Shasta County.



1218 acres: Richmond Ranch $4,000,000 Santa Clara County
grant to Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency to acquire 1,218± acres located adjacent to the city of San Jose.

98 acres: Ginochio Schwendel $728,000 Contra Costa County
grant to Save Mount Diablo to acquire 98± acres located near Clayton.

Monday, November 18, 2024

SCC 11/2024

Coastal Conservancy Public Meeting in Oakland- November 21

TIME: 10:00 A.M
LOCATION: Elihu M Harris State Building Room 2 – 2nd Floor
1515 Clay St., Room 2, Oakland CA 94612

Zoom (To Make Comments): In addition to in-person participation, remote participation is available to members of the public via Zoom webinar. To participate via Zoom, you must register for the Zoom Webinar at this link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

EAST L.A.: 24. disburse up to $1,131,700 to North East Trees, Inc. to implement the Ascot Hills Resilience Project, which consists of enhancement of at least 33 acres of habitat through the removal of invasive plants and planting of native plants to increase wildfire resilience, within Ascot Hills Park in the City of Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES: 7. Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $10,260,000 to Santa Monica Bay Foundation, known as The Bay Foundation, to undertake the Santa Monica Coastal Habitat Restoration Program, consisting of implementing a suite of nature-based restoration projects to increase the resilience of Santa Monica Bay in Los Angeles County to climate change impacts.



MENDOCINO: 15. disburse up to $2,505,000 to the Mendocino Land Trust to undertake the Bell Point Land Return Acquisition and Coastal Trail Planning Project, which consists of acquiring the 157-acre Bell Point coastal blufftop property in Westport, Mendocino County for the purposes of natural resources and habitat protection and enhancement; open space and California Native American tribal cultural resources protection; and public access and trail recreation compatible with such uses; and to prepare plans, permit applications, initial designs, and environmental review documents for the establishment of 0.8 miles of California Coastal Trail on the property.



SOUTHEAST SF BAY: 17. disburse up to $3,000,000 to The Trust for Public Land to acquire 430 acres of Newark Baylands (Area 4) for the protection and restoration of habitat, public access, the potential creation of an interpretive visitor center, and to the extent compatible with those purposes: education, research, and Native American tribal cultural uses.


NORTHEAST SF BAY 52 ACRES: Consideration and possible authorization to disburse up to $35,985,000 to East Bay Regional Park District to acquire approximately 52 acres at Point Molate in the City of Richmond, County of Contra Costa, to create a regional shoreline park that will protect, and may restore and enhance, open space, natural, scenic, cultural, and historic resources; and that will provide compatible public and California Native American tribal access, including recreational and visitor-serving amenities.

Public Comment 1 P.

Public Comment, 1 P.

Support Letter 2P.

Public Comment 5P.


NAPA 523 ACRES: 20. disburse up to $704,000 to the Land Trust of Napa County to acquire the approximately 523-acre Phinney property. The property will be transferred to the Napa County Regional Park and Open Space District to expand the adjacent Moore Creek Park and for long-term management.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

WCB 2024-11

CA To Buy and Return 14,000 Acres of Sierra Foothills to Tribe, and other land deals

Thursday, November 21, 2024, 10:00 a.m.
Natural Resources Building, First Floor Auditorium, 715 P Street Sacramento, CA 95814
Preliminary Agenda Items

Maps and details:

Hershey Ranch $2,389,475. Tulare County
grant to the Tule River Indian Tribe for a cooperative project with the California Natural Resources Agency to acquire 14,672± acres located near Porterville. Price sought by seller is $14 million

Euer Valley Sustainable Public Access $890,000. Nevada County
grant to Truckee River Watershed Council for a cooperative project with Sierra Nevada Conservancy, State Water Resources Control Board, and Tahoe Donner Association to protect 30 acres of high-quality meadow and stream habitat by promoting sustainable recreational access for local residents and visitors, located on lands owned and managed by Tahoe Donner Association 7 miles northwest of Truckee in Nevada County.

Daugherty Hill Wildlife Area Expansion #18 (Soper) CE $790,200, Yuba County
acquisition of a conservation easement on 878± acres of land by CDFW as an expansion to CDFW’s Daugherty Hill Wildlife Area located near Bangor

Sierra Valley Conservation Area, Expansion 9 (Grashius Phase II) $1,200,000. Plumas County
grant to Feather River Land Trust to acquire a conservation easement on 944± acres of land by CDFW located near Beckwourth



Eel River Wildlife Area, Expansion 7 (Hansen) $420,000. Humboldt County
acquisition of 84± acres of land by CDFW as an expansion to CDFW’s Eel River Wildlife Area located near the community of Loleta

Eel River Wildlife Area, Expansion 6 (Pedrazzini) $680,000 . Humboldt County
acquisition of 136± acres of land by CDFW as an expansion to CDFW’s Eel River Wildlife Area located near the community of Loleta

Lake Earl Wildlife Area (Evans) $214,000. Del Norte County
acquisition of 3± acres of land by CDFW as an expansion to CDFW's Lake Earl Wildlife Area, located near Crescent City



Coyote Valley Landscape Linkage Expansion 1 $5,020,000 Santa Clara County grant to the Santa Clara Open Space Authority to acquire in fee 142± acres located near Morgan Hill

Hoover Ranch $5,090,000. Contra Costa County
grant to John Muir Land Trust to acquire in fee 600± acres near Oakley

Kiser Ranch $4,885,000. Sonoma County
grant to the Sonoma Land Trust for a cooperative project with State Coastal Conservancy to acquire 1,459± acres located near the city of Sonoma



Toro Creek Phase II $3,500,000. San Luis Obispo County
grant to the County of San Louis Obispo for a cooperative project with the State Coastal Conservancy, the Land Conservancy of San Louis Obispo County, and the Cayucos Land Conservancy to acquire 748± acres of land for the protection of coastal sage scrub, oak woodlands, enhancement to the La Panza Range – San Geronimo Corridor, an essential connectivity area, located between Cayucos and Morro Bay in San Luis Obispo County.

Pico Blanco (Esselen) $1,400,000. Monterey County. Grant to Western Rivers and Esselen Tribe of Monterey County to acquire 327± acres located near Big Sur



Skyline North $1,936,558. San Diego County
grant to Endangered Habitats Conservancy to acquire 557± acres located near Jamul

Saturday, September 7, 2024

SCC 6 & 9/2024




MARIN COUNTY 100 ACRES: disburse up to $500,000 to the Town of Fairfax to acquire the approximately 100-acre Wall Property in Marin County

MONTEREY 24 ACRES: disburse up to $79,120 to augment the Conservancy grant authorized on June 1, 2023, which provided funding to the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation to conduct pre-acquisition activities, coordinate with landowners and key stakeholders, acquire a conservation easement over 24 acres along Tembladero Slough, between Castroville and Salinas River State Beach in Monterey County.

MENDOCINO 4566 ACRES: disburse up to $8,500,000 to Save the Redwoods League to repay private loans used to acquire the 3,187-acre DeVilbiss Ranch to facilitate transfer of ownership of the 4,566-acre Lost Coast Redwoods property in northern Mendocino County to the United States Bureau of Land Management.

SOUTH SF BAY 1218 ACRES: disburse up to $1,500,000 to the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency to acquire approximately 1,218 acres of the 3,654-acre Richmond Ranch in Santa Clara County.

L.A. RIVER AND NEWPORT BAY: disburse up to $418,784 to 3 non-profit organizations for three community-based wetland and stream restoration project on approximately 14 acres in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.

Monday, July 22, 2024

WCB 8/2024

Big Redwood Forest Preservation Deal Coming Up On Mendocino Coast

Thursday, August 22, 2024, 10:00 a.m.
Natural Resources Building, First Floor Auditorium, 715 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Agenda summary:


4566 acres: Lost Coast Redwoods project, $8,500,000 Mendocino County
To consider the allocation of a grant to Save the Redwoods League and Bureau of Land Management for the permanent protection of 4,566± acres located seven miles southwest of Leggett in Mendocino County.
Save the Redwoods League acquired Lost Coast Redwoods property for $36.9 million in December 2021. The land is protected from excessive timber harvesting, subdivision, and development. ...With more than 2,250 acres (about 3.5 square miles) of second-growth redwood forest and large old-growth trees scattered throughout . Total size: 3181 acres, Goal: $43.4 million
Soper Company owned this property, known to the company as DeVilbiss Ranch, and managed it for timber production since 1963. For decades the company supported habitat and biodiversity through ethical stewardship and led the timber industry in science-based innovation and land management practices that foster sustainable forests. ….totals 3100 acres
SRL purchased the nearby 401-acre property Cape Vizcaino property in 2008,


WITHDRAWN FROM AGENDA: 120 acres: North Coast Range Fen Conservation Area (Wojcik) $475,000 Humboldt County
To consider the acquisition of 120± acres of land by CDFW as an expansion to CDFW’s North Coast Fen Regional Conservation Area located near Bridgeville in Humboldt County.



96 acres at Big Rock in Mariposa County, $520,000
To consider the allocation for a grant to the American Indian Council of Mariposa County to acquire in fee 96± acres of land located near Mariposa in Mariposa County.

Daugherty Hill Wildlife Area Expansion #17 (Soper) FEE $1,238,900
Yuba County four miles east of Bangor

1585 acres: Willow Creek Ranch Conservation Easement $775,000 Lassen County
To consider the allocation for a grant to California Rangeland Trust for a cooperative project with the Natural Resources Conservation Service to acquire a conservation easement over 1,585± acres, located 17 miles north of Susanville in Lassen County.

691 acres: Upper Carpenter Valley $2,500,000 Nevada County
To consider the allocation for a grant to Truckee Donner Land Trust to acquire in fee 691± acres located three miles northwest of the town of Truckee in Nevada County.



8 acres: Tidewater Day Use Area $2,650,000 Alameda County
To consider the allocation for a grant to East Bay Regional Park District for a cooperative project with the National Park Service, California State Coastal Conservancy, and Alameda County to convert an empty industrial lot to eight acres of bayfront parkland, which will become part of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Regional Shoreline in the city of Oakland in Alameda County




--Ballona Wetlands Drain Removal $575,000 Los Angeles County
To consider an allocation for a grant to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) to remove two reinforced concrete pipelines within the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve in Playa Del Rey, Los Angeles County.

--Ballona Wetlands Tribal Engagement $250,000 Los Angeles County
To consider an allocation for a grant to CDFW to provide engagement with tribal governments and tribal community members to facilitate participation in ongoing actions within the Reserve in Playa Del Rey, Los Angeles County.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

SCC 4/2024

Bay Ridge Trail Preserve is Expanded

disburse up to $1,683,000 to the California Rangeland Trust to acquire a conservation easement over approximately 1,402-acres of Stonier Ranch for the protection of open space, wildlife corridors, viewsheds, natural resources, and grazing lands, in Santa Clara County.

WCB 5/2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024, 9:30 a.m. Natural Resources Building, First Floor Auditorium
715 P Street Sacramento, CA 95814




Trinity Headwaters $12,100,000 Trinity County
grant to Pacific Forest Trust to acquire 10,700± acres located west of Interstate 5 and the city of Mount Shasta, and southeast of the community of Callahan. $1.4M from SNC, $2M from feds

Miner's Creek $2,750,000 Siskiyou County
grant to The Nature Conservancy to permanently protect 389± acres see 12/15/2023 post

Upper Bear Creek Meadows Conservation Easement $4,485,000 Siskiyou County
grant to Siskiyou Land Trust for a cooperative project with CAL FIRE to acquire a conservation easement over 4,768± acres located east of the community of McCloud. $1.2M from CalFire

Parks Creek Ranch $9,300,000 Siskiyou County
grant to The Nature Conservancy to acquire 5,277± acres located five miles from Weed.

Arcanum Ranch $550,000 Mendocino County
grant to Sanctuary Forest to acquire 50± acres located two miles south of the community of Whitethorn.



El Monte Valley (Digenan) $810,000 San Diego County
grant to Lakeside’s River Park Conservancy for a cooperative project with the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) and the County of San Diego to acquire in fee 75± acres located eight miles east of the city of Santee. (Price includes $690k from CNRA for total $1.5M.)
The Property connects the County’s El Monte County Park to the County’s 2,619-acre El Capitan Preserve,

Santa Rosa Hills $347,000 Riverside County
grant to the Oswit Land Trust for a cooperative project with CNRA to acquire in fee 165± acres located one mile east of the city of Hemet. (CNRA is paying $1M, for total price of $1,34M)

Western Riverside MSHCP Johnson $371,000 Riverside County
grant Federal & WCB funds to the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA) to acquire in fee 10± acres located in the city of Hemet. USFWS is paying $690k

Happy Valley $1,400,000 Riverside County
grant $2.6M Federal & WCB funds to the Oswit Land Trust to acquire in fee 639± acres located near Indio Hills.

Palo Verde Ecological Reserve, Expansion 5, $8,000,000 Imperial County
acquisition of 1,971± acres located south of the city of Blythe. Dept of Water Resources paying $2M, $25.5M from Lower Colorado MSCP Consortium



Angeles Linkage $824,000 Los Angeles County
grant to the Trust for Public Land for a cooperative project with the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority to acquire 113± acres located half a mile south of the community of Acton.
RMC paying $1.5M, and CNRA $1M

Follows Camp Ecological Design $2,080,000 Los Angeles County
grant to City of Industry for a project to develop restoration design plans and initiate environmental education programs, located on 118 acres of city-owned land eight miles northeast of the city of Azusa.

Simi Divide - Box Canyon Connector $850,000 Ventura County
grant to Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority for a cooperative project with the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy to acquire 166± acres located near Simi Valley. SMMC paying $385k



Elkhorn Slough Ecological Reserve, Expansion 19, $640,000 Monterey County
To consider the acquisition of 24± acres located near Castroville.

LI Livestock Ranch Conservation Easement $1,056,124 San Benito County
grant to the California Rangeland Trust for a cooperative project with the Bureau of Reclamation to acquire a conservation easement over 1,631±-acres located adjacent to Pinnacles National Park. Bureau of Reclamation paying $980k

Beach Ranch $5,000,000 Santa Cruz County
grant to The Land Trust of Santa Cruz County to acquire 264 ± acres located 2.5 miles southwest of Watsonville. Coastal Conservancy paying $8M, LT of S. Cruz $900k

Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander, Section 6 (La Selva Uplands) $6.1M, Santa Cruz County
grant federal & WCB funds to The Trust for Public Land and The Land Trust of Santa Cruz County as successor grantee for a project to acquire in fee 144± acres located near Watsonville. USFWS paying $3M



Barnett Ranch $1,997,000 Contra Costa County
grant to John Muir Land Trust to acquire 134± acres located in Martinez in Contra Costa County

Morgan Valley Expansion 1 (Aigner) $70,000 Lake County
grant to The Regents of the University of California to acquire 12 ± acres.

Morgan Valley Expansion 2, $30,000 Napa County
grant to The Regents of the University of California to acquire 5± acres.

Tiburon Ridge (Martha) $5,500,000 Marin County
grant to The Trust for Public Land and Marin County Open Space District as successor grantee to acquire 110± acres located in the town of Tiburon. $49M total price; $29m from Marin CO OSD



Western Placer County HCP/NCCP (Redwing Ranch North) $1.1M, Placer County
grant federal & WCB funds to the Placer Conservation Authority, for a cooperative project with Placer Legacy Open Space and Agricultural Conservation Program to acquire in fee 430± acres located near Lincoln. USFWS paying$4.3M, Placer Legacy Program $400k

C & P Conservation Easement $1,410,000 Sutter County
grant to Ducks Unlimited for the acquisition of a conservation easement over 313± acres of land buffering high quality wetlands located on the Sutter National Wildlife Refuge

Island Dairy $11,100,000 Stanislaus County
grant to River Partners to acquire fee title over 482± acres located between the historic San Joaquin River channel and Laird Slough immediately adjacent to the unincorporated community of Grayson.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

SCC 2/2024

Coastal Land Preservation Deals:

From State Coastal Conservancy meeting on 2/15/2024


DEL NORTE: up to $1,300,000 to the Smith River Alliance, of which $500,000 is to conduct pre-acquisition planning activities and minor clean-up actions for beach, dune, wetland, upland, and forested parcels within and in the vicinity of the Pacific Shores Subdivision, adjacent to the Lake Earl Wildlife Area in Del Norte County, and $800,000 is to acquire those same parcels.

83 ACRES IN HUMBOLDT: up to $800,000 to the Mattole Restoration Council for the acquisition of the approximately 83-acre North Fork Mattole property on the North Fork of the Mattole River in Humboldt County



100 ACRES IN CONTRA COSTA: up to $1,230,000 to John Muir Land Trust to acquire the approximately 100-acre Kenneth Gerlack Preserve Property in Contra Costa County. (Total price: $1.23M)

20 ACRES IN SONOMA: up to $600,000 to Sonoma County Regional Parks to acquire approximately 20 acres of non-active railway corridor to complete acquisition of ownership of lands needed to enable future construction of the Sonoma Schellville Trail, Sonoma County. (Additional $2.1M coming from Sonoma county govt agencies)



247 ACRES IN SANTA CRUZ: up to $8,000,000 to the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County to acquire the 247-acre Beach Ranch property at the Pajaro River Estuary in Santa Cruz County. (Additional purchase funds: $5M State Wildlife Conservation Board, & $806k from CA Dept of Conservation.)

12,000 ACRES IN SLO: up to $5,000,000 for planning for the conservation of the 12,000-acre Diablo Canyon Lands located along 14 miles of coastline, owned by PG&E as part of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear power plant which is slated to close in 2030.

27,512 ACRES IN SLO: up to $2,500,000 to the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County to acquire a conservation easement over the 27,512-acre Camatta Ranch in eastern San Luis Obispo County. Total purchase price is $18.7M with additional $10.88M from CA WCB, $5M from CA Dept of Conservation and $327k from LCSLO

280 ACRES IN VENTURA: grant of an amount not to exceed $35,000,000 to The Nature Conservancy to complete permitting and implement the first phase of the Ormond Beach restoration and public access improvement Plan on approximately 280 acres at the eastern side of Ormond Beach
MAP: Exhibit 3: Ormond Beach Restoration and Public Access Plan



150 ACRES-LONG BEACH: land swap involving the transfer of a five-acre parcel owned by Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority to Los Cerritos Wetlands, LLC in exchange for a 150-acre parcel for purposes of natural resource and wetland protection and restoration, open space, and public access.
--Declaration of Deed Restrictions
--Tribal Letters
--Additional Projects Letters

Sunday, January 21, 2024

WCB 2/2024

A Big Land-Saving Deal on the Central Coast

Thursday, February 15, 2024, 9:00 a.m.
Natural Resources Building, First Floor Auditorium, 715 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814




Camatta Ranch Conservation Easement $10,372,600 San Luis Obispo County
grant to The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo for a cooperative project with the State Coastal Conservancy and the Department of Conservation to acquire a conservation easement over 27,512± acres located near Shandon.


Los Banos Wildlife Area, Expansion 10 (Soares) $3,700,000, Merced County
acquisition of 168± acres of land by CDFW as an expansion to CDFW’s Los Banos Wildlife Area located in Los Banos in the San Joaquin River watershed

Malech Ranch Conservation Easement $1,200,000 Santa Clara County
cooperative project with the Moore Foundation and the Wildlife Conservation Network for the acquisition of a conservation easement over 761± acres near the city of Gilroy

CAL FIRE Pacific Union College Forest, Expansion 1 $0 Napa County
acceptance of a conservation easement over 246± acres by CAL FIRE near the community of Angwin 

Mountain Meadows, Expansion 1 (101 Ranch) $950,000 Lassen County
grant to Trust for Public Land for a cooperative project with CDFW and Feather River Land Trust to acquire a conservation easement over 1,827± acres five miles northeast of Westwood.

Magoon and Gill Conservation Easement $3,046,750 Sutter County
grant to Sutter Buttes Regional Land Trust for a cooperative project with the Natural Resources Conservation Service to acquire a conservation easement over the 875-acre Gill and 571-acre Magoon properties, totaling 1,446± acres located east of Robbins

Sweetwater Ridge $7,280,000 Merced County
grant to River Partners to acquire 560± acres located at the southeastern border of the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge and bordered on the west by the San Joaquin River

O’Connell Ranch $6,110,000 Santa Clara County
grant to the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency for the acquisition of The Conservation Fund's 78.3% interest in 1,073± acres near the city of Gilroy

Lakeside Ranch $10,000,000 Santa Clara County
grant to the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency for the acquisition of 1,902± acres located west of the city of Morgan Hill

Upper Truckee River Watershed (Knox Johnson Motel-6) $6,000,000, El Dorado County
grant to the California Tahoe Conservancy for a cooperative project with the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, the Tahoe Fund, the League to Save Lake Tahoe, and the CDFW Watershed Restoration Grants Program for the acquisition of 31± acres of land adjacent to the Upper Truckee River within the city of South Lake Tahoe



Western Riverside MSHCP Samrith $88,069 Riverside County
acquire in fee 20± acres west of the city of Temecula.

Western Riverside MSHCP Johnson $371,000 Riverside County
acquire in fee 10± acres in the city of Hemet.

Monday, November 27, 2023

SCC 11/2023

Coastal Land Purchases on the Agenda Nov. 30
MEETING: 11/30/2023 at 10 Am in the SLO City Council chambers

CAYUCOS/SAN LUIS OBISPO, 748 ACRES: disburse up to $1,500,000 to the Cayucos Land Conservancy to acquire and transfer to San Luis Obispo County 748 acres of land containing Alva Paul Creek for addition to Toro Creek County Park located between Morro Bay and Cayucos

MONTEREY, 84 ACRES: disburse up to $2,750,000 to the Big Sur Land Trust to acquire the 84-acre Hiss Parcel in the City of Monterey

DEL NORTE COUNTY, 9 ACRES: Disburse up to $725,000 to the Elk Valley Rancheria for the acquisition of the 9.19-acre Bush parcel on Crescent Beach, south of Crescent City, in Del Norte County

NAPA, 57 ACRES: disburse up to $2,512,500 for the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to acquire approximately 57 acres of historic tidal marshland within the lower tidal reach of the Napa River in Napa County


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